TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題50(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…




Religion has been a central aspect of human civilization for thousands of years, shaping beliefs, values, and practices. It provides a framework for understanding the world, answering fundamental questions about life’s meaning, and guiding ethical behavior. Throughout history, various religions have emerged, each with its own unique set of beliefs, rituals, and traditions.

One of the key elements of many religions is the belief in a higher power or powers. This belief in the divine is often expressed through prayer, worship, and the observance of religious ceremonies. In addition, religious texts and scriptures serve as authoritative sources of guidance and moral teachings for followers.

Religious practices and rituals play a significant role in the lives of believers. These rituals often involve communal gatherings, such as weekly worship services, festivals, or pilgrimages. Rituals can serve as a means of expressing devotion, seeking spiritual enlightenment, or finding solace and support within a community of like-minded individuals.

Moreover, religion provides a moral compass for adherents. Many religions promote ethical principles and moral values that guide personal conduct and interactions with others. These principles often emphasize virtues such as compassion, justice, honesty, and forgiveness. Religion also plays a role in shaping social norms and influencing societal values and laws.

Religious traditions and institutions have had a profound impact on art, architecture, literature, and music. They have inspired great works of literature, magnificent religious structures, and timeless pieces of art. Religion has been a source of inspiration and creativity, fueling the imaginations of artists and musicians throughout history.

Furthermore, religion often serves as a source of identity and community for believers. Religious affiliations provide individuals with a sense of belonging and a shared set of values and beliefs. Religious communities offer support, fellowship, and opportunities for social interaction and service.

In conclusion, religion is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human culture and society. It encompasses beliefs, rituals, practices, and ethical principles that provide individuals with a framework for understanding the world and living a meaningful life. Religion plays a central role in shaping personal identity, fostering community, and influencing art, literature, and music.



  1. What is the purpose of religion?
    A. To provide a framework for understanding the world
    B. To answer fundamental questions about life’s meaning
    C. To guide ethical behavior
    D. All of the above
  2. How do religious texts and scriptures contribute to religious practices?
    A. They serve as authoritative sources of guidance and moral teachings
    B. They dictate specific rituals and practices
    C. They provide historical accounts of religious events
    D. They are used for divination purposes
  3. What role do rituals play in religious practices?
    A. They express devotion and seek spiritual enlightenment
    B. They provide entertainment for followers
    C. They serve as a means of asserting power within a religious community
    D. They are purely symbolic gestures with no practical significance
  4. How do religious traditions influence art and literature?
    A. They inspire great works of literature and art
    B. They dictate the subject matter and style of artistic creations
    C. They enforce strict censorship on artistic expressions
    D. They have no influence on artistic endeavors
  5. What is the significance of religious communities?
    A. They provide support, fellowship, and social interaction
    B. They enforce strict religious rules and regulations
    C. They exclude individuals who do not adhere to the same religious beliefs
    D. They discourage personal spiritual exploration
  6. Which of the following is a common characteristic of many religions?
    A. Belief in a higher power or powers
    B. Rejection of moral principles
    C. Emphasis on material wealth and success
    D. Advocacy for violence and aggression
  7. How do religious rituals contribute to a sense of community?
    A. They bring believers together in communal gatherings
    B. They create divisions and conflicts among religious groups
    C. They discourage social interactions and isolate individuals
    D. They promote individualistic pursuits rather than communal bonds
  8. What role does religion play in shaping societal values and laws?
    A. It has no influence on societal values and laws
    B. It enforces rigid social hierarchies and oppressive laws
    C. It promotes tolerance, justice, and compassion
    D. It advocates for the exclusion of minority groups and dissenting voices
  9. How does religion provide a moral compass for adherents?
    A. It promotes ethical principles and moral values
    B. It encourages dishonesty and deceit
    C. It imposes strict rules and regulations without flexibility
    D. It discourages critical thinking and independent moral judgment
  10. What is the impact of religion on human civilization?
    A. It has had no impact on human civilization
    B. It has sparked conflicts and wars throughout history
    C. It has shaped beliefs, values, and practices
    D. It has hindered scientific progress and intellectual development


  1. What is the purpose of religion?
    Answer: D. All of the above

Explanation (Japanese):

  1. How do religious texts and scriptures contribute to religious practices?
    Answer: A. They serve as authoritative sources of guidance and moral teachings

Explanation (Japanese):

  1. What role do rituals play in religious practices?
    Answer: A. They express devotion and seek spiritual enlightenment

Explanation (Japanese):

  1. How do religious traditions influence art and literature?
    Answer: A. They inspire great works of literature and art

Explanation (Japanese):

  1. What is the significance of religious communities?
    Answer: A. They provide support, fellowship, and social interaction

Explanation (Japanese):

  1. Which of the following is a common characteristic of many religions?
    Answer: A. Belief in a higher power or powers

Explanation (Japanese):

  1. How do religious rituals contribute to a sense of community?
    Answer: A. They bring believers together in communal gatherings

Explanation (Japanese):

  1. What role does religion play in shaping societal values and laws?
    Answer: C. It promotes tolerance, justice, and compassion

Explanation (Japanese):
C. 宗教は寛容さ、正義、思いやりを推進します


  1. How does religion provide a moral compass for adherents?
    Answer: A. It promotes ethical principles and moral values

Explanation (Japanese):

  1. What is the impact of religion on human civilization?
    Answer: C. It has shaped beliefs, values, and practices

Explanation (Japanese):
C. 宗教は信念や価値観、慣習を形作りました












