
英語長文問題で読み解く天文学 TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集




英語長文問題で読み解く天文学-30: 天文学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



英語長文で読み解く天文学-30 の中身を公開!



1.宇宙 – 全ての物質とエネルギーが存在する広大な空間。
2.銀河 – 数千億の恒星やその他の天体が集まる巨大なシステム。
3.恒星 – 自ら光を放つ巨大なガス球、例として太陽がある。
4.惑星 – 恒星の周りを公転する比較的大きな天体。
5.衛星 – 惑星の周りを公転する天体、例として月がある。
6.ブラックホール – 非常に強い重力を持ち、光さえも逃げられない天体。
7.ビッグバン – 宇宙が極端に高温高密度の状態から膨張し始めた出来事。
8.ダークマター – 直接観測できないが重力効果で存在が示唆される物質。
9.ダークエネルギー – 宇宙の加速膨張を引き起こすとされるエネルギー。
10.超新星 – 恒星の大爆発現象。
11.銀河系 – 私たちの太陽系が属する銀河。
12.アンドロメダ銀河 – 銀河系に最も近い大きな銀河。
13.クエーサー – 極めて明るい遠方の銀河の中心にある天体。
14.惑星系 – 恒星とその周りを公転する惑星の集まり。
15.小惑星 – 主に火星と木星の間に存在する比較的小さな岩石天体。
16.太陽活動 – 太陽の表面で起こる様々な現象、例として黒点やフレアがある。
17.太陽系 – 太陽とその周りを公転する全ての天体の集まり。
18.地球型惑星 – 岩石でできた惑星、例として地球がある。
19.木星型惑星 – ガスでできた巨大な惑星、例として木星がある。
20.太陽風 – 太陽から放出される荷電粒子の流れ。
21.オーロラ – 地球の極地方で見られる光の現象。
22.ハビタブルゾーン – 液体の水が存在可能な惑星の軌道領域。
23.エクソプラネット – 太陽系外の惑星。
24.重力レンズ – 重力場による光の曲がり。
25.ケプラーの法則 – 惑星運動の法則。
26.相対性理論 – アインシュタインによる重力と運動の理論。
27.宇宙論 – 宇宙全体の構造と歴史を研究する学問。
28.銀河団 – 銀河が集まって形成する大規模な構造。
29.恒星間物質 – 恒星間に存在するガスや塵。
30.恒星形成 – ガス雲から恒星が誕生する過程。

1.宇宙 – 全ての物質とエネルギーが存在する広大な空間。

The Cosmic Tapestry: Exploring Our Vast Universe

Our universe is an awe-inspiring expanse of space and time, filled with countless celestial bodies and mysterious phenomena. From the tiniest subatomic particles to the largest galactic superclusters, the cosmos presents a rich tapestry of wonders waiting to be explored and understood.

At the heart of our cosmic neighborhood lies the Sun, a medium-sized star that provides energy and sustains life on Earth. Surrounding the Sun are the eight planets of our solar system, each with its unique characteristics. Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, experiences extreme temperature fluctuations, while Venus is shrouded in thick clouds of sulfuric acid. Earth, our home planet, boasts diverse ecosystems and is the only known world to harbor life. Mars, often called the Red Planet, has long captured human imagination as a potential site for future colonization.

Beyond the inner rocky planets lie the gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is known for its Great Red Spot, a massive storm that has been raging for centuries. Saturn’s most distinctive feature is its beautiful ring system, composed of ice particles and rocky debris. Uranus and Neptune, the ice giants, have unique blue hues due to the presence of methane in their atmospheres.

Venturing beyond our solar system, we encounter a vast array of stellar objects. Stars, like our Sun, come in various sizes and colors, from small, cool red dwarfs to massive, hot blue giants. Many stars host their own planetary systems, called exoplanets, some of which may have conditions suitable for life as we know it.

Stars often group together in clusters, held by their mutual gravitational attraction. Open clusters, such as the Pleiades, contain relatively young stars, while globular clusters are densely packed spherical collections of ancient stars. These stellar groupings are part of even larger structures called galaxies.

Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, is a spiral galaxy containing an estimated 100-400 billion stars. Its spiral arms, visible as a faint band of light stretching across the night sky, are where most star formation occurs. At the center of the Milky Way lies a supermassive black hole, an object so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational pull.

The Milky Way is just one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. These galaxies come in various shapes and sizes, from small, irregular dwarf galaxies to enormous elliptical galaxies. Galaxies often interact and collide, creating spectacular cosmic displays and triggering bursts of star formation.

On the largest scales, galaxies are organized into clusters and superclusters, forming a cosmic web-like structure. Between these structures lie vast, nearly empty regions called voids. This large-scale structure of the universe is believed to be shaped by the mysterious forces of dark matter and dark energy, which together make up about 95% of the universe’s content but remain poorly understood.

The study of the universe, known as cosmology, seeks to understand its origin, evolution, and ultimate fate. The prevailing theory, the Big Bang model, suggests that the universe began as an infinitely dense point about 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since. This expansion is evidenced by the observed redshift of distant galaxies and the detection of cosmic microwave background radiation, the afterglow of the early universe.

