TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題54(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Passage: The Evolution of Painting Techniques

Painting is an art form that has evolved and transformed over centuries, with artists experimenting with various techniques to express their creativity. From the ancient cave paintings to the Renaissance masters and modern abstract artists, each period in art history has brought new innovations and approaches to painting.

One of the earliest painting techniques used by ancient civilizations was fresco painting. This technique involved applying pigments to wet plaster on walls or ceilings. The pigments would bond with the plaster as it dried, creating vibrant and durable artworks. Fresco painting was popular in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, and it provided a way for artists to decorate public and religious spaces.

During the Renaissance, artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo introduced the technique of oil painting, which revolutionized the art world. Oil paints consist of pigments mixed with oils, such as linseed oil, which provide a smooth and flexible texture. This technique allowed artists to achieve rich colors, subtle blending, and detailed brushwork. The application of multiple layers and glazes became a hallmark of Renaissance painting, resulting in luminous and realistic artworks.

In the 19th century, the invention of metal tubes for storing and dispensing paint brought about a significant change in painting techniques. Artists no longer had to grind pigments and prepare their own paints. This convenience allowed them to work outdoors more easily, en plein air, capturing the changing light and atmosphere directly onto their canvases. This technique, favored by Impressionist painters like Monet and Renoir, emphasized the use of vibrant colors, loose brushwork, and capturing the fleeting impressions of a scene.

With the advent of the 20th century, artists began to challenge traditional painting techniques and explore new forms of expression. The emergence of abstract art saw artists like Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian experimenting with non-representational forms and colors. They moved away from the realistic depiction of subjects and focused on conveying emotions and ideas through shape, line, and color. Techniques such as dripping, pouring, and spontaneous brushwork became integral to the abstract expressionist movement, championed by artists like Jackson Pollock.

Today, painting techniques continue to evolve and expand with advancements in technology and the use of new materials. Digital painting has gained popularity, allowing artists to create artworks using software and digital tools. This medium offers a wide range of possibilities, including the ability to undo and redo, experiment with different brushes and textures, and easily share and reproduce artworks.

In conclusion, painting techniques have undergone significant transformations throughout history, reflecting the creativity and ingenuity of artists. From the ancient frescoes to oil paintings, plein air techniques, and abstract art, each period has brought its own innovations and approaches. As artists continue to push boundaries and embrace new technologies, the world of painting remains dynamic and ever-evolving.



  1. What is one of the earliest painting techniques used by ancient civilizations?
    A. Oil painting
    B. Digital painting
    C. Fresco painting
    D. Abstract painting
  2. Which technique allowed artists to achieve rich colors, subtle blending, and detailed brushwork during the Renaissance?
    A. Fresco painting
    B. Digital painting
    C. Plein air painting
    D. Oil painting
  3. What invention in the 19th century changed painting techniques significantly?
    A. Introduction of metal tubes for paint storage
    B. Invention of the camera
    C. Discovery of new pigments
    D. Development of new paintbrushes
  4. Which art movement focused on capturing the changing light and atmosphere directly onto canvases?
    A. Abstract expressionism
    B. Impressionism
    C. Renaissance
    D. Ancient painting
  5. What was one of the characteristics of abstract expressionist painting?
    A. Realistic depiction of subjects
    B. Use of vibrant colors and loose brushwork
    C. Precise and detailed brushwork
    D. Focus on religious and historical themes
  6. What is digital painting?
    A. Painting on digital screens
    B. Painting with watercolors
    C. Painting on large canvases
    D. Painting with oil-based paints
  7. How have painting techniques evolved with advancements in technology?
    A. Artists no longer use traditional materials
    B. Digital painting has replaced traditional painting techniques
    C. Artists can experiment with different brushes and textures digitally
    D. Traditional painting techniques have remained unchanged
  8. What is the main focus of abstract art?
    A. Realistic depiction of subjects
    B. Capturing emotions and ideas through shape, line, and color
    C. Detailed brushwork and blending
    D. Reproducing artworks using digital tools
  9. Which technique involves applying pigments to wet plaster on walls or ceilings?
    A. Oil painting
    B. Plein air painting
    C. Fresco painting
    D. Abstract painting
  10. What has been the impact of digital painting?
    A. It has made painting more difficult for artists.
    B. It has limited the possibilities for artistic expression.
    C. It has provided artists with new tools and possibilities.
    D. It has made traditional painting techniques obsolete.


  1. 答え:C. Fresco painting
  2. 答え:D. Oil painting
  3. 答え:A. Introduction of metal tubes for paint storage
  4. 答え:B. Impressionism
  5. 答え:B. Use of vibrant colors and loose brushwork
  6. 答え:A. Painting on digital screens
  7. 答え:C. Artists can experiment with different brushes and textures digitally
  8. 答え:B. Capturing emotions and ideas through shape, line, and color
  9. 答え:C. Fresco painting
  10. 答え:C. It has provided artists with new tools and possibilities.












