
英語長文問題で読み解く行動分析学 TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集







英語長文問題で読み解く行動分析学-30: 行動分析学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



英語長文で読み解く行動分析学-30 の中身を公開!



1.行動分析学 – 行動の法則を研究し、その原則を応用する学問。
2.オペラント条件づけ – 行動がその結果によって変化するプロセス。
3.古典的条件付け – 中性刺激が条件刺激として機能し、特定の反応を引き起こすようになる学習の形式。
4.強化 – 行動の頻度を増加させる結果や出来事。
5.罰 – 行動の頻度を減少させる結果や出来事。
6.消去 – 強化されていた行動を無視することで、その行動が減少すること。
7.連鎖 – 複数の行動を順序立てて行わせる学習方法。
8.強化スケジュール – 強化子が与えられる頻度やタイミングを規定するルール。
9.連続強化 – すべての望ましい行動に対して強化を与えるスケジュール。
10.間欠強化 – すべての行動に強化を与えず、部分的に強化するスケジュール。
11.弁別 – 特定の刺激に対してのみ反応すること。
12.般化 – 類似した刺激に対しても同様の反応を示すこと。
13.シェーピング – 目標行動に近づくように徐々に行動を強化する方法。
14.モデリング – 他者の行動を観察し、その行動を模倣する学習方法。
15.観察学習 – 他者の行動とその結果を観察して学習すること。
16.自己管理 – 自己の行動を制御し、望ましい結果を達成する技術。
17.機能分析 – 行動の機能や原因を明らかにするための分析。
18.行動修正 – 行動を変えるための技法やプログラム。
19.ABC分析 – 行動(Behavior)、それを引き起こす先行事象(Antecedent)、およびその結果(Consequence)を分析する方法。
20.機能的行動評価 – 問題行動の原因や機能を特定するための評価プロセス。
21.行動干渉 – 問題行動を減少させるための具体的な介入方法。
22.自己強化 – 自らの行動に対して自分で報酬を与えること。
23.適応行動 – 環境に適応するための有用な行動。
24.不適応行動 – 環境に適応できず、問題を引き起こす行動。
25.社会的強化 – 他者からの承認や褒め言葉などを通じて行動が強化されること。
26.系統的脱感作 – 恐怖や不安の反応を徐々に軽減する方法。
27.反応代替 – 問題行動を望ましい行動に置き換える技術。
28.前兆制御 – 問題行動が発生する前に環境を調整して行動を制御する方法。
29.行動モメンタム – 高い確率で成功する行動を行った後に難しい行動を行うことで、難しい行動の成功率を高める方法。
30.自己教示 – 自分に対する指示を用いて行動をコントロールする方法。

1.行動分析学 – 行動の法則を研究し、その原則を応用する学問。

Understanding Behavior Analysis: Principles and Applications

Behavior Analysis is a scientific approach to understanding why people and animals behave the way they do. It focuses on observable behaviors and the environmental factors that influence them. This field of study has its roots in the work of psychologists like B.F. Skinner, who developed the concept of operant conditioning.

At its core, Behavior Analysis is based on the principle that behaviors are shaped by their consequences. This means that actions that lead to positive outcomes are more likely to be repeated, while those that result in negative consequences are less likely to occur again. For example, if a child receives praise for cleaning their room, they are more likely to repeat this behavior in the future.

One of the key concepts in Behavior Analysis is reinforcement. Positive reinforcement involves adding a desirable stimulus after a behavior to increase its likelihood of occurrence. Negative reinforcement, on the other hand, involves removing an unpleasant stimulus to encourage a behavior. For instance, a teacher might use positive reinforcement by giving stickers to students who complete their homework, or negative reinforcement by removing extra assignments when students consistently turn in their work on time.

Another important aspect of Behavior Analysis is the ABC model: Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence. Antecedents are the events or circumstances that occur before a behavior, while consequences are the results that follow. By examining these components, behavior analysts can understand why certain behaviors occur and how to modify them.

