熟語表現(群動詞)とその語順 英語文法解説 上級編 part 94





【Two- and Three-Word Verbs: Word Order】

In English, there are two- and three-word verbs, also known as phrasal verbs, which consist of a verb and a preposition or adverb (particle). The word order of these verbs can vary, affecting their meaning and usage. Let’s explore the details in this blog-style explanation.

  1. Two-word verbs:
  • Some two-word verbs have a meaning that is different from the separate meanings of their parts:
    • Example: “go over” (meaning: summarize) – “I’ll quickly go over the main points of the report again.”
    • Example: “let out” (meaning: make larger) – “She had to let her dress out because she’d put on weight.”
  • Other three-word verbs are commonly used with an adverb + preposition:
    • Example: “go through with” (meaning: do it) – “Do you think he’s really likely to go through with his threat?”
    • Example: “live up to” (meaning: achieve what was expected) – “The team has failed to live up to earlier expectations.”
  1. Word order in intransitive two-word verbs:
  • Many two-word verbs are usually intransitive and don’t take an object:
    • Example: “grow up” – “He grew up on a farm.”
    • Example: “come to” – “When she came to, she found herself in the hospital.”
  • Additional examples: “crop up,” “fall through,” “get up,” “move off,” “shop around,” “splash out.”
  1. Word order in transitive two-word verbs:
  • The object can come before or after the adverb in many transitive two-word verbs:
    • Example: “try out” – “I want to try out the local food” or “I want to try the local food out.”
    • Example: “clean up” – “She had to clean the kitchen up” or “She had to clean up the mess in the kitchen.”
  • If the object is a pronoun, it must come between the verb and the adverb:
    • Example: “count out” – “You’ll have to count me out” (not “count out me”).
  • Preferred placement of the object after the adverb when the object is long.
  1. Object placement in some transitive two-word verbs:
  • In some cases, the object comes between the verb and the adverb:
    • Example: “tell apart” – “I just couldn’t tell the twins apart.”
  • Additional examples: “catch out,” “hear out,” “order about,” “pull to,” “push to,” “shut up” (meaning: silence), “stand up.”
  1. Object placement following the preposition in some transitive two-word verbs:
  • The object follows the preposition in these verbs:
    • Example: “take after” – “She takes after her mother.”
    • Example: “flick through” – “I flicked through a magazine while I was waiting.”
  • Additional examples: “account for,” “act on,” “approve of,” “call on,” “check into,” “look after,” “provide for,” “result from,” “run into,” “take against.”
  1. Word order in three-word verbs:
  • In most three-word verbs, the object comes after the preposition:
    • Example: “look up to” – “He really looks up to his older brother.”
  • Additional examples: “come in for,” “come up against,” “cut back on,” “look down on,” “put up with.”
  • However, a few three-word verbs usually have the object immediately after the verb, with a second noun or noun phrase following the preposition:
    • Example: “talk out of” – “She tried to talk me out of the plan.”
  • Additional examples: “do out of,” “help on with,” “let in on,” “put down as,” “put up to,” “take up on.”

Understanding the word order of two- and three-word verbs is crucial for using them correctly and conveying the intended meaning. Practice and familiarity with their usage in various contexts will help you master these phrasal verbs effectively.


  1. Two- and three-word verbs: word order
  • Two-word verbs (phrasal verbs):
  • The firemen quickly put out the fire. (= extinguish)
  • She always looks forward to her summer vacation. (= anticipates)
  • The company needs to come up with a new marketing strategy. (= devise)
  • Three-word verbs:
  • The teacher called on the student to answer the question. (= selected)
  • He finally got over his fear of heights. (= recovered from)
  • They have been trying to work out a solution to the problem. (= find)
  1. Many two-word verbs are usually intransitive:
  • Intransitive two-word verbs:
  • The issue came up during the meeting. (= arose)
  • We woke up early to catch the sunrise. (= roused from sleep)
  1. Transitive two-word verbs with object placement:
  • Object before adverb:
  • Can you sort out the documents for me? (= organize)
  • He gathered up all the scattered papers. (= collected)
  • Object between verb and adverb:
  • They couldn’t make out the writing on the sign. (= decipher)
  • She wants to count her savings out. (= separate)
  1. Transitive two-word verbs with object placement:
  • Object between verb and adverb:
  • The detective tried to piece together the clues. (= assemble)
  • I can’t figure out the answer to this math problem. (= solve)
  1. Transitive two-word verbs with object following the preposition:
  • Object following preposition:
  • They provide for their children’s education. (= support financially)
  • The investigation will look into the matter thoroughly. (= examine)
  1. Three-word verbs with object placement:
  • Object after the preposition:
  • He stands up for his beliefs. (= defends)
  • She came in for criticism after her controversial statement. (= received)
  • Object immediately after the verb:
  • They tried to talk him out of quitting his job. (= dissuade)
  • Don’t let her in on the surprise party plan. (= inform)

These examples illustrate the different word order patterns for two- and three-word verbs, including the placement of objects in relation to prepositions and adverbs.


Q. この文法はどうやって使うのでしょうか?

A. 今回文法を活用した会話文を見てみましょう。

Have you heard about Sarah’s new job? She’s going to manage the marketing department.

That’s great news! Sarah has always been very ambitious. I’m sure she’ll live up to the company’s expectations.

Definitely. She’s always been determined to succeed. I hope she doesn’t get overwhelmed with the workload.

Knowing Sarah, she’ll manage to handle it. She’s always been able to sort things out efficiently.

I agree. She’s very organized and knows how to take charge. I’m confident she’ll bring about positive changes in the department.

Absolutely. Sarah has the ability to make a difference and inspire her team. I have no doubt she’ll succeed in her new role.


Q. この記事の要点は?


  1. 二語の動詞:
  • いくつかの二語の動詞は、その単語の意味が単語のパーツの意味とは異なる場合があります。
  • 二語の動詞として使われる例として、「go over」(要約する)や「let out」(大きくする)などがあります。
  1. 自動詞の二語の動詞:
  • 多くの二語の動詞は、自動詞であり、目的語を取りません。
  • 「grow up」や「come to」などがその例です。
  1. 他動詞の二語の動詞:
  • 多くの他動詞の場合、目的語は副詞の前後のどちらに配置することができます。
  • 目的語が代名詞の場合は、動詞と副詞の間に配置する必要があります。
  1. 一部の他動詞の目的語の配置:
  • 一部の動詞では、目的語は動詞と副詞の間に配置されます。
  • 「tell apart」などがその例です。
  1. 一部の他動詞の前置詞の後の目的語:
  • 一部の動詞では、目的語は前置詞の後に続きます。
  1. 三語の動詞の単語の順序:
  • ほとんどの三語の動詞では、目的語は前置詞の後に続きます。
  • 一部の三語の動詞では、目的語は動詞の直後に配置され、その後に二つ目の名詞句が続きます。



「There is/was」の使い方を詳しく知る。






