TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題33(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



Passage: Voyages of Exploration

The Age of Exploration, spanning from the 15th to the 18th century, was a significant period in world history when European nations embarked on ambitious voyages to discover new lands, establish trade routes, and expand their empires. These voyages were driven by various motivations, including the desire for wealth, fame, religious conversion, and scientific curiosity. The Voyages of Exploration paved the way for significant cultural, economic, and political changes, shaping the modern world as we know it today.

One of the key driving forces behind the Voyages of Exploration was the quest for new trade routes to the East. European nations sought direct access to the highly lucrative spice trade, which was previously monopolized by Middle Eastern and Italian merchants. In particular, the Portuguese, under the leadership of explorers such as Vasco da Gama, successfully sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and established trade links with India and other Asian countries. These new trade routes had a profound impact on European economies, stimulating economic growth, and fostering the rise of powerful trading nations.

Explorers during this era also aimed to expand their empires and spread their influence to new territories. Spain, in particular, funded numerous expeditions to the Americas, led by explorers like Christopher Columbus and Hernán Cortés. These expeditions resulted in the colonization and conquest of vast territories, leading to the establishment of Spanish colonies in the Americas. The colonization process brought significant cultural exchange, as well as the displacement and subjugation of indigenous populations.

Religion played a crucial role in motivating explorers. European powers sought to spread Christianity to new lands, converting indigenous populations to their respective faiths. This missionary zeal was exemplified by figures like Bartolomé de las Casas, who advocated for the rights of indigenous peoples and condemned their mistreatment. However, the spread of religion also had a dark side, as it often went hand in hand with the exploitation and subjugation of native populations.

The Voyages of Exploration were not only driven by economic and religious motives but also by scientific curiosity. Explorers and scholars of the time sought to expand the knowledge of the natural world and unravel the mysteries of the universe. Scientific advancements, such as improved navigational instruments and cartography, were made during these voyages, enabling more accurate mapping of the world. Additionally, naturalists and botanists collected new specimens, documenting new species and contributing to the development of scientific knowledge.

Despite the remarkable achievements and discoveries made during the Voyages of Exploration, they also had devastating consequences. The encounters between different cultures often led to conflicts, exploitation, and the spread of diseases to which indigenous populations had no immunity. The exploitation of resources and the transatlantic slave trade further exacerbated these negative impacts. The consequences of these voyages continue to shape global politics, culture, and social dynamics to this day.

In conclusion, the Voyages of Exploration were a pivotal period in world history, driven by various motivations and resulting in significant cultural, economic, and political changes. These expeditions opened up new trade routes, expanded empires, spread religious ideologies, and contributed to scientific advancements. However, they also had profound negative consequences, including colonization, exploitation, and the spread of diseases. The legacy of the Voyages of Exploration continues to shape our understanding of the interconnectedness of the world and the complexities of historical interactions.


  1. What was one of the key motivations for the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Scientific curiosity
    B. Desire for wealth and fame
    C. Religious conversion
    D. All of the above
  2. Which European nation successfully established trade links with India and other Asian countries?
    A. Spain
    B. Portugal
    C. Italy
    D. England
  3. What impact did the new trade routes have on European economies?
    A. Economic decline
    B. Decreased trading opportunities
    C. Economic growth and development
    D. Increased reliance on Middle Eastern merchants
  4. Who funded numerous expeditions to the Americas?
    A. Christopher Columbus
    B. Vasco da Gama
    C. Hernán Cortés
    D. Spain
  5. What were the consequences of the colonization process during the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Significant cultural exchange and mutual respect
    B. Preservation of indigenous populations
    C. Displacement and subjugation of indigenous populations
    D. Peaceful coexistence between explorers and indigenous peoples
  6. What role did religion play in motivating explorers during the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Spreading scientific knowledge
    B. Expanding empires and territories
    C. Converting indigenous populations to Christianity
    D. Establishing trade routes
  7. What advancements were made in science during the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Improved navigational instruments and cartography
    B. Discovery of new planets
    C. Development of modern medicine
    D. Invention of the printing press
  8. What negative consequences resulted from the encounters between different cultures during the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Mutual understanding and cultural acceptance
    B. Conflict, exploitation, and the spread of diseases
    C. Increased economic opportunities for all parties involved
    D. Technological advancements and cooperation
  9. How did the exploitation of resources impact the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Preservation of natural resources
    B. Conservation efforts
    C. Environmental sustainability
    D. Exacerbated negative impacts on indigenous populations
  10. What continues to shape global politics, culture, and social dynamics to this day?
    A. The legacy of the Voyages of Exploration
    B. Advances in modern technology
    C. Religious conflicts
    D. Economic globalization