Behavior Analysis has numerous practical applications in various fields. In education, it is used to develop effective teaching strategies and manage classroom behavior. For example, a teacher might use a token economy system, where students earn points for good behavior that can be exchanged for rewards. This approach applies the principles of positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors in the classroom.

In healthcare, Behavior Analysis is employed to treat various conditions, including autism spectrum disorders and behavioral addictions. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is widely used to help children with autism develop communication skills and reduce problematic behaviors. For instance, a therapist might use discrete trial training, breaking down complex skills into smaller, manageable steps and reinforcing each successful attempt.

Behavior Analysis also plays a significant role in organizational behavior management. Companies use these principles to improve employee performance and workplace safety. For example, a manufacturing plant might implement a safety incentive program, rewarding employees for following proper safety procedures and maintaining accident-free workdays.

In recent years, Behavior Analysis has expanded into areas such as environmental conservation and public health. Researchers use behavioral principles to encourage eco-friendly behaviors like recycling or energy conservation. Public health campaigns often employ behavior analytic strategies to promote healthy habits, such as handwashing during flu season or wearing seatbelts while driving.

While Behavior Analysis has proven effective in many areas, it is not without criticism. Some argue that its focus on observable behaviors neglects internal mental states and emotions. However, modern behavior analysts increasingly consider cognitive processes in their work, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior.

In conclusion, Behavior Analysis offers a scientific approach to understanding and modifying behavior across various contexts. By focusing on the relationship between behavior and environmental factors, it provides valuable insights and practical strategies for addressing a wide range of human and animal behaviors. As research in this field continues to evolve, Behavior Analysis will likely play an increasingly important role in shaping our understanding of behavior and developing effective interventions in numerous areas of life.


  1. Behavior Analysis (行動分析学): The scientific study of behavior and its relationship with the environment.
  2. Observable behaviors (観察可能な行動): Actions that can be seen and measured objectively.
  3. Operant conditioning (オペラント条件付け): A learning process where behaviors are modified through reinforcement or punishment.
  4. Reinforcement (強化): The process of increasing the likelihood of a behavior occurring again.
  • Positive reinforcement (正の強化): Adding a desirable stimulus to increase behavior.
  • Negative reinforcement (負の強化): Removing an unpleasant stimulus to increase behavior.
  1. ABC model (ABC モデル): Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence – a framework for understanding behavior.
  • Antecedent (先行条件): Events or circumstances occurring before a behavior.
  • Consequence (結果): The outcome that follows a behavior.
  1. Token economy (トークンエコノミー): A behavior modification technique using tokens as rewards for desired behaviors.
  2. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) (応用行動分析学): The application of behavior analysis principles to real-world situations.
  3. Discrete trial training (個別指導訓練): A teaching method that breaks down skills into smaller components.
  4. Organizational behavior management (組織行動管理): The application of behavior analysis in workplace settings.
  5. Environmental conservation (環境保護): The protection and preservation of the natural environment.


