TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題29(解説付き)

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Prehistoric life refers to the organisms that lived on Earth before the emergence of written records. This period is divided into several geological eras, including the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras. During this time, life on Earth underwent significant changes, including the evolution of new species and the extinction of others.

The Paleozoic era, which spanned from 541 to 252 million years ago, is known for the emergence of life in the oceans. During this time, the first animals with hard shells, such as trilobites, appeared. The Paleozoic era also saw the emergence of jawless fish, amphibians, and the first reptiles.

The Mesozoic era, which spanned from 252 to 66 million years ago, is known as the age of the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were a diverse group of reptiles that dominated the land for over 150 million years. The Mesozoic era also saw the emergence of birds, mammals, and flowering plants.

The Cenozoic era, which began 66 million years ago and continues to the present day, is known as the age of mammals. During this time, the dinosaurs went extinct, and mammals diversified and became the dominant land animals. The Cenozoic era also saw the emergence of primates, including humans.

The study of prehistoric life is important for understanding the evolution of life on Earth and how it has been affected by environmental changes over time. Scientists use a variety of techniques to study prehistoric life, including fossil analysis, molecular biology, and comparative anatomy.

Fossil analysis is the study of the remains of prehistoric organisms, including their bones, teeth, and shells. Fossils can provide insight into the morphology, behavior, and ecology of prehistoric animals. Molecular biology techniques, such as DNA analysis, can provide information about the relationships between different species and how they evolved over time. Comparative anatomy is the study of the similarities and differences between the anatomical structures of different organisms and how they are related to each other.

In conclusion, prehistoric life is a fascinating and important subject of study that can provide insights into the evolution of life on Earth and how it has been affected by environmental changes over time. By using a variety of techniques, scientists are able to piece together the story of life on Earth and better understand our place in the natural world.


  1. What is prehistoric life?
    a. The period after the emergence of written records
    b. The study of fossils from the last 10,000 years
    c. The organisms that lived on Earth before the emergence of written records
    d. The study of life on other planets
  1. What are the three geological eras that prehistoric life is divided into?
    a. Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic
    b. Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron
    c. Jurassic, Triassic, and Cretaceous
    d. Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic
  1. What is the Paleozoic era known for?
    a. The emergence of life in the oceans
    b. The age of the dinosaurs
    c. The age of mammals
    d. The first appearance of humans
  1. Which era is known as the age of the dinosaurs?
    a. Paleozoic era
    b. Mesozoic era
    c. Cenozoic era
    d. Proterozoic era
  1. What emerged during the Mesozoic era besides the dinosaurs?
    a. Birds, mammals, and flowering plants
    b. Fish and amphibians
    c. Jawless fish and reptiles
    d. Trilobites and other animals with hard shells
  1. What happened during the Cenozoic era?
    a. Dinosaurs became the dominant land animals
    b. Mammals went extinct
    c. The first reptiles appeared
    d. Mammals diversified and became the dominant land animals
  1. What is fossil analysis?
    a. The study of molecular biology
    b. The study of comparative anatomy
    c. The study of the remains of prehistoric organisms
    d. The study of the behavior of prehistoric organisms
  1. What is comparative anatomy?
    a. The study of molecular biology
    b. The study of the behavior of prehistoric organisms
    c. The study of the similarities and differences between the anatomical structures of different organisms
    d. The study of the relationships between different species
  1. What is the importance of studying prehistoric life?
    a. To understand the evolution of life on Earth
    b. To learn about life on other planets
    c. To study the behavior of modern organisms
    d. To understand the history of human civilization
  1. What techniques do scientists use to study prehistoric life?
    a. Fossil analysis, molecular biology, and comparative anatomy
    b. Molecular gastronomy, comparative literature, and fossil dating
    c. Paleontology, geology, and astronomy
    d. Anthropology, sociology, and psychology


  1. prehistoric life とは何ですか?
    c. 文字記録の出現以前に生きていた生物

答えの根拠:パッセージの最初の文で、prehistoric life が文字記録の出現以前に生きていた生物を指すことが説明されています。

  1. prehistoric life が分類されている3つの地質時代とは何ですか?
    a. 古生代、中生代、新生代

答えの根拠:パッセージ中で、古生代、中生代、新生代がprehistoic lifeの分類として説明されています。

  1. 古生代は何で知られていますか?
    a. 海洋生命の出現


  1. 恐竜の時代として知られているのはどの時代ですか?
    b. 中生代


  1. 恐竜の時代以外に何が中生代に現れたのですか?
    a. 鳥類、哺乳類、花


  1. 新生代に何が起こったのですか?
    d. 哺乳類が多様化し、陸上の支配的な動物になった


  1. 化石分析とは何ですか?
    c. 古生物の残骸の研究


  1. comparative anatomyとは何ですか?
    正解は、c. 異なる生物の解剖学的構造の類似性と相違点を研究することです。Comparative anatomyは、異なる種の解剖学的構造を比較し、種の進化に関する知識を提供する学問です。
  1. 旧生物の研究の重要性は何ですか?
    正解は、a. 地球上の生命の進化を理解するためです。旧生物の研究は、地球上の生命の進化を理解するための鍵となる情報を提供し、生物の多様性の起源、進化、および絶滅についての理解を深めることができます。
  1. 科学者は旧生物を研究するためにどのような技術を使用しますか?
    正解は、a. 化石分析、分子生物学、および比較解剖学です。化石分析は、旧生物の残骸(骨、歯、貝など)を調べることで、旧生物の形態、行動、生態についての洞察を提供することができます。分子生物学技術(DNA解析など)は、異なる種の関係性や時間の経過に伴う進化の情報を提供することができます。比較解剖学は、異なる生物の解剖学的構造を比較し、進化についての知識を得ることができます。











