TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題110(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Passage: Medieval Philosophy: Exploring Intellectual Traditions


Medieval philosophy, spanning from the 5th to the 15th century, is a rich tapestry of intellectual traditions that significantly shaped the course of Western thought. Emerging from the synthesis of ancient Greek, Roman, and Christian philosophies, medieval philosophers delved into profound inquiries about existence, knowledge, ethics, and the nature of reality. Their contributions laid the groundwork for the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, marking a pivotal era in the history of philosophy.

Early Medieval Philosophy: The Age of Patristic Philosophy

The early medieval period, also known as the Age of Patristic Philosophy, was characterized by the fusion of Christian theology with philosophical concepts inherited from ancient Greece and Rome. Figures like Augustine of Hippo and Boethius played pivotal roles in integrating Platonic and Aristotelian ideas into Christian doctrines. Augustine’s exploration of the nature of time and the existence of God profoundly influenced both religious and philosophical discourses.

Scholasticism: The Golden Age of Medieval Philosophy

The high Middle Ages witnessed the rise of Scholasticism, a philosophical movement that sought to reconcile faith and reason. Scholastic philosophers, such as Thomas Aquinas, emphasized the compatibility of Christian teachings with Aristotelian philosophy. Aquinas, in his magnum opus “Summa Theologica,” explored the existence of God, the human soul, and ethics through a blend of religious faith and rational inquiry. The Scholastics’ meticulous analyses laid the foundation for many contemporary philosophical debates.

Mysticism and Islamic Influences

Simultaneously, medieval Europe experienced a surge of mysticism, with figures like Meister Eckhart delving into direct experiences of the divine. Mystical traditions emphasized inner contemplation and direct communion with God, diverging from the Scholastic emphasis on intellectual analysis. Additionally, the translation movement brought the works of Greek and Roman philosophers, as well as Islamic scholars like Avicenna and Averroes, to medieval European thinkers, enriching the intellectual landscape.

Late Medieval Philosophy: Challenges and Innovations

The late medieval period saw challenges to traditional philosophical views. John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham questioned certain Scholastic doctrines, leading to debates on topics such as universals and the nature of reality. Ockham’s razor, a principle advocating simplicity in explanations, became influential not only in philosophy but also in scientific inquiry. These challenges set the stage for the intellectual transformations of the Renaissance.

Legacy and Impact

The legacy of medieval philosophy is profound and enduring. Its emphasis on rational inquiry, the integration of diverse intellectual traditions, and the exploration of fundamental questions laid the foundation for subsequent philosophical developments. Moreover, medieval philosophers’ inquiries into ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology continue to influence contemporary thought, making the study of medieval philosophy essential for understanding the evolution of human ideas and beliefs.


  1. Who is credited with integrating Platonic and Aristotelian ideas into Christian doctrines during the early medieval period?
    A) Meister Eckhart
    B) Augustine of Hippo
    C) Thomas Aquinas
    D) William of Ockham
  2. What philosophical movement sought to reconcile faith and reason during the high Middle Ages?
    A) Mysticism
    B) Scholasticism
    C) Patristic Philosophy
    D) Renaissance Humanism
  3. Which medieval philosopher explored the existence of God, the human soul, and ethics in “Summa Theologica”?
    A) John Duns Scotus
    B) William of Ockham
    C) Meister Eckhart
    D) Thomas Aquinas
  4. What principle, advocating simplicity in explanations, became influential in both philosophy and scientific inquiry?
    A) Occam’s razor
    B) Aquinas’ Scepter
    C) Eckhart’s Lens
    D) Scholastic Balance
  5. During the medieval period, which intellectual movement emphasized inner contemplation and direct communion with God?
    A) Scholasticism
    B) Mysticism
    C) Renaissance Humanism
    D) Patristic Philosophy
  6. Who among the following medieval philosophers questioned certain Scholastic doctrines, leading to debates on topics such as universals?
    A) Meister Eckhart
    B) John Duns Scotus
    C) Augustine of Hippo
    D) Boethius
  7. What did the translation movement bring to medieval European thinkers, enriching the intellectual landscape?
    A) Works of Chinese Philosophers
    B) Works of Greek and Roman Philosophers
    C) Works of Indian Philosophers
    D) Works of Egyptian Philosophers
  8. Which period saw challenges to traditional philosophical views in medieval philosophy?
    A) Early Medieval Period
    B) High Middle Ages
    C) Late Medieval Period
    D) Renaissance Period
  9. What did Augustine of Hippo explore, profoundly influencing religious and philosophical discourses?
    A) The nature of time and the existence of God
    B) The properties of matter and energy
    C) The laws of motion and gravitation
    D) The origins of the universe
  10. What is the enduring legacy of medieval philosophy mentioned in the passage?
    A) Its emphasis on mysticism and direct experiences of the divine
    B) Its influence on contemporary thought, rational inquiry, and exploration of fundamental questions
    C) Its focus on religious dogmas and rituals
    D) Its rejection of ancient Greek and Roman philosophies


  1. Answer: B) Augustine of Hippo
    Explanation: Augustine of Hippo is credited with integrating Platonic and Aristotelian ideas into Christian doctrines during the early medieval period.
  2. Answer: B) Scholasticism
    Explanation: Scholasticism was the philosophical movement during the high Middle Ages that sought to reconcile faith and reason.
  3. Answer: D) Thomas Aquinas
    Explanation: Thomas Aquinas explored the existence of God, the human soul, and ethics in his work “Summa Theologica.”
  4. Answer: A) Occam’s razor
    Explanation: Occam’s razor is the principle advocating simplicity in explanations, and it became influential not only in philosophy but also in scientific inquiry.
  5. Answer: B) Mysticism
    Explanation: Mysticism was the intellectual movement during the medieval period that emphasized inner contemplation and direct communion with God.
  6. Answer: B) John Duns Scotus
    Explanation: John Duns Scotus was among the medieval philosophers who questioned certain Scholastic doctrines, leading to debates on topics such as universals.
  7. Answer: B) Works of Greek and Roman Philosophers
    Explanation: The translation movement brought the works of Greek and Roman philosophers to medieval European thinkers, enriching the intellectual landscape.
  8. Answer: C) Late Medieval Period
    Explanation: The late medieval period saw challenges to traditional philosophical views in medieval philosophy.
  9. Answer: A) The nature of time and the existence of God
    Explanation: Augustine of Hippo explored the nature of time and the existence of God, profoundly influencing religious and philosophical discourses.
  10. Answer: B) Its influence on contemporary thought, rational inquiry, and exploration of fundamental questions
    Explanation: The enduring legacy of medieval philosophy mentioned in the passage is its influence on contemporary thought, rational inquiry, and exploration of fundamental questions.


Passage: 中世哲学:知的伝統の探求














