TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題70(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

TOEFL ibt リーディングテストのスコアを改善するには…



Title: The Science and Ethics of Cloning

Cloning, the process of creating genetically identical copies of organisms, has captured the imagination of scientists, ethicists, and the general public alike. Since the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, in 1996, cloning has become a subject of intense scientific research and ethical debates. Cloning can occur through various techniques, including somatic cell nuclear transfer and embryonic stem cell cloning, each with its own set of challenges and implications.

One of the most well-known cloning techniques is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), which involves replacing the nucleus of an egg cell with the nucleus of a somatic cell, resulting in an embryo with identical DNA to the original organism. This technique was used to create Dolly the sheep and has since been attempted with other animals. While SCNT holds promise for preserving endangered species and advancing medical research, it raises ethical concerns about the potential misuse of cloning technology.

Embryonic stem cell cloning, on the other hand, involves growing embryonic stem cells into specific tissues or organs for transplantation. This technique holds potential for generating replacement organs for patients in need, effectively addressing the shortage of donor organs. However, it also raises ethical questions related to the destruction of embryos during the cloning process.

Cloning has a range of applications beyond the realm of reproduction. In agriculture, cloning can be used to produce genetically identical plants and animals with desirable traits. This could lead to increased crop yield and the development of livestock resistant to diseases. In medicine, cloning has the potential to produce patient-specific stem cells for regenerative therapies and drug testing. Despite these potentials, the practical implementation of cloning in agriculture and medicine is accompanied by technical challenges and ethical considerations.

Ethical debates surrounding cloning encompass a variety of concerns. These include the potential for cloning to be used for human reproductive purposes, which raises questions about the autonomy and rights of cloned individuals. Additionally, the cloning process is not without risks, as evidenced by high rates of deformities and health issues observed in cloned animals. The creation of cloned animals with compromised welfare raises questions about the moral implications of pursuing cloning.

The legal landscape surrounding cloning varies from country to country. Some countries have enacted comprehensive bans on human cloning, while others permit cloning for research purposes only. The complexity of these issues highlights the need for interdisciplinary discussions involving scientists, ethicists, policymakers, and the public.

In conclusion, cloning presents both exciting possibilities and complex ethical challenges. As scientific capabilities advance, the potential for cloning to revolutionize medicine, agriculture, and conservation is evident. However, thoughtful consideration of the ethical implications and a collaborative approach to regulation are essential to ensure that cloning technology is used responsibly and for the betterment of society.


  1. What is cloning?
    A) The process of creating genetically identical copies of organisms
    B) The process of combining DNA from two different organisms
    C) The process of altering an organism’s genetic code
    D) The process of evolving organisms over time
  2. What was the significance of Dolly the sheep?
    A) It was the first genetically modified organism.
    B) It was the first animal cloned through embryonic stem cell cloning.
    C) It was the first cloned mammal created through somatic cell nuclear transfer.
    D) It was the first organism cloned for agricultural purposes.
  3. What is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)?
    A) The process of growing embryonic stem cells into specific tissues
    B) The process of creating embryos with genetically modified DNA
    C) The process of replacing an egg cell’s nucleus with that of a somatic cell
    D) The process of cloning organisms for medical research
  4. What is one potential application of cloning in agriculture?
    A) Cloning for human reproductive purposes
    B) Cloning for regenerative therapies
    C) Cloning for generating replacement organs
    D) Cloning for producing genetically identical plants and animals with desirable traits
  5. What is one ethical concern related to cloning?
    A) The risk of genetic mutations in cloned organisms
    B) The shortage of donor organs for transplantation
    C) The potential misuse of cloning technology
    D) The difficulty of growing embryonic stem cells
  6. How does embryonic stem cell cloning differ from somatic cell nuclear transfer?
    A) It involves creating embryos with identical DNA.
    B) It involves replacing the nucleus of an egg cell.
    C) It involves growing embryonic stem cells into specific tissues.
    D) It involves using cells from somatic tissues for cloning.
  7. What is a potential benefit of embryonic stem cell cloning in medicine?
    A) Producing genetically modified organisms
    B) Generating replacement organs for transplantation
    C) Creating genetically identical plants with desirable traits
    D) Advancing agricultural research
  8. What are the key challenges of cloning implementation in agriculture and medicine?
    A) Lack of public interest
    B) Technical difficulties and ethical considerations
    C) Insufficient funding for research
    D) Limited availability of research facilities
  9. What is a concern related to the welfare of cloned animals?
    A) The potential misuse of cloning technology
    B) The shortage of donor organs for transplantation
    C) High rates of deformities and health issues
    D) Ethical concerns about patient-specific stem cells
  10. What role does the legal landscape play in the practice of cloning?
    A) It ensures that cloning technology is used responsibly.
    B) It restricts the use of cloning to agriculture only.
    C) It prohibits cloning for research purposes.
    D) It creates a global ban on all forms of cloning.


