
英語長文問題で読み解く政治学-30: 政治学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ
英語長文で読み解く政治学-30 の中身を公開!
1.国家 :領土、国民、主権を有する政治組織体。
2.政府 :国家を運営するための制度や組織。
3.主権 :国家が内外に対して独立して統治権を行使する権利。
4.権力 :他者の行動や意思を支配する能力。政治学では重要な概念。
5.政治体制 :国家がどのような形で政治を運営するかを示す枠組み(例: 民主主義、独裁)。
6.イデオロギー :政治や社会に対する思想や信念の体系。
7.権力分立 :権力を立法、行政、司法に分ける制度。権力の集中を防ぐために重要。
8.自由主義 :個人の自由と平等を重視する思想。
9.保守主義 :伝統や社会秩序を重視する思想。
10.社会主義 :財産や生産手段を共有し、平等な社会を目指す思想。
11.全体主義 :国家が個人の生活全般を支配する体制。
12.フェミニズム政治理論 :ジェンダー平等を政治の観点から探る理論。
13.選挙 :政治指導者や政策を決めるための投票制度。
14.政党 :政治目標を共有し、選挙で権力を目指す団体。
15.議会 :法律を制定するための集会。二院制や一院制がある。
16.大統領制 :行政府の長として大統領を置く政治制度。
17.議院内閣制 :行政府が議会の信任に基づいて運営される制度。
18.連邦制 :中央政府と地方政府が権力を分担する制度。
19.国際法 :国家間の関係を規定する法律体系。
20.国際機関 :国連やWTOなど、国家間の協力を促進する組織。
21.覇権 :一国が他国を支配する国際秩序。
22.安全保障 :国家の独立と国民の安全を守るための政策。
23.外交 :国家間の関係を調整するための交渉や手段。
24.多国間主義 :複数の国家が協力して国際問題を解決する枠組み。
25.人権 :全ての人間が持つ基本的権利。
26.移民政策 :国境を越える人々の移動を管理する政策。
27.貧困削減 :貧困問題を解決するための政策。
28.ポピュリズム :民衆の支持を得るための政治スタイル。
29.ジェンダー平等 :政治における男女の平等な参加を推進する取り組み。
30.腐敗防止 :政府や機関内での不正行為を防ぐ活動。
1.国家 :領土、国民、主権を有する政治組織体。
The Modern State: Evolution and Characteristics of Political Organization
In the realm of political science, the concept of the state stands as one of the most fundamental and complex institutions of human organization. A state, in its modern form, is more than just a geographical territory or a government – it represents a sophisticated system of political organization that exercises sovereign authority over a defined territory and its population. Understanding the nature and evolution of the modern state is crucial for comprehending contemporary international relations and domestic governance.
The modern state, as we know it today, emerged gradually through historical processes, particularly in Western Europe following the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. This watershed moment established the principle of territorial sovereignty, marking a significant departure from the feudal system of overlapping authorities. Unlike earlier forms of political organization, the modern state possesses several distinctive characteristics that set it apart from other forms of governance.
First and foremost, a state must have a clearly defined territory over which it exercises exclusive control. For example, France’s borders are internationally recognized, and within these boundaries, the French state alone has the authority to make and enforce laws. This territorial sovereignty is a fundamental aspect that distinguishes modern states from ancient empires or nomadic societies.
Another crucial element is the concept of legitimacy and the monopoly on the use of force. Modern states claim the exclusive right to use physical force within their territories through institutions like the police and military. For instance, in the United States, only state-sanctioned law enforcement agencies have the legal authority to arrest citizens or use force to maintain order. Private individuals or organizations cannot legally establish their own armies or police forces.
The modern state also requires a permanent administrative structure – a bureaucracy – to manage its affairs. This includes various government departments, agencies, and civil servants who implement policies and provide public services. Japan’s highly efficient bureaucratic system, for example, demonstrates how a well-organized administrative structure can effectively manage everything from public transportation to healthcare services.
Population is another essential component of the state. A state must have a permanent population over which it exercises authority and to whom it provides services and protection. This population, in turn, usually develops a sense of national identity and citizenship. Switzerland, despite having four official languages and distinct cultural regions, maintains a strong sense of Swiss national identity among its citizens.