  1. What is the main focus of Behavior Analysis?
    a) Internal thoughts and feelings
    b) Observable behaviors and environmental factors
    c) Genetic predispositions
    d) Cultural influences
  2. Which psychologist is mentioned as developing the concept of operant conditioning?
    a) Sigmund Freud
    b) Carl Jung
    c) B.F. Skinner
    d) Ivan Pavlov
  3. According to the passage, what is the principle behind behavior shaping?
    a) Behaviors are solely determined by genetics
    b) Behaviors are shaped by their consequences
    c) Behaviors are random and unpredictable
    d) Behaviors are only influenced by childhood experiences
  4. What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement?
    a) Positive reinforcement is always better than negative reinforcement
    b) Negative reinforcement involves punishment
    c) Positive reinforcement adds a stimulus, while negative reinforcement removes one
    d) There is no difference between the two
  5. What does the ABC model in Behavior Analysis stand for?
    a) Always Be Controlling
    b) Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
    c) Analysis, Behavior, Correction
    d) Attitude, Belief, Change
  6. In the educational context, what is an example of applying Behavior Analysis principles?
    a) Giving surprise tests
    b) Using a token economy system
    c) Assigning more homework
    d) Implementing longer school hours
  7. How is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) used in healthcare?
    a) To prescribe medication
    b) To perform surgery
    c) To treat autism spectrum disorders
    d) To diagnose physical illnesses
  8. What is an example of Behavior Analysis in organizational settings?
    a) Implementing a dress code
    b) Increasing working hours
    c) Implementing a safety incentive program
    d) Reducing employee salaries
  9. According to the passage, how has Behavior Analysis expanded in recent years?
    a) It has become limited to psychology only
    b) It has expanded into areas such as environmental conservation and public health
    c) It has been completely replaced by cognitive psychology
    d) It has focused solely on animal behavior
  10. What criticism of Behavior Analysis is mentioned in the passage?
    a) It is too complex to understand
    b) It is not applicable in real-world situations
    c) It focuses too much on internal mental states
    d) It neglects internal mental states and emotions


  1. 行動分析学の主な焦点は何ですか?
    a) 内的思考と感情
    b) 観察可能な行動と環境要因
    c) 遺伝的素因
    d) 文化的影響

答え:b) 観察可能な行動と環境要因

説明:パッセージの冒頭で、「Behavior Analysis is a scientific approach to understanding why people and animals behave the way they do. It focuses on observable behaviors and the environmental factors that influence them.」(行動分析学は、人々や動物がなぜそのように振る舞うのかを理解するための科学的アプローチです。それは観察可能な行動とそれらに影響を与える環境要因に焦点を当てています。)と述べられています。

  1. オペラント条件付けの概念を発展させた心理学者として誰が言及されていますか?
    a) シグムンド・フロイト
    b) カール・ユング
    c) B.F.スキナー
    d) イワン・パブロフ

答え:c) B.F.スキナー

説明:パッセージには、「This field of study has its roots in the work of psychologists like B.F. Skinner, who developed the concept of operant conditioning.」(この研究分野は、オペラント条件付けの概念を発展させたB.F.スキナーのような心理学者の研究に起源があります。)と記されています。

  1. パッセージによると、行動形成の背後にある原理は何ですか?
    a) 行動は遺伝子によってのみ決定される
    b) 行動はその結果によって形成される
    c) 行動はランダムで予測不可能である
    d) 行動は幼少期の経験によってのみ影響される

答え:b) 行動はその結果によって形成される

説明:パッセージには、「At its core, Behavior Analysis is based on the principle that behaviors are shaped by their consequences.」(その核心において、行動分析学は行動がその結果によって形成されるという原理に基づいています。)と述べられています。

  1. 正の強化と負の強化の違いは何ですか?
    a) 正の強化は常に負の強化より優れている
    b) 負の強化には罰が含まれる
    c) 正の強化は刺激を加え、負の強化は刺激を取り除く
    d) 両者に違いはない

答え:c) 正の強化は刺激を加え、負の強化は刺激を取り除く

説明:パッセージでは、「Positive reinforcement involves adding a desirable stimulus after a behavior to increase its likelihood of occurrence. Negative reinforcement, on the other hand, involves removing an unpleasant stimulus to encourage a behavior.」(正の強化は、行動の後に望ましい刺激を加えてその発生確率を高めることを含みます。一方、負の強化は、行動を促すために不快な刺激を取り除くことを含みます。)と説明されています。

  1. 行動分析学におけるABCモデルは何の略ですか?
    a) Always Be Controlling
    b) Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
    c) Analysis, Behavior, Correction
    d) Attitude, Belief, Change

答え:b) Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence

説明:パッセージには、「Another important aspect of Behavior Analysis is the ABC model: Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence.」(行動分析学のもう一つの重要な側面は、ABCモデル:先行条件、行動、結果です。)と明確に記されています。








英語長文問題で読み解く行動分析学-30: 行動分析学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



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