  1. What is cloning?
    A) The process of creating genetically identical copies of organisms (Correct)
    B) The process of combining DNA from two different organisms
    C) The process of altering an organism’s genetic code
    D) The process of evolving organisms over time
    Explanation: Cloning is the process of creating genetically identical copies of organisms. This is mentioned in the passage as “Cloning, the process of creating genetically identical copies of organisms.”
  1. What was the significance of Dolly the sheep?
    A) It was the first genetically modified organism.
    B) It was the first animal cloned through embryonic stem cell cloning.
    C) It was the first cloned mammal created through somatic cell nuclear transfer. (Correct)
    D) It was the first organism cloned for agricultural purposes.
    Explanation: Dolly the sheep was the first cloned mammal created through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), which is mentioned in the passage.
  2. What is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)?
    A) The process of growing embryonic stem cells into specific tissues
    B) The process of creating embryos with genetically modified DNA
    C) The process of replacing an egg cell’s nucleus with that of a somatic cell (Correct)
    D) The process of cloning organisms for medical research
    Explanation: Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is the process of replacing an egg cell’s nucleus with that of a somatic cell, resulting in an embryo with identical DNA to the original organism, as mentioned in the passage.
  3. What is one potential application of cloning in agriculture?
    A) Cloning for human reproductive purposes
    B) Cloning for regenerative therapies
    C) Cloning for generating replacement organs
    D) Cloning for producing genetically identical plants and animals with desirable traits (Correct)
    Explanation: Cloning can be used in agriculture to produce genetically identical plants and animals with desirable traits, as mentioned in the passage.
  4. What is one ethical concern related to cloning?
    A) The risk of genetic mutations in cloned organisms
    B) The shortage of donor organs for transplantation
    C) The potential misuse of cloning technology (Correct)
    D) The difficulty of growing embryonic stem cells
    Explanation: One ethical concern related to cloning is the potential misuse of cloning technology, which is mentioned in the passage.
  5. How does embryonic stem cell cloning differ from somatic cell nuclear transfer?
    A) It involves creating embryos with identical DNA.
    B) It involves replacing the nucleus of an egg cell.
    C) It involves growing embryonic stem cells into specific tissues. (Correct)
    D) It involves using cells from somatic tissues for cloning.
    Explanation: Embryonic stem cell cloning involves growing embryonic stem cells into specific tissues, as mentioned in the passage.
  6. What is a potential benefit of embryonic stem cell cloning in medicine?
    A) Producing genetically modified organisms
    B) Generating replacement organs for transplantation (Correct)
    C) Creating genetically identical plants with desirable traits
    D) Advancing agricultural research
    Explanation: Embryonic stem cell cloning holds potential for generating replacement organs for transplantation, as mentioned in the passage.
  7. What are the key challenges of cloning implementation in agriculture and medicine?
    A) Lack of public interest
    B) Technical difficulties and ethical considerations (Correct)
    C) Insufficient funