TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題58(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans. It is caused by the rabies virus, which is transmitted through the saliva of infected animals, most commonly through bites. Once the virus enters the body, it travels through the peripheral nerves to the central nervous system, where it causes inflammation and damage.

Rabies is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans. It primarily affects wild animals, particularly bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. Domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, can also become infected if they come into contact with a rabid animal. In many parts of the world, rabies in dogs is the most common source of human infection.

The symptoms of rabies can vary depending on the stage of the disease. The incubation period, which is the time between exposure to the virus and the onset of symptoms, can range from a few days to several years. During the early stage, the symptoms may include fever, headache, and general malaise. As the disease progresses, neurological symptoms such as anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, and paralysis may occur. In the final stage, known as the “furious” stage, the affected individual may exhibit aggressive behavior, have difficulty swallowing, and experience spasms of the muscles involved in swallowing, leading to the characteristic fear of water.

Diagnosing rabies in humans is based on clinical symptoms and a history of exposure to a potentially rabid animal. Laboratory tests, such as examining samples of saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, or brain tissue, can also be used to confirm the diagnosis. Unfortunately, once clinical signs appear, rabies is almost always fatal. Prompt medical attention following a potential exposure is crucial, as post-exposure prophylaxis can prevent the onset of the disease if administered before the virus reaches the central nervous system.

Preventing rabies in humans involves a combination of vaccination and control measures. Vaccinating domestic animals, particularly dogs, is essential for preventing the spread of rabies. In some countries, oral vaccination programs have also been implemented to control rabies in wildlife populations. Education about the risks of rabies and measures to avoid contact with potentially infected animals, such as avoiding stray animals and reporting animal bites, is also important.

In conclusion, rabies is a deadly viral disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans. It is primarily transmitted through the bites of infected animals and is prevalent in many parts of the world. Understanding the transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention of rabies is crucial for public health efforts to control and eliminate this disease.


  1. How is rabies primarily transmitted?
    A. Through the respiratory system
    B. Through contaminated food and water
    C. Through the bites of infected animals
    D. Through sexual contact
  2. Which animals are most commonly affected by rabies?
    A. Bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes
    B. Dogs and cats
    C. Cows and sheep
    D. Birds and fish
  3. What is the incubation period of rabies?
    A. A few hours
    B. A few days to several years
    C. Several weeks
    D. Several months to a year
  4. What are the neurological symptoms of rabies?
    A. Fever and headache
    B. Anxiety and confusion
    C. Difficulty swallowing and muscle spasms
    D. Aggressive behavior and hallucinations
  5. How is rabies diagnosed in humans?
    A. Based on clinical symptoms and history of exposure
    B. Through blood tests
    C. Through skin biopsies
    D. Based on the presence of fever
  6. What is the final stage of rabies called?
    A. Incubation stage
    B. Furious stage
    C. Paralysis stage
    D. Recovery stage
  7. Can rabies be prevented in humans?
    A. No, there is no prevention for rabies
    B. Yes, by avoiding contact with stray animals
    C. Yes, by drinking boiled water
    D. Yes, by eating a healthy diet
  8. What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of rabies in domestic animals?
    A. Vaccinating them
    B. Isolating them from other animals
    C. Providing them with a balanced diet
    D. Bathing them regularly
  9. What is the first step in the transmission of rabies within the body?
    A. The virus enters the central nervous system
    B. The virus enters the bloodstream
    C. The virus travels through the peripheral nerves
    D. The virus replicates in the salivary glands
  10. What is the recommended action following a potential exposure to rabies?
    A. Wait and observe for symptoms
    B. Seek immediate medical attention for post-exposure prophylaxis
    C. Take over-the-counter medication to alleviate symptoms
    D. Apply antiseptic to the wound


  1. How is rabies primarily transmitted?
    A. Through the respiratory system
    B. Through contaminated food and water
    C. Through the bites of infected animals
    D. Through sexual contact

Answer: C. Through the bites of infected animals
説明: 狂犬病は、感染した動物の噛みつきを通じて主に伝播されます。

  1. Which animals are most commonly affected by rabies?
    A. Bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes
    B. Dogs and cats
    C. Cows and sheep
    D. Birds and fish

Answer: A. Bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes
説明: 狂犬病は、主にコウモリ、アライグマ、スカンク、キツネなどの野生動物によって最も一般的に感染します。

  1. What is the incubation period of rabies?
    A. A few hours
    B. A few days to several years
    C. Several weeks
    D. Several months to a year

Answer: B. A few days to several years
説明: 狂犬病の潜伏期間は、感染から症状が現れるまでの時間で、数日から数年にわたることがあります。

  1. What are the neurological symptoms of rabies?
    A. Fever and headache
    B. Anxiety and confusion
    C. Difficulty swallowing and muscle spasms
    D. Aggressive behavior and hallucinations

Answer: C. Difficulty swallowing and muscle spasms
説明: 狂犬病の神経学的症状には、嚥下困難や筋痙攣が含まれます。

  1. How is rabies diagnosed in humans?
    A. Based on clinical symptoms and history of exposure
    B. Through blood tests
    C. Through skin biopsies
    D. Based on the presence of fever

Answer: A. Based on clinical symptoms and history of exposure
説明: 狂犬病の人間における診断は、臨床症状と感染の経歴に基づいて行われます。

  1. What is the final stage of rabies called?
    A. Incubation stage
    B. Furious stage
    C. Paralysis stage
    D. Recovery stage

Answer: B. Furious stage
説明: 狂犬病の最終段階は「狂暴期」と呼ばれます。この時期には、攻撃的な行動や嚥下困難、水恐怖症などの症状が現れます。

  1. Can rabies be prevented in humans?
    A. No, there is no prevention for rabies
    B. Yes, by avoiding contact with stray animals
    C. Yes, by drinking boiled water
    D. Yes, by eating a healthy diet

Answer: B. Yes, by avoiding contact with stray animals
説明: 狂犬病は、野良動物との接触を避けることによって予防することができます。

  1. What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of rabies in domestic animals?
    A. Vaccinating them
    B. Isolating them from other animals
    C. Providing them with a balanced diet
    D. Bathing them regularly

Answer: A. Vaccinating them
説明: 家畜動物で狂犬病の拡散を防ぐ最も効果的な方法は、ワクチン接種です。

  1. What is the first step in the transmission of rabies within the body?
    A. The virus enters the central nervous system
    B. The virus enters the bloodstream
    C. The virus travels through the peripheral nerves
    D. The virus replicates in the salivary glands

Answer: C. The virus travels through the peripheral nerves
説明: 狂犬病の体内伝播における最初の段階は、ウイルスが末梢神経を通って移動することです。

  1. What is the recommended action following a potential exposure to rabies?
    A. Wait and observe for symptoms
    B. Seek immediate medical attention for post-exposure prophylaxis
    C. Take over-the-counter medication to alleviate symptoms
    D. Apply antiseptic to the wound

Answer: B. Seek immediate medical attention for post-exposure prophylaxis
説明: 狂犬病への潜在的な曝露後は、速やかに医療機関を受診し、曝露後予防策を受けることが推奨されます。










