
英語長文問題で読み解く人間脳科学 TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集





英語長文問題で読み解く人間脳科学-30: 人間脳科学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



英語長文で読み解く人間脳科学-30 の中身を公開!



1.脳神経科学 – 脳と神経系の構造や機能を研究する学問。
2.ニューロン – 脳や神経系の基本的な細胞単位で、情報伝達を行う。
3.シナプス – ニューロン同士が接続し、情報を伝達する部位。
4.神経伝達物質 – シナプスでニューロン間の信号を伝える化学物質。
5.前頭前野 – 高次認知機能や意思決定に関わる脳の領域。
6.海馬 – 記憶の形成と空間認識に重要な脳の領域。
7.大脳皮質 – 高次の知覚、思考、運動機能を司る脳の外層。
8.基底核 – 運動制御や習慣形成に関与する脳の深部構造。
9.アセチルコリン – 記憶や学習、筋肉の活動を調節する神経伝達物質。
10.ニューロプラスティシティ – 脳が経験や学習によって変化する能力。
11.ミエリン – ニューロンの軸索を覆い、神経信号の伝達を速める脂質層。
12.グリア細胞 – ニューロンを支え、保護する役割を持つ脳の細胞。
13.神経回路 – 特定の機能を持つニューロンのネットワーク。
14.脳内報酬系 – 報酬や快感を処理する脳のネットワーク。
15.意識 – 自己や外界に対する気づきや認識の状態。
16.認知機能 – 記憶、注意、言語、問題解決などの知的能力。
17.情動 – 感情や感覚に関連する心理的・生理的な反応。
18.ストレス反応 – ストレスに対する生理的な適応反応。
19.記憶形成 – 経験や情報を長期記憶に保存する過程。
20.感覚運動統合 – 感覚情報を元に運動を調整するプロセス。
21.睡眠 – 脳と体が回復するための自然な休息状態。
22.潜在記憶 – 意識的に思い出せないが行動に影響を与える記憶。
23.顕在記憶 – 意識的に思い出すことができる記憶。
24.感覚過敏 – 刺激に対して過剰に反応する状態。
25.ニューロモジュレーション – 脳の活動を調整する技術。
26.ニューロフィードバック – 脳波をリアルタイムでフィードバックし、脳の自己調整を促す技術。
27.ドーパミン – 動機付け、報酬系、運動調整に関与する神経伝達物質。
28.セロトニン – 気分、睡眠、消化機能などを調整する神経伝達物質。
29.脳刺激法 – 電気や磁気を使って脳の活動を直接刺激する技術。
30.デフォルトモードネットワーク – 意識的なタスクを行っていない時に活発になる脳のネットワーク。

1.脳神経科学 – 脳と神経系の構造や機能を研究する学問。

Neuroscience: Exploring the Wonders of the Human Brain

Neuroscience, the study of the nervous system with a particular focus on the brain, has emerged as one of the most fascinating and rapidly advancing fields in modern science. This interdisciplinary subject combines elements of biology, chemistry, physics, and psychology to unravel the mysteries of how our brains function, develop, and adapt throughout our lives. From understanding basic neural processes to tackling complex neurological disorders, neuroscience offers profound insights into what makes us human.

At its core, neuroscience investigates the fundamental unit of the nervous system: the neuron. These specialized cells are the building blocks of our brain and nervous system, forming intricate networks that process and transmit information. A typical neuron consists of a cell body, dendrites that receive signals from other neurons, and an axon that sends signals to other cells. The human brain contains an estimated 86 billion neurons, each capable of forming thousands of connections with other neurons, creating a vast and complex neural network.

One of the most exciting areas of neuroscience research is neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt throughout life. This concept challenges the long-held belief that the adult brain is fixed and unchangeable. Studies have shown that our brains continuously form new neural connections and modify existing ones in response to experiences, learning, and environmental stimuli. For example, when someone learns a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument, their brain physically changes by strengthening certain neural pathways and creating new ones. This understanding of neuroplasticity has significant implications for education, rehabilitation after brain injury, and the treatment of various neurological conditions.

Another captivating aspect of neuroscience is the study of brain development. From the earliest stages of embryonic growth to the complexities of adolescent brain maturation, neuroscientists explore how our nervous systems evolve over time. For instance, research has revealed that the adolescent brain undergoes significant changes, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making and impulse control. This insight helps explain certain behavioral patterns in teenagers and has important implications for education and juvenile justice systems.

Neuroscience also plays a crucial role in understanding and treating neurological and psychiatric disorders. Conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression, and schizophrenia have long puzzled medical professionals. Through advanced imaging techniques like functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), neuroscientists can now observe brain activity in real-time, providing unprecedented insights into these disorders. For example, studies using fMRI have shown that individuals with depression often exhibit decreased activity in certain brain regions associated with mood regulation. This knowledge has led to the development of targeted treatments, including new medications and brain stimulation techniques.

The field of cognitive neuroscience, which examines how brain structures influence specific psychological processes, has made significant strides in recent years. This branch of neuroscience explores complex cognitive functions such as memory, language, attention, and decision-making. For instance, research into memory formation has identified the hippocampus as a crucial structure for converting short-term memories into long-term ones. Understanding these processes not only satisfies our curiosity about how we think and remember but also has practical applications in improving learning techniques and developing strategies to combat memory-related disorders.