  1. What was one of the key motivations for the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Scientific curiosity
    B. Desire for wealth and fame
    C. Religious conversion
    D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Explanation: The passage states that the Voyages of Exploration were driven by various motivations, including the desire for wealth, fame, religious conversion, and scientific curiosity. Therefore, all of the given options are correct.

  1. Which European nation successfully established trade links with India and other Asian countries?
    A. Spain
    B. Portugal
    C. Italy
    D. England

Answer: B. Portugal

Explanation: The passage mentions that the Portuguese, under the leadership of explorers such as Vasco da Gama, successfully sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and established trade links with India and other Asian countries.

  1. What impact did the new trade routes have on European economies?
    A. Economic decline
    B. Decreased trading opportunities
    C. Economic growth and development
    D. Increased reliance on Middle Eastern merchants

Answer: C. Economic growth and development

Explanation: According to the passage, the new trade routes had a profound impact on European economies, stimulating economic growth and fostering the rise of powerful trading nations.

  1. Who funded numerous expeditions to the Americas?
    A. Christopher Columbus
    B. Vasco da Gama
    C. Hernán Cortés
    D. Spain

Answer: D. Spain

Explanation: The passage states that Spain funded numerous expeditions to the Americas, led by explorers like Christopher Columbus and Hernán Cortés.

  1. What were the consequences of the colonization process during the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Significant cultural exchange and mutual respect
    B. Preservation of indigenous populations
    C. Displacement and subjugation of indigenous populations
    D. Peaceful coexistence between explorers and indigenous peoples

Answer: C. Displacement and subjugation of indigenous populations

Explanation: The passage mentions that the colonization process during the Voyages of Exploration resulted in the displacement and subjugation of indigenous populations.

  1. What role did religion play in motivating explorers during the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Spreading scientific knowledge
    B. Expanding empires and territories
    C. Converting indigenous populations to Christianity
    D. Establishing trade routes

Answer: C. Converting indigenous populations to Christianity

Explanation: According to the passage, European powers sought to spread Christianity to new lands, converting indigenous populations to their respective faiths.

  1. What advancements were made in science during the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Improved navigational instruments and cartography
    B. Discovery of new planets
    C. Development of modern medicine
    D. Invention of the printing press

Answer: A. Improved navigational instruments and cartography

Explanation: The passage states that scientific advancements, such as improved navigational instruments and cartography, were made during the Voyages of Exploration.

  1. What negative consequences resulted from the encounters between different cultures during the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Mutual understanding and cultural acceptance
    B. Conflict, exploitation, and the spread of diseases
    C. Increased economic opportunities for all parties involved
    D. Technological advancements and cooperation

Answer: B. Conflict, exploitation, and the spread of diseases

Explanation: According to the passage, the encounters between different cultures during the Voyages of Exploration often led to conflicts, exploitation, and the spread of diseases to which indigenous populations had no immunity.

  1. How did the exploitation of resources impact the Voyages of Exploration?
    A. Preservation of natural resources
    B. Conservation efforts
    C. Environmental sustainability
    D. Exacerbated negative impacts on indigenous populations

Answer: D. Exacerbated negative impacts on indigenous populations

Explanation: The passage mentions that the exploitation of resources during the Voyages of Exploration had negative consequences, including the exacerbation of negative impacts on indigenous populations.

  1. What continues to shape global politics, culture, and social dynamics to this day?
    A. The legacy of the Voyages of Exploration
    B. Advances in modern technology
    C. Religious conflicts
    D. Economic globalization

Answer: A. The legacy of the Voyages of Exploration

Explanation: The passage concludes that the legacy of the Voyages of Exploration continues to shape our understanding of the interconnectedness of the world and the complexities of historical interactions, indicating its ongoing impact on global politics, culture, and social dynamics.











