
英語長文問題で読み解く地学 TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集





英語長文問題で読み解く地学-30: 地学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く

英語長文で読み解く地学-30 の中身を公開!




1.地殻  – 地球の最も外側に位置する固体の層

2.マントル  – 地殻の下にある厚い岩石の層で、地球の体積の大部分を占める。

3.コア  – 地球の最も内部にある金属の中心部。

4.プレートテクトニクス – 地球の表面がいくつかの大きなプレートに分かれ、これらが動く理論。

5.地質学 – 地球の物質、構造、プロセス、歴史を研究する科学。

6.鉱物 – 固体の無機物質で、特定の化学組成と結晶構造を持つ。

7.サブダクションゾーン – 一つのプレートが別のプレートの下に沈み込む領域。

8.地層 – 地質時代の異なる層を持つ岩石の層。

9.温室効果ガス  – 大気中で熱を保持し、温室効果を引き起こすガス。

10.氷河  – 地表に蓄積した雪が年月を経て圧縮され形成される大量の氷。

11.海洋学  – 海の物理的、化学的、生物的、地質的プロセスを研究する科学。

12.大気圏  – 地球を取り囲むガスの層。

13.気候変動  – 長期にわたる気候の統計的変化。

14.再生可能エネルギー  – 太陽光、風力、水力など、再生可能な自然資源から得られるエネルギー。

15.太陽系  – 太陽と、その周囲を公転する天体(惑星、衛星、小惑星など)の集まり。

16.磁場  – 地球を取り巻く磁力の領域。

17.地磁気逆転  – 地球の磁場の向きが逆転する現象。

18.古生物学  – 絶滅した生物の化石を研究する科学。

19.炭素循環  – 地球上で炭素が生物圏、大気圏、岩石圏、水圏を循環するプロセス。

20.環境保護  – 自然環境を保護し、破壊から守る活動。

21.生物多様性  – ある地域に生息する生物種の多様性。

22.地球科学  – 地球とその多様な自然現象を研究する科学。

23.水循環  – 地球上の水が大気、陸、海を循環するプロセス。

24.エコシステム  – 生物とその生息地を含む相互作用するシステム。

25.氷期  – 地球の気温が長期間にわたって低下し、大規模な氷河が形成される時代。

26.熱帯雨林  – 豊富な降雨に恵まれた熱帯地域の森林。

27.砂漠化  – 土地が乾燥し、砂漠のような状態になる過程。

28.化石燃料  – 地質時代に形成された石炭、石油、天然ガスなど。

29.地球温暖化  – 地球の平均気温の上昇。

30.火山  – マグマが地表に達し、火山灰や溶岩を噴出する自然現象。

1.地殻  – 地球の最も外側に位置する固体の層

The Geological Wonders of the Earth’s Crust

The Earth’s crust, the outermost solid shell of our planet, is a geological marvel that has fascinated scientists and explorers for centuries. It is a complex and dynamic layer that serves as the foundation for all terrestrial life, shaping the landscapes we inhabit and concealing countless treasures beneath its surface.

Composition and Formation
The crust is primarily composed of various types of rocks, including igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic varieties. These rocks are formed through a range of geological processes, each with its own unique characteristics and formation mechanisms.

Igneous rocks, such as granite and basalt, are formed from the cooling and solidification of molten rock material called magma. When magma cools and crystallizes beneath the Earth’s surface, it forms intrusive igneous rocks like granite. Conversely, when magma erupts onto the surface as lava and cools rapidly, it forms extrusive igneous rocks like basalt.

Sedimentary rocks, on the other hand, are formed through the accumulation and compaction of sediments over time. These sediments can originate from various sources, including weathered rock fragments, organic matter, and mineral precipitation. Classic examples of sedimentary rocks include sandstone, limestone, and shale.

Metamorphic rocks, such as marble and slate, are formed when existing rocks undergo substantial changes in their mineral composition and texture due to intense heat and pressure. This transformation process, known as metamorphism, can occur deep within the Earth’s crust or at the boundaries of tectonic plates.

Tectonic Processes and Geological Features
The Earth’s crust is constantly in motion, driven by the powerful forces of plate tectonics. Tectonic plates, which are massive slabs of the crust and upper mantle, slowly move across the Earth’s surface, colliding, separating, or sliding past one another. These movements have profoundly shaped the Earth’s surface over billions of years, giving rise to awe-inspiring geological features.

One of the most spectacular manifestations of tectonic activity is the formation of mountain ranges. When tectonic plates converge, the immense forces involved can cause the Earth’s crust to buckle and uplift, creating towering mountain ranges like the Himalayas, the Andes, and the Rocky Mountains.

On the other hand, when tectonic plates diverge or move apart, it creates a rift or opening in the Earth’s crust. This process is responsible for the formation of mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is continuously created as molten rock material rises from the mantle and solidifies.

Another significant geological feature associated with the Earth’s crust is volcanic activity. Volcanoes are essentially vents or openings in the Earth’s crust that allow molten rock, ash, and gases to escape from the depths of the planet. Volcanic eruptions have played a crucial role in shaping many landscapes, creating iconic features like calderas, lava flows, and volcanic islands.

