目的・結果を付け加える方法 英語文法解説 上級編 part 81




Q. この記事で、一番大事なことって何?

A. 大事なことを、1枚の画像にまとめました。



in order / so as + to + 動詞の原形

目的と結果について話すために、in order / so as + to-infinitive を使用することができます。

  • He took the course in order to get a better job.(彼は良い仕事を得るためにそのコースを受けました)
  • Trees are being planted by the roadside so as to reduce traffic noise.(交通騒音を減らすために木が道路脇に植えられています)
  • 特に口語英語では、同じ意味を表すために単にto-infinitiveを使用することがより一般的です。He took the course to get a better job.(彼は良い仕事を得るためにそのコースを受けました)

not + to-infinitiveだけを使用することはほとんどありません。代わりにso as not toやin order not toを使用します。

  • He kept the speech vague in order not to commit himself to one side or the other.(彼は発言を曖昧にしました。片方にもう片方にも自分を縛り付けないためです)
  • I wrote down her name so as not to forget it.(私は彼女の名前を書き留めました。忘れないようにするためです)

対比的な文では、not + to-infinitiveではなく、but + to-infinitiveを使用することができます。

  • I came to see you not to complain, but to apologize.(私はあなたに会いに来たのは不平を言うためではなく、謝罪するためです)
    (このような文では、in order / so asをto-infinitiveの前に置くこともできます。)

in order that / so that

目的を話すためにin order thatとso thatを使用します。

  • She stayed at work late in order to complete the report.(彼女はレポートを完成させるために遅くまで仕事に残りました)
  • She stayed at work late in order that she could complete the report.(彼女はレポートを完成させるために遅くまで仕事に残りました)

so thatの方が一般的であり、非公式な場面ではsoの後にthatを省略することもありますが、in orderの後には常にthatを含めます。主節の現在形の動詞の後には、in order that / so thatで始まる節は通常、現在形の動詞(または現在または未来を参照する助動詞 – can、willなど)が続きます。主節の過去形の動詞の後には、in order that / so thatで始まる節は通常、過去形の動詞(または過去を参照する助動詞 – could、wouldなど)が続きます。助動詞は、in order that / so thatの後によく使用されます。

  • Regular checks are made in order that safety standards are maintained.(安全基準を維持するために定期的に点検が行われます)
  • Advice is given in order that students can choose the best course.(最適なコースを選べるように学生にアドバイスが提供されます)
  • Did you give up your job so that you could take care of your mother?(あなたはお母さんの世話をするために仕事を辞めましたか?)
  • I hid the presents so that Marianna wouldn’t find them.(マリアンナがそれらを見つけないようにプレゼントを隠しました)

such that など

形式的な文脈では、結果を示すためにsuch thatを使用することができます。

  • The model was designed such that the value of x could be calculated.(そのモデルはxの値を計算できるように設計されました)

非形式的な場合は、in such a way thatまたはin such a way as + to-infinitiveを使用することもできます。

  • The advertisement is printed in such a way that two very different pictures can be seen depending on how you look at it.(その広告は非常に異なる2つの絵が見えるように印刷されています)
  • Our business is managed in such a way as to minimize its environmental impact.(私たちのビジネスは環境への影響を最小限に抑えるように管理されています)

また、結果を示すためにsuch + noun phrase + thatを使用することもあります。

  • It is such a popular play that all the performances were sold out after the first day.(それはとても人気のある演劇なので、最初の日の後ですべての公演が完売しました)



  1. In order / so as + to-infinitive:
  • She studied diligently in order to pass the exam.
  • They practiced daily so as to improve their basketball skills.
  • He saved money in order not to be broke during his trip.
  • They whispered so as not to disturb the sleeping baby.
  • He arrived early so as not to miss the beginning of the concert.
  • I double-checked the address so as not to deliver the package to the wrong place.
  1. In order that and so that:
  • The teacher explained the concept in order that the students could understand it better.
  • She left a note on the fridge so that her roommate would know about the dinner plans.
  • The team worked overtime in order that they could meet the project deadline.
  • He bought a new computer so that he could work more efficiently.
  • They set up security cameras in order that they could monitor the premises.
  1. Such that and in such a way that / as to; such… that:
  • The recipe was written such that even beginners could easily follow it.
  • The speaker adjusted the microphone in such a way that her voice could be heard clearly in the entire room.
  • The company’s policies are designed in such a way as to promote employee well-being.
  • It was such an emotional movie that many people were in tears.
  • The concert had such incredible energy that the audience couldn’t stop cheering.

These examples illustrate the use of phrases like “in order to,” “so as to,” “in order that,” “so that,” “such that,” and “in such a way that / as to” to express purposes and results in various contexts.


Q. この文法はどうやって使うのでしょうか?

A. 今回文法を活用した会話文を見てみましょう。

Why did you take that online course?

I took the course in order to improve my programming skills and increase my job prospects in the tech industry.

That’s a great plan! How do you plan to apply your improved programming skills?

Well, I’m also working on some personal projects so that I can showcase my abilities to potential employers. I want to develop a portfolio of my work that demonstrates my expertise in different programming languages and technologies.

That sounds impressive! Have you thought about joining any coding communities or attending tech conferences to network with professionals in the industry?

Absolutely! I’m planning to join online coding communities and forums where I can connect with like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences. Additionally, I’ve marked my calendar for a couple of upcoming tech conferences in the area to attend and network with professionals.


Q. この記事の要点は?

A. 目的や結果を伝えるための方法を確認しました。

Purposes and results: in order to, so as to, etc.

  1. In order / so as + to-infinitive:
  • Used to express the purpose of an action.
  • “In order to” and “so as to” can be used, but it is more common to use just the to-infinitive.
  • “Not + to-infinitive” is typically expressed as “so as not to” or “in order not to.”
  • In contrastive sentences, “not + to-infinitive” can be used, but + to-infinitive is also acceptable.
  1. In order that and so that:
  • Used to indicate a purpose.
  • “So that” is more commonly used in less formal situations.
  • “That” can be omitted after “so” informally, but it is always included after “in order.”
  1. Such that and in such a way that / as to; such… that:
  • In formal contexts, “such that” is used to introduce a result.
  • “In such a way that” or “in such a way as + to-infinitive” can be used with a similar meaning.
  • “Such + noun phrase + that” is used to introduce a result.

Note: In order to express purpose, “to-infinitive” is commonly used without “in order” or “so as.” “So that” is more common than “in order that” and can omit “that” in informal situations. Modal verbs are often used after “in order that” and “so that” clauses.