As our technology and understanding advance, we continue to make remarkable discoveries about the cosmos. From the detection of gravitational waves to the exploration of potentially habitable exoplanets, each new finding adds another thread to the intricate tapestry of our universe. The journey of cosmic exploration is far from over, and the mysteries that lie ahead promise to challenge and inspire us for generations to come.


  1. Celestial (天体の): Relating to the sky or outer space
  2. Galactic superclusters (銀河超団): Enormous groups of galaxy clusters
  3. Subatomic particles (素粒子): Particles smaller than atoms
  4. Sulfuric acid (硫酸): A strong, corrosive acid
  5. Ecosystems (生態系): Communities of living organisms and their environment
  6. Colonization (植民地化): The process of establishing a colony
  7. Gas giants (巨大ガス惑星): Large planets primarily composed of hydrogen and helium
  8. Methane (メタン): A colorless, odorless gas composed of carbon and hydrogen
  9. Exoplanets (系外惑星): Planets orbiting stars other than the Sun
  10. Gravitational attraction (重力的引力): The force that attracts objects with mass towards each other
  11. Globular clusters (球状星団): Densely packed, spherical collections of old stars
  12. Supermassive black hole (超大質量ブラックホール): An extremely large black hole found at the center of most galaxies
  13. Observable universe (観測可能な宇宙): The portion of the universe that can be seen from Earth
  14. Dark matter (暗黒物質): Invisible matter that interacts through gravity but not electromagnetically
  15. Dark energy (暗黒エネルギー): A mysterious force causing the accelerated expansion of the universe
  16. Cosmology (宇宙論): The study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe
  17. Big Bang model (ビッグバン理論): The prevailing theory of the origin of the universe
  18. Redshift (赤方偏移): The increase in wavelength of light from distant galaxies, indicating expansion of the universe
  19. Cosmic microwave background radiation (宇宙マイクロ波背景放射): Electromagnetic radiation left over from the early universe
  20. Gravitational waves (重力波): Ripples in the curvature of spacetime caused by accelerating massive objects


  1. What is the primary source of energy for life on Earth?
    A) Jupiter
    B) The Sun
    C) Mars
    D) Venus
  2. Which planet is known for its prominent ring system?
    A) Neptune
    B) Uranus
    C) Jupiter
    D) Saturn
  3. What causes the blue color of Uranus and Neptune?
    A) Water ice
    B) Methane in their atmospheres
    C) Sulfuric acid clouds
    D) Hydrogen gas
  4. Which of the following is NOT a type of galaxy mentioned in the passage?
    A) Spiral galaxy
    B) Elliptical galaxy
    C) Rectangular galaxy
    D) Irregular dwarf galaxy
  5. What is the estimated number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy?
    A) 1-10 million
    B) 1-5 billion
    C) 100-400 billion
    D) 1-10 trillion
  6. What phenomenon provides evidence for the expansion of the universe?
    A) The Great Red Spot on Jupiter
    B) The redshift of distant galaxies
    C) The blue color of Neptune
    D) The rings of Saturn
  7. According to the passage, what percentage of the universe’s content is made up of dark matter and dark energy combined?
    A) About 50%
    B) About 75%
    C) About 95%
    D) About 25%
  8. Which theory suggests that the universe began as an infinitely dense point?
    A) The Steady State theory
    B) The Big Bang model
    C) The Multiverse theory
    D) The Static Universe theory
  9. What is the age of the universe according to the passage?
    A) About 4.5 billion years
    B) About 13.8 billion years
    C) About 100 billion years
    D) About 20 billion years
  10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a recent discovery or area of study in cosmology?
    A) Detection of gravitational waves
    B) Exploration of potentially habitable exoplanets
    C) Discovery of a new fundamental particle
    D) Study of cosmic microwave background radiation


  1. 地球上の生命にとって主要なエネルギー源は何ですか?
    A) 木星
    B) 太陽
    C) 火星
    D) 金星

答え: B) 太陽

説明: 本文で述べられているように、太陽は地球上の生命にエネルギーを提供し、生命を維持する中心的な役割を果たしています。

  1. どの惑星が顕著な環系で知られていますか?
    A) 海王星
    B) 天王星
    C) 木星
    D) 土星

答え: D) 土星

説明: 本文では、土星の最も特徴的な特徴として美しい環系が挙げられており、これは氷の粒子と岩石の破片で構成されていると説明されています。

  1. 天王星と海王星の青い色の原因は何ですか?
    A) 水の氷
    B) 大気中のメタン
    C) 硫酸の雲
    D) 水素ガス

答え: B) 大気中のメタン

説明: 本文によると、天王星と海王星の独特の青い色は、大気中にメタンが存在するためだと説明されています。

  1. 以下のうち、本文で言及されていない銀河の種類はどれですか?
    A) 渦巻銀河
    B) 楕円銀河
    C) 長方形銀河
    D) 不規則矮小銀河

答え: C) 長方形銀河

説明: 本文では渦巻銀河、楕円銀河、不規則矮小銀河について言及されていますが、長方形銀河については触れられていません。

  1. 天の川銀河の星の数はいくつと推定されていますか?
    A) 100万-1000万
    B) 10億-50億
    C) 1000億-4000億
    D) 1兆-10兆

答え: C) 1000億-4000億

説明: 本文によると、天の川銀河には推定で1000億から4000億の星が含まれているとされています。







英語長文問題で読み解く天文学-30: 天文学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