Resources and Exploration
The Earth’s crust is not only a marvel of geological processes but also a treasure trove of valuable resources. Many essential minerals and natural resources, such as metals, fossil fuels, and gemstones, are found within the crust, making it a vital source of raw materials for various industries and economic activities.

Exploring and understanding the Earth’s crust has been a longstanding endeavor for geologists, miners, and resource explorers. Advanced technologies, such as seismic surveying, drilling techniques, and remote sensing, have revolutionized our ability to study and map the subsurface structures of the crust, aiding in the discovery and extraction of these valuable resources.

Environmental Significance
The Earth’s crust also plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystems. It serves as a reservoir for groundwater, which sustains terrestrial life and facilitates agricultural activities. Additionally, the crust acts as a natural filter, purifying water as it percolates through various rock layers, ensuring a steady supply of clean water for human consumption and environmental preservation.

Moreover, the geological processes that shape the Earth’s crust have a profound impact on the distribution of habitats, climate patterns, and the availability of natural resources, all of which influence the diversity and abundance of life on our planet.

In conclusion, the Earth’s crust is a geological marvel that not only shapes the landscapes we inhabit but also holds the key to understanding our planet’s history and unlocking its vast resources. As we continue to explore and study this dynamic layer, we gain invaluable insights into the intricate workings of our world and the processes that have shaped it over billions of years.

– Crust (地殻)
– Igneous (火成の)
– Sedimentary (堆積の)
– Metamorphic (変成の)
– Magma (マグマ)
– Intrusive (貫入の)
– Extrusive (噴出の)
– Weathered (風化した)
– Precipitation (沈殿)
– Metamorphism (変成作用)
– Tectonic plates (プレート)
– Converge (収束する)
– Diverge (発散する)
– Rift (裂け目)
– Mid-ocean ridge (中央海嶺)
– Caldera (カルデラ)
– Lava flow (溶岩流)
– Seismic surveying (地震探査)
– Remote sensing (リモートセンシング)
– Percolate (浸透する)


1. Which of the following is NOT a type of rock mentioned in the passage?
A. Igneous
B. Sedimentary
C. Metamorphic
D. Volcanic

2. What is the primary process that forms igneous rocks?
A. Accumulation and compaction of sediments
B. Intense heat and pressure on existing rocks
C. Cooling and solidification of molten rock material
D. Weathering and erosion of older rocks

3. Which geological feature is formed when tectonic plates converge?
A. Mid-ocean ridges
B. Calderas
C. Mountain ranges
D. Lava flows

4. What is the main process responsible for the formation of mid-ocean ridges?
A. Convergence of tectonic plates
B. Divergence of tectonic plates
C. Volcanic eruptions
D. Metamorphism of existing rocks

5. Which of the following resources are found within the Earth’s crust?
A. Metals and fossil fuels
B. Gemstones
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

6. What is the role of the Earth’s crust in maintaining the planet’s ecosystems?
A. It serves as a reservoir for groundwater
B. It purifies water through rock filtration
C. It influences the distribution of habitats and climate patterns
D. All of the above

7. Which of the following statements about sedimentary rocks is correct?
A. They are formed from the cooling and solidification of magma
B. They are formed through the accumulation and compaction of sediments
C. They are formed by intense heat and pressure on existing rocks
D. They are formed by volcanic activity

8. What is the primary driving force behind the formation of mountain ranges?
A. Volcanic eruptions
B. Tectonic plate movements
C. Erosion and weathering
D. Metamorphism of existing rocks

9. Which technique is mentioned in the passage for studying and mapping the subsurface structures of the Earth’s crust?
A. Seismic surveying
B. Remote sensing
C. Drilling techniques
D. All of the above

10. According to the passage, what role does the Earth’s crust play in providing clean water?
A. It acts as a natural filter, purifying water as it percolates through rock layers
B. It serves as a reservoir for groundwater
C. It facilitates the distribution of water resources through tectonic processes
D. Both A and B


1. 次のうち、本文で言及されていない岩石の種類はどれですか?
A. 火成岩
B. 堆積岩 
C. 変成岩
D. 火山岩
答え:D. 火山岩

2. 火成岩が主に形成される過程は次のうちどれですか?
A. 堆積物の蓄積と圧密化
B. 既存の岩石への激しい熱と圧力
C. 溶岩の冷却と固化
D. より古い岩石の風化と浸食
答え:C. 溶岩の冷却と固化

3. 構造プレートが収束するときに形成される地質学的特徴は次のうちどれですか?
A. 中央海嶺
B. カルデラ
C. 山脈
D. 溶岩流
答え:C. 山脈

4. 中央海嶺の形成を主に引き起こすのは次のどの過程ですか?
A. 構造プレートの収束
B. 構造プレートの発散
C. 火山活動
D. 既存の岩石の変成作用
答え:B. 構造プレートの発散 

5. 地球の地殻の中に存在する資源は次のうちどれですか?
A. 金属と化石燃料
B. 宝石
C. AとB両方
D. 上記のどれでもない
答え:C. AとB両方







英語長文問題で読み解く地学-30: 地学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く

#地学 #英語 #英語学習 #英語長文問題 #プレートテクトニクス #環境

