あなたの純粋な心が 私を包み込む
あなたの温かな言葉が 私を励ます
あなたの強い意志が 私を支える
あなたが与えてくれる 勇気と希望
あなたが示してくれる 道しるべとなる言葉
あなたが与えてくれる 生きる力と勇気
あなたの存在は 私にとってかけがえのないもの
あなたと出会ったことは 私の宝物
あなたと共に過ごした時間こそ 人生の喜び
あなたがくれた 全てのことに、感謝を込めて
あなたのように わたしも強く、未来を彩る
Translate this poem into English
“Honoring and Thanking You”
You are the person I respect
You are the person I admire
You are the person I hold in high esteem
Your pure heart envelops me
Your warm words encourage me
Your strong will supports me
You are the person I trust
You are the person I rely on
You are the person I respect
The courage and hope you give me
The guidance and words that show me the way
The strength and courage to live that you give me
You are the person I admire
You are the person I hold in high esteem
You are the person I respect
Your presence is irreplaceable to me
Meeting you is my treasure
The time spent with you is the joy of my life
You are the person I trust
You are the person I rely on
You are the person I respect
With gratitude for everything you have given me
I too, like you, will be strong and color the future
The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT
You are the one I hold in high esteem
You are the one I deeply admire
You are the one I respect and cherish
Your pure heart embraces me
Your words of warmth uplift me
Your unwavering will supports me
You are the one I entrust
You are the one I rely on
You are the one I hold in high esteem
The courage and hope you instill in me
The guiding words that light my way
The strength and fortitude to live with, that you give me
You are the one I deeply admire
You are the one I respect and cherish
You are the one I hold in high esteem
Your presence is priceless to me
Our meeting is my precious treasure
The moments spent with you bring joy to my life
You are the one I entrust
You are the one I rely on
You are the one I respect and cherish
With gratitude for everything you have given
I too shall be strong and paint my own future.