TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題42(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



Title: The Impact of Social Media on Society

In recent years, the advent of social media has revolutionized the way people communicate, share information, and interact with one another. This phenomenon has not only transformed individual lives but has also had a profound impact on society as a whole. The rise of social media platforms has opened up new avenues for social connection, self-expression, and information dissemination. However, it has also raised concerns about privacy, mental health, and the spread of misinformation. This passage explores the various dimensions of the impact of social media on society.

Social Media and Connectivity
Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, have connected people from different corners of the globe like never before. These platforms have made it possible for individuals to establish and maintain social connections, bridging geographical barriers. Online communities and networks have flourished, enabling people to find support, share experiences, and engage in conversations on diverse topics. Social media has facilitated the formation of virtual communities that transcend physical boundaries.

Social Media and Self-Presentation
Another significant aspect of social media is its influence on self-presentation and personal branding. Individuals have the ability to curate and present themselves online, crafting identities that align with their desired image. Social media platforms offer opportunities for self-expression and creativity through profile customization, sharing posts, and engaging in various forms of media, such as photos and videos. However, the pressure to maintain a favorable online image can lead to a distorted sense of self and contribute to the rise of “social media personas.”

Social Media and Information Dissemination
Social media has democratized the spread of information, allowing individuals to become content creators and share their perspectives with a global audience. News and events now unfold in real-time on social media platforms, shaping public discourse and influencing opinions. However, the rapid dissemination of information has also given rise to challenges such as the spread of misinformation, fake news, and echo chambers. The algorithms employed by social media platforms may contribute to the formation of filter bubbles, where individuals are exposed to content that reinforces their existing beliefs and limits exposure to diverse viewpoints.

Social Media and Privacy
The widespread use of social media has raised concerns about privacy and data security. Users often share personal information, photos, and locations, sometimes without fully understanding the potential consequences. Social media platforms collect vast amounts of user data, which can be utilized for targeted advertising, market research, and even political manipulation. Maintaining privacy and ensuring the security of personal data has become a critical challenge in the age of social media

Social Media and Mental Health
The impact of social media on mental health has become a subject of growing concern. Studies have indicated a correlation between excessive social media use and various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. The constant exposure to carefully curated and often idealized portrayals of others’ lives can lead to social comparison and feelings of inadequacy. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media, characterized by constant notifications and the fear of missing out (FOMO), can negatively impact well-being and interpersonal relationships.

The rise of social media has undoubtedly transformed the fabric of society, revolutionizing communication, social connections, and information sharing. While it has provided numerous opportunities for individuals to connect, express themselves, and access information, it also poses significant challenges in terms of privacy, mental health, and the spread of misinformation. As society continues to grapple with the consequences of social media, it is crucial to strike a balance between leveraging its benefits and mitigating its potential harms.

(Note: The passage provided here is an original creation for the purpose of the exercise and may not align with specific academic sources. Please ensure to refer to credible academic resources for comprehensive and accurate information on the topic.)


  1. According to the passage, social media platforms have contributed to:
    A. Geographical barriers
    B. Limited social connections
    C. Increased online communities
    D. Decreased self-expression
  2. What is one of the concerns raised about social media?
    A. Lack of personal branding
    B. Reduced access to information
    C. Invasion of privacy
    D. Limited mental health benefits
  3. Social media has democratized the spread of information by:
    A. Limiting content creation
    B. Influencing public discourse
    C. Reinforcing filter bubbles
    D. Decreasing global connectivity
  4. Which statement best describes the relationship between social media and privacy?
    A. Social media platforms prioritize data security.
    B. Social media usage does not involve sharing personal information.
    C. Social media platforms collect user data for targeted purposes.
    D. Social media promotes anonymity and confidentiality.
  5. Excessive social media use has been associated with:
    A. Improved mental health
    B. Decreased self-esteem
    C. Reduced social connections
    D. Enhanced feelings of adequacy
  6. What is one potential consequence of maintaining a “social media persona”?
    A. Increased authenticity in self-presentation
    B. Decreased reliance on online communities
    C. Distorted sense of self
    D. Limited creativity in media sharing
  7. The formation of filter bubbles refers to:
    A. Increased exposure to diverse viewpoints
    B. Influencing public discourse
    C. Exposure to content reinforcing existing beliefs
    D. Decreased reliance on social media platforms
  8. One of the challenges associated with the rapid dissemination of information on social media is:
    A. Reduction in the spread of misinformation
    B. Limited influence on public opinion
    C. The prevalence of fake news
    D. Increased exposure to diverse perspectives
  9. According to the passage, what is the impact of social media on society?
    A. Minimal transformation in communication patterns
    B. Decreased access to information
    C. Revolutionized social connections and information sharing
    D. Limited challenges related to privacy and mental health
  10. What is the recommended approach towards social media usage?
    A. Maximize online presence and self-expression
    B. Avoid social media platforms altogether
    C. Strike a balance between leveraging benefits and mitigating potential harms
    D. Focus on privacy protection rather than mental health concerns


  1. C – Social media platforms have connected people from different corners of the globe, enabling the formation of online communities and networks.
  2. C – The passage highlights concerns about privacy in relation to social media usage.
  3. B – Social media platforms have democratized the spread of information, shaping public discourse and influencing opinions.
  4. C – The passage mentions that social media platforms collect user data, which can be utilized for targeted advertising, market research, and political manipulation.
  5. B – Excessive social media use has been associated with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
  6. C – The passage states that the pressure to maintain a favorable online image can lead to a distorted sense of self, contributing to the rise of “social media personas.”
  7. C – Filter bubbles refer to exposure to content that reinforces existing beliefs, limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints.
  8. C – The passage mentions that the rapid dissemination of information on social media has given rise to challenges such as the spread of misinformation and fake news.
  9. C – The passage emphasizes that social media has revolutionized communication, social connections, and information sharing while also posing challenges related to privacy and mental health.
  10. C – The passage suggests striking a balance between leveraging the benefits of social media and mitigating its potential harms.


Title: ソーシャルメディアが社会に与える影響










