TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題101(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



The Four Seasons: A Musical Journey through Nature

Music has a unique ability to evoke emotions and paint vivid imagery in the minds of listeners. One of the most iconic musical compositions that beautifully captures the essence of nature’s changing moods is Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons.” This masterpiece, composed in the early 18th century, consists of four violin concertos, each representing a different season of the year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. As listeners delve into the intricate melodies and harmonies of this composition, they embark on a musical journey through the wonders of the changing seasons.


“The Four Seasons” begins with the lively and rejuvenating notes of spring. In this movement, Vivaldi skillfully incorporates cheerful melodies and rapid violin passages, mimicking the sounds of birds chirping and flowers blooming. The music exudes a sense of optimism and new beginnings, capturing the essence of spring’s arrival. Listeners can almost feel the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze as they immerse themselves in the uplifting tunes of this season.


The transition to summer is marked by a dramatic change in the music. Vivaldi portrays the intensity of the summer heat through the use of bold and passionate violin solos. The composition resonates with the energy of summer storms, with thunderous chords and rapid arpeggios depicting the roaring thunder and pouring rain. Despite the fervent atmosphere, there are moments of tranquility, reminding listeners of the calm before the storm. Vivaldi’s portrayal of summer is a testament to his mastery, as he captures both the fierceness and the serenity of this season.


As the music progresses to autumn, there is a noticeable shift in tone. The lively tempo gives way to a more contemplative and melancholic melody. In this movement, Vivaldi reflects the bittersweet nature of autumn, where the vibrant colors of falling leaves are juxtaposed with a sense of impending winter. The music is introspective, inviting listeners to reflect on the passage of time and the cyclical nature of life. Through the soul-stirring harmonies, Vivaldi captures the essence of autumn’s introspection and nostalgia.


The final movement of “The Four Seasons” brings listeners into the icy embrace of winter. Vivaldi’s composition skillfully conveys the harshness of the season through sharp and staccato violin notes, resembling the sound of icy raindrops. The music paints a vivid picture of a winter landscape, with frozen lakes and barren trees. Despite the cold and desolate imagery, there is a certain beauty in the haunting melodies, capturing the quiet majesty of winter. The composition gradually builds in intensity, symbolizing the resilience of life even in the harshest of conditions.

Listening to “The Four Seasons,” one can’t help but marvel at Vivaldi’s ability to encapsulate the spirit of each season in musical form. The composition stands as a timeless tribute to the wonders of nature, reminding listeners of the cyclical beauty of the four seasons.



1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A) The history of classical music
B) Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”
C) The impact of music on emotions
D) Different styles of violin compositions

2. Which season does the first movement of “The Four Seasons” represent?

A) Spring
B) Summer
C) Autumn
D) Winter

3. How does Vivaldi represent summer in his composition?

A) By using slow and melancholic melodies
B) Through bold and passionate violin solos
C) By incorporating sounds of birds chirping
D) Through introspective harmonies

4. What is the tone of the autumn movement in “The Four Seasons”?

A) Lively and optimistic
B) Contemplative and melancholic
C) Fierce and passionate
D) Haunting and desolate

5. Which of the following best describes the winter movement in “The Four Seasons”?

A) Lively and energetic
B) Calm and soothing
C) Harsh and desolate
D) Joyful and celebratory

6. What is the overall mood of the passage?

A) Informative and factual
B) Emotional and reflective
C) Critical and analytical
D) Humorous and light-hearted

7. What does Vivaldi’s composition “The Four Seasons” symbolize?

A) The changing seasons and their impact on nature
B) The evolution of classical music
C) Different styles of violin playing techniques
D) The history of the violin as a musical instrument

8. What emotions does the autumn movement of “The Four Seasons” evoke?

A) Joy and celebration
B) Nostalgia and introspection
C) Fear and anxiety
D) Anger and frustration

9. Which of the following best describes the portrayal of spring in “The Four Seasons”?

A) Melancholic and reflective
B) Lively and rejuvenating
C) Haunting and desolate
D) Calm and soothing

10. What does the passage suggest about Vivaldi’s composition skills?

A) He failed to capture the essence of the seasons
B) He was able to depict the seasons’ moods and characteristics effectively
C) He primarily focused on winter in his composition
D) He was more skilled at composing for other instruments than the violin


  1. B) Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”
  2. A) Spring
  3. B) Through bold and passionate violin solos
  4. B) Contemplative and melancholic
  5. C) Harsh and desolate
  6. B) Emotional and reflective
  7. A) The changing seasons and their impact on nature
  8. B) Nostalgia and introspection
  9. B) Lively and rejuvenating
  10. B) He was able to depict the seasons’ moods and characteristics effectively


四季: 自然を巡る音楽の旅













