
英語長文問題で読み解く植物学 TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集





英語長文問題で読み解く植物学-30: 植物学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



英語長文で読み解く植物学-30 の中身を公開!



1.植物学 – 植物の構造、機能、成長、進化、分類を研究する学問。
2.光合成 – 植物が光エネルギーを利用して二酸化炭素と水から有機物を合成するプロセス。
3.葉緑体 – 植物細胞内で光合成を行うオルガネラ。
4.種子 – 植物の繁殖単位で、新しい個体を発生させる。
5.胚 – 種子内にある若い植物体。
6.双子葉植物 – 二枚の子葉を持つ植物群。
7.単子葉植物 – 一枚の子葉を持つ植物群。
8.種子植物 – 種子を生成する植物。
9.被子植物 – 花と果実を持つ種子植物。
10.裸子植物 – 種子を持つが、果実を持たない植物。
11.シダ植物 – 種子を持たないが、胞子で繁殖する植物群。
12.苔類 – 非維管束植物で、主に湿潤な環境に生育する。
13.維管束 – 植物の内部で水分や栄養分を運ぶ組織。
14.蒸散 – 植物の表面から水が蒸発する現象。
15.光屈性 – 植物が光に向かって成長する性質。
16.重力屈性 – 植物が重力の方向に反応して成長する性質。
17.植物ホルモン – 植物の成長や発達を調節する化学物質。
18.オーキシン – 植物の成長を促進する主要なホルモン。
19.ジベレリン – 種子の発芽や茎の伸長を促進するホルモン。
20.エチレン – 果実の成熟や落葉を促進するホルモン。
21.アブシジン酸 – 種子の休眠や乾燥耐性を誘導するホルモン。
22.植物解剖学 – 植物の内部構造を研究する分野。
23.植物生態学 – 植物と環境との相互作用を研究する分野。
24.植物遺伝学 – 植物の遺伝子や遺伝の仕組みを研究する分野。
25.遺伝子組み換え作物 – 遺伝子工学を用いて作られた作物。
26.共生 – 植物と他の生物が互いに利益を得る関係。
27.アレロパシー – 植物が他の植物の成長を阻害する物質を放出する現象。
28.菌根 – 植物の根と共生する菌類。
29.寄生植物 – 他の植物に寄生して栄養を得る植物。
30.植物多様性 – 植物の多様性とそれを維持するための研究。

1.植物学 – 植物の構造、機能、成長、進化、分類を研究する学問。

The Fascinating World of Botany: Understanding Plant Life

Botany, the scientific study of plants, is a captivating field that explores the diverse world of flora around us. From tiny mosses to towering sequoias, plants play a crucial role in our ecosystem and daily lives. This branch of biology focuses on understanding plant structure, growth, reproduction, and how they interact with their environment.

At its core, botany examines the fundamental aspects of plant life. One of the key areas of study is plant anatomy, which looks at the internal structures of plants. For example, leaves contain specialized cells called chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis – the process by which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into energy and oxygen. This remarkable ability not only sustains plant life but also provides the oxygen we breathe and forms the basis of most food chains on Earth.

Plant physiology is another important aspect of botany. It investigates how plants function and respond to their environment. For instance, plants have developed various adaptations to survive in different climates. Cacti, found in arid regions, have thick, waxy skin to reduce water loss and spines instead of leaves to minimize surface area. In contrast, water lilies have large, flat leaves that float on water surfaces to maximize sunlight exposure.

Botanists also study plant taxonomy, the classification and naming of plant species. This field helps us understand the relationships between different plants and their evolutionary history. For example, despite their different appearances, tomatoes and potatoes belong to the same family, Solanaceae, due to similarities in their flower structure and genetic makeup.

The study of plant ecology is crucial in understanding how plants interact with their environment and other organisms. For instance, the relationship between fig trees and fig wasps is a fascinating example of coevolution. These trees rely on specific species of wasps for pollination, while the wasps depend on the figs for their life cycle. This intricate relationship has developed over millions of years.

Botany has numerous practical applications in our daily lives. Agriculture, a field closely related to botany, focuses on cultivating plants for food, fibers, and other uses. Botanical knowledge has led to the development of drought-resistant crops, helping to address food security issues in many parts of the world. Additionally, many medicines are derived from plants. For example, the painkiller morphine comes from opium poppies, and the anti-cancer drug Taxol is extracted from the Pacific yew tree.