Furthermore, modern states are characterized by their ability to collect taxes, maintain diplomatic relations with other states, and provide public goods to their citizens. The Swedish welfare state, for instance, exemplifies how a modern state can efficiently collect taxes and redistribute resources to provide comprehensive social services to its population.
The evolution of the modern state continues in the face of contemporary challenges such as globalization, technological advancement, and transnational issues like climate change. These developments have led some scholars to question whether the traditional concept of state sovereignty is being eroded. Nevertheless, the state remains the primary unit of political organization in our world, adapting to new circumstances while maintaining its core characteristics.
- Sovereign/Sovereignty (主権/主権性)
説明:国家が自国の領土内で最高の権力を持つ性質 - Bureaucracy (官僚制)
説明:体系的な行政組織システム - Legitimacy (正当性)
説明:統治の権力が正当であると認められる性質 - Territorial (領土的な)
説明:国家の領土に関連する - Watershed moment (転換点)
説明:歴史的な重要な転換点となる出来事 - Feudal system (封建制度)
説明:土地と軍事力を基盤とした中世の社会制度 - Administrative structure (行政構造)
説明:政府の組織的な運営体制 - Public goods (公共財)
説明:政府が提供する公共サービスや施設 - Transnational (国境を越えた)
説明:複数の国にまたがる、または影響を与える - Diplomatic relations (外交関係)
- According to the passage, what was the significance of the Peace of Westphalia?
A) It established modern bureaucratic systems
B) It marked the beginning of territorial sovereignty
C) It created the first democratic states
D) It ended all international conflicts - Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of the modern state?
A) A defined territory
B) A permanent population
C) A religious authority
D) An administrative structure - How does the passage describe the state’s monopoly on force?
A) It allows private organizations to maintain their own security forces
B) It restricts the use of force to state-sanctioned institutions
C) It prohibits all forms of physical force
D) It shares power with religious institutions - Which country is used as an example of effective bureaucratic organization?
A) France
B) United States
C) Japan
D) Switzerland - What does the passage suggest about Swiss national identity?
A) It is weakened by multiple languages
B) It exists despite cultural differences
C) It is stronger than other nations
D) It is based solely on language - How is Sweden mentioned in the passage?
A) As an example of diplomatic relations
B) As a model of tax collection and social services
C) As a case of territorial sovereignty
D) As an instance of military power - What challenge to modern states is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A) Technological advancement
B) Military conflicts
C) Globalization
D) Climate change - According to the passage, what distinguishes modern states from ancient empires?
A) The presence of a population
B) The ability to collect taxes
C) Clearly defined territories
D) The use of military force - How does the passage characterize the current state of state sovereignty?
A) It has completely disappeared
B) It is being questioned due to modern challenges
C) It is stronger than ever before
D) It is only relevant in Western countries - What role does the passage attribute to bureaucracy in modern states?
A) Managing international conflicts
B) Controlling religious institutions
C) Administering state affairs and services
D) Determining territorial boundaries
- ウェストファリア条約の重要性は何でしたか?
A) 現代の官僚制度を確立した
B) 領土主権の始まりを示した
C) 最初の民主主義国家を作った
D) すべての国際紛争を終結させた
- 以下のうち、現代国家の特徴として本文で言及されていないものはどれですか?
A) 明確な領土
B) 永続的な人口
C) 宗教的権威
D) 行政構造
- 本文では国家による実力独占についてどのように説明していますか?
A) 民間組織が独自の保安部隊を維持することを認めている
B) 実力の行使を国家が認可した機関に制限している
C) あらゆる形態の物理的な力の行使を禁止している
D) 宗教機関と権力を共有している
- どの国が効果的な官僚制の例として挙げられていますか?
A) フランス
B) アメリカ合衆国
C) 日本
D) スイス
- スイスの国民的アイデンティティについて、本文は何を示唆していますか?
A) 複数の言語によって弱体化している
B) 文化的な違いがあるにもかかわらず存在している
C) 他国より強い
D) 言語のみに基づいている

英語長文問題で読み解く政治学-30: 政治学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ
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