Neuroscience has also ventured into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. By studying how the human brain processes information, researchers are developing more sophisticated AI systems that can mimic certain aspects of human cognition. This field, known as neuromorphic computing, aims to create computer systems that operate more like the human brain, potentially leading to more efficient and adaptable AI technologies.

The ethical implications of neuroscience advancements are another important area of study and debate. As our ability to understand and potentially manipulate the brain improves, questions arise about the nature of consciousness, free will, and personal identity. For example, if we can alter memories or influence decision-making processes through brain stimulation, what does this mean for our concept of self and personal responsibility? These philosophical and ethical questions highlight the far-reaching impact of neuroscience beyond its scientific foundations.

In conclusion, neuroscience stands at the forefront of scientific discovery, offering unprecedented insights into the most complex organ in the known universe – the human brain. From unraveling the mysteries of consciousness to developing treatments for devastating neurological disorders, the field continues to push the boundaries of our understanding. As technology advances and our knowledge deepens, neuroscience promises to revolutionize not only medicine but also our understanding of what it means to be human. The journey of discovery in neuroscience is far from over, and each new finding brings us closer to comprehending the intricate workings of our own minds.


  1. Neuroscience (神経科学): 脳と神経系を研究する科学分野
  2. Interdisciplinary (学際的): 複数の学問分野にまたがる
  3. Neuron (神経細胞): 神経系の基本的な構成単位となる細胞
  4. Dendrites (樹状突起): 神経細胞の情報を受け取る部分
  5. Axon (軸索): 神経細胞から情報を送り出す部分
  6. Neuroplasticity (神経可塑性): 脳が新しい経験に応じて変化し適応する能力
  7. Embryonic (胚性の): 受精卵が胎児になる前の初期段階に関する
  8. Prefrontal cortex (前頭前皮質): 意思決定や衝動制御を担当する脳の領域
  9. Alzheimer’s disease (アルツハイマー病): 記憶や思考能力が徐々に失われる進行性の脳疾患
  10. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) (機能的磁気共鳴画像法): 脳活動をリアルタイムで観察する画像診断技術
  11. Hippocampus (海馬): 記憶の形成に重要な役割を果たす脳の構造
  12. Artificial intelligence (AI) (人工知能): コンピューターによる知的な振る舞いの模倣や実現
  13. Neuromorphic computing (ニューロモーフィックコンピューティング): 人間の脳の仕組みを模倣したコンピューターシステム
  14. Consciousness (意識): 自己や環境を認識し、思考や感情を持つ心の状態


  1. What is the main focus of neuroscience according to the passage?
    A) The study of human behavior
    B) The study of the nervous system, especially the brain
    C) The development of artificial intelligence
    D) The treatment of psychological disorders
  2. How many neurons are estimated to be in the human brain?
    A) 8.6 million
    B) 86 million
    C) 860 million
    D) 86 billion
  3. What is neuroplasticity?
    A) The ability of the brain to remain unchanged throughout life
    B) The process of neuron formation in embryos
    C) The brain’s ability to change and adapt throughout life
    D) A technique used to scan brain activity
  4. Which part of the brain undergoes significant changes during adolescence?
    A) The hippocampus
    B) The prefrontal cortex
    C) The cerebellum
    D) The brain stem
  5. What technology allows neuroscientists to observe brain activity in real-time?
    A) X-rays
    B) Ultrasound
    C) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
    D) Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  6. Which brain structure is crucial for converting short-term memories into long-term ones?
    A) The amygdala
    B) The cerebral cortex
    C) The hippocampus
    D) The thalamus
  7. What is the term for computer systems designed to operate more like the human brain?
    A) Artificial intelligence
    B) Machine learning
    C) Deep learning
    D) Neuromorphic computing
  8. How does the passage describe the number of connections a single neuron can form?
    A) Hundreds
    B) Thousands
    C) Millions
    D) Billions
  9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a neurological or psychiatric disorder in the passage?
    A) Alzheimer’s disease
    B) Parkinson’s disease
    C) Multiple sclerosis
    D) Schizophrenia
  10. According to the passage, what ethical question arises from advancements in neuroscience?
    A) Should we continue to study the brain?
    B) How can we make AI more intelligent than humans?
    C) What are the implications for our concept of free will?
    D) Should neuroscience be taught in schools?


  1. 本文によると、神経科学の主な焦点は何ですか?
    A) 人間の行動の研究
    B) 神経系、特に脳の研究
    C) 人工知能の開発
    D) 心理的障害の治療

答え:B) 神経系、特に脳の研究


  1. 人間の脳には推定で何個のニューロンがあるとされていますか?
    A) 860万個
    B) 8600万個
    C) 8億6000万個
    D) 860億個

答え:D) 860億個


  1. 神経可塑性とは何ですか?
    A) 脳が生涯を通じて変化しない能力
    B) 胚におけるニューロン形成のプロセス
    C) 脳が生涯を通じて変化し適応する能力
    D) 脳活動をスキャンする技術

答え:C) 脳が生涯を通じて変化し適応する能力


  1. 思春期に大きな変化を遂げる脳の部位はどこですか?
    A) 海馬
    B) 前頭前皮質
    C) 小脳
    D) 脳幹

答え:B) 前頭前皮質


  1. 神経科学者がリアルタイムで脳活動を観察できるようにする技術は何ですか?
    A) X線
    B) 超音波
    C) 機能的磁気共鳴画像法(fMRI)
    D) 脳波検査(EEG)

答え:C) 機能的磁気共鳴画像法(fMRI)








英語長文問題で読み解く人間脳科学-30: 人間脳科学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



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