In recent years, botany has become increasingly important in addressing global challenges. Plant research is crucial in understanding and mitigating the effects of climate change. For instance, studying how certain plants adapt to extreme conditions can help develop strategies for preserving biodiversity and ensuring food security in a changing climate.

Botany also plays a significant role in conservation efforts. By understanding the specific needs of endangered plant species, botanists can develop effective strategies to protect them. The preservation of plant biodiversity is not only important for maintaining ecosystem balance but also for potential future discoveries in medicine and agriculture.

As we continue to face environmental challenges, the importance of botany in our lives becomes increasingly evident. From providing the air we breathe to the food we eat, plants are fundamental to our existence. The study of botany helps us appreciate the complexity and beauty of the plant world while also providing solutions to some of our most pressing global issues.


  1. Botany (植物学) – The scientific study of plants.
  2. Flora (植物相) – The plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period.
  3. Ecosystem (生態系) – A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  4. Chloroplasts (葉緑体) – Organelles in plant cells where photosynthesis occurs.
  5. Photosynthesis (光合成) – The process by which plants use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.
  6. Adaptation (適応) – A change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.
  7. Taxonomy (分類学) – The science of naming, describing, and classifying organisms into groups.
  8. Solanaceae (ナス科) – A family of flowering plants that includes potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants.
  9. Coevolution (共進化) – The process by which two or more species reciprocally affect each other’s evolution.
  10. Agriculture (農業) – The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for growing crops and rearing animals.


  1. What is the main focus of botany?
    a) Studying animals
    b) Studying plants
    c) Studying rocks
    d) Studying the atmosphere
  2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a branch of botany in the passage?
    a) Plant anatomy
    b) Plant physiology
    c) Plant taxonomy
    d) Plant genetics
  3. What is the function of chloroplasts in plants?
    a) To store water
    b) To conduct photosynthesis
    c) To support the plant structure
    d) To absorb nutrients from the soil
  4. According to the passage, why do cacti have spines instead of leaves?
    a) To attract pollinators
    b) To store water
    c) To minimize surface area
    d) To protect against predators
  5. What does the example of fig trees and fig wasps illustrate?
    a) Plant taxonomy
    b) Coevolution
    c) Photosynthesis
    d) Agricultural practices
  6. How does botany contribute to medicine?
    a) By developing new surgical techniques
    b) By studying animal behavior
    c) By discovering plant-derived drugs
    d) By improving hospital management
  7. What is one way botany is addressing global challenges?
    a) By developing new technologies for space exploration
    b) By studying plant adaptations to extreme conditions
    c) By creating artificial intelligence
    d) By improving transportation systems
  8. Why is the preservation of plant biodiversity important according to the passage?
    a) It only benefits the tourism industry
    b) It helps maintain ecosystem balance and potential future discoveries
    c) It is not important according to the passage
    d) It only matters for aesthetic reasons
  9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a practical application of botany?
    a) Agriculture
    b) Medicine
    c) Conservation
    d) Architecture
  10. How does the passage describe the relationship between botany and climate change?
    a) Botany is unrelated to climate change
    b) Botany is causing climate change
    c) Botany helps in understanding and mitigating the effects of climate change
    d) Climate change is making botany obsolete


  1. 植物学の主な焦点は何ですか?
    a) 動物の研究
    b) 植物の研究
    c) 岩石の研究
    d) 大気の研究

答え:b) 植物の研究

  1. 以下のうち、本文で植物学の分野として言及されていないのはどれですか?
    a) 植物解剖学
    b) 植物生理学
    c) 植物分類学
    d) 植物遺伝学

答え:d) 植物遺伝学

  1. 植物の葉緑体の機能は何ですか?
    a) 水を貯蔵する
    b) 光合成を行う
    c) 植物の構造を支える
    d) 土壌から栄養を吸収する

答え:b) 光合成を行う

  1. 本文によると、サボテンが葉の代わりに棘を持つ理由は何ですか?
    a) 受粉者を引き寄せるため
    b) 水を貯蔵するため
    c) 表面積を最小限に抑えるため
    d) 捕食者から身を守るため

答え:c) 表面積を最小限に抑えるため

  1. イチジクの木とイチジクコバチの例は何を説明していますか?
    a) 植物分類学
    b) 共進化
    c) 光合成
    d) 農業の実践

答え:b) 共進化







英語長文問題で読み解く植物学-30: 植物学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



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