TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…
Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the motion of objects and the forces that cause that motion. It is a fundamental area of study that underpins much of modern physics, engineering, and technology.
One of the key concepts in mechanics is that of force. A force is any influence that causes an object to undergo a change in motion, such as accelerating, decelerating, or changing direction. Forces can be categorized in various ways, including by their origin (e.g., gravitational forces, electromagnetic forces), by their direction (e.g., forces in the x, y, or z directions), or by their type (e.g., contact forces, non-contact forces).
Another important concept in mechanics is that of mass. Mass is a measure of an object’s resistance to acceleration, and it is usually measured in units of kilograms. The relationship between force and mass is described by Newton’s second law of motion, which states that the force acting on an object is proportional to its mass and its acceleration.
In addition to forces and mass, mechanics also deals with the concept of energy. Energy is a scalar quantity that represents the ability of an object or system to do work, and it can take many different forms, such as kinetic energy (the energy of motion), potential energy (the energy stored in a system due to its position or configuration), and thermal energy (the energy associated with the random motion of particles in a system).
One of the fundamental tools used in mechanics is calculus, which provides a powerful way of describing and analyzing complex systems. Calculus allows physicists and engineers to express the relationships between forces, mass, and energy in precise mathematical terms, which can then be used to make predictions and design new technologies.
Overall, mechanics is a broad and complex field of study that plays a central role in many areas of science and technology. By understanding the principles of mechanics, researchers and engineers can develop new technologies, improve existing ones, and deepen our understanding of the natural world.
- According to the passage, what is mechanics?
A) The study of matter and energy
B) The study of motion and the forces that cause it
C) The study of electrical and magnetic phenomena
D) The study of the structure and behavior of atoms - How can forces be categorized?
A) By their color
B) By their size
C) By their origin, direction, or type
D) By their temperature - What is mass?
A) A measure of an object’s resistance to acceleration
B) A measure of an object’s speed
C) A measure of an object’s volume
D) A measure of an object’s temperature - According to Newton’s second law of motion, what is the relationship between force and acceleration?
A) The force acting on an object is inversely proportional to its acceleration
B) The force acting on an object is proportional to its acceleration
C) The force acting on an object is proportional to the square of its acceleration
D) There is no relationship between force and acceleration - What is energy?
A) The ability of an object or system to do work
B) The ability of an object to resist motion
C) The ability of an object to absorb light
D) The ability of an object to store information - What is potential energy?
A) The energy of motion
B) The energy stored in a system due to its position or configuration
C) The energy associated with the random motion of particles in a system
D) The energy of heat - What is thermal energy?
A) The energy of motion
B) The energy stored in a system due to its position or configuration
C) The energy associated with the random motion of particles in a system
D) The energy of light - What is calculus?
A) A type of math used to study complex systems
B) The study of the properties of matter and energy
C) The study of the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level
D) A type of engineering used to design machines - How does calculus help physicists and engineers?
A) It provides a powerful way of describing and analyzing complex systems
B) It allows physicists and engineers to express the relationships between forces, mass, and energy in vague terms
C) It helps physicists and engineers develop new technologies based on guesswork
D) It has no application in physics and engineering - What is the significance of mechanics?
A) It plays a central role in many areas of science and technology
B) It has no significance in modern science and technology
C) It is only relevant to a few fields of study
D) It is only relevant to the study of motion
- メカニックスとは何ですか?
B) 物体の運動とそれを引き起こす力の研究です。
- 力はどのように分類されますか?
C) 起源、方向、またはタイプによって分類されます。
- 質量とは何ですか?
A) 物体の加速度に対する抵抗の測定です。
- ニュートンの第二法則によると、力と加速度の関係は何ですか?
B) 物体に作用する力は、その物体の質量と加速度に比例します。
- エネルギーとは何ですか?
A) 物体またはシステムが仕事をする能力です。
- ポテンシャルエネルギーとは何ですか?
B) 位置または構成に基づくシステムのエネルギーです。
- 熱エネルギーとは何ですか?
C) サーマルエネルギーは、系の粒子のランダムな運動に関連するエネルギーです。
説明:文章中で述べられたように、サーマルエネルギーとは、系の粒子のランダムな運動に関連するエネルギーのことです。 - 微積分学とは何ですか?
A) 微積分学とは、複雑なシステムを研究するために使用される数学の一種です。
説明:文章中で述べられたように、微積分学は、物理学者やエンジニアが複雑なシステムの関係性を正確な数学的用語で表現し、予測を行い、新しい技術を設計するための強力なツールです。 - 微積分学は、物理学者やエンジニアにとって、どのように役立っていますか?
A) 微積分学は、複雑なシステムを研究し、解析するための強力な方法を提供するため、物理学者やエンジニアに役立ちます。
説明:文章中で述べられたように、微積分学は、物理学者やエンジニアが複雑なシステムを正確に表現し、解析するための強力な方法を提供するために役立ちます。 - 力学の重要性とは何か?
A) 力学は、多くの科学や技術の分野で中心的な役割を果たしています。

TOEFL ibt ライティング対策も、
