揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 28





ああ、気が散る こころばかり落ち着かない
虫の声、水音が 痛いくらいに響く
誰かが私を呼ぶ声は とうに遠くなり
鉛色の雲が一つ、また一つと 現れては消える

心の奥に眠る想いが いつしか降り始めて
深い深い闇の底へと また沈んでいく
何もかもが遠のいて あなたの姿だけが
今も脳裏に 強く刻まれている

私は、今日も 自分を奮い立たせる
もうどうしようもない いつもそう思い悩んでばかり
私は一体 何を求めているのだろう
どうしてこんなにも 苦しいのだろう

こんな日もある 人生ってこういうものだろうか
思いっきり息を吐き出し つかの間の休息をとる
自分の小ささを つくづく思い知るが
そんなこと、どうでもいいや もういいや

ああ、気が散る こころばかり落ち着かない
今日は やけに美しい夕暮れだ
空が赤く 火を吹いているようで
胸いっぱいに 深呼吸する

この美しさに、私は ちょっとだけ勇気をもらう
明日はきっと、また頑張れるよ そう思える
何かが解決する そんなわけではないけれど
きっと、一歩ずつ進んでいく そんな思いで、私は生きていく

Translate this poem into English
“Exhale All Your Worries Away”

Oh, my mind is scattered, I can’t seem to calm down
The sound of insects and water echoes painfully
The voice calling out to me has long since faded away
Gray clouds appear and disappear one by one

The feelings buried deep within my heart start to fall like rain
Into the depths of a deep, dark abyss
Everything fades away, except for the image of you
Still vividly engraved in my mind

Today, once again, I motivate myself
Feeling like there’s no way out, always worrying
What is it that I’m looking for?
Why is it so painful?

Are days like this just a part of life?
Exhale with all your might and take a brief rest
Realize how small I am, but it doesn’t matter anymore
Ah, it’s okay

Oh, my mind is scattered, I can’t seem to calm down
Today, the sunset is strangely beautiful
The sky is red, as if it’s breathing fire
I take a deep breath, filling my chest

From this beauty, I gain a little courage
I can believe that I’ll be able to do my best tomorrow
It won’t solve everything, but
With that feeling, I’ll keep taking one step at a time, and continue to live

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Oh, my mind’s in chaos, I can’t seem to calm
Insect chirps and water sounds ringing like harm
The voice of someone calling has long faded away
Grey clouds appearing then disappearing, day by day

Feelings buried deep within, start to descend
Sinking into the darkness, where sorrows never end
Everything’s drifting away, except your silhouette
Engraved deep in my mind, it’s hard to forget

Today I’ll try to motivate myself once again
I worry about things that I know can’t be helped, it’s such a pain
What am I really searching for, why am I in pain?
These questions linger in my mind, driving me insane

Are days like this just part of the game?
I exhale with all my might, and take a momentary break
I realize how small I am, yet it’s all okay
I’ll continue to live, no matter what comes my way

Oh, my mind’s in chaos, I can’t seem to calm
Today’s evening is strangely beautiful, it’s a lucky charm
The sky is red, as if on fire, like a work of art
I take a deep breath and fill my heart

From this beauty, I gain a little bit of courage
I can believe that I can do my best again tomorrow, with a flourish
Things may not be resolved, but I’ll keep on taking steps
And keep on living, with every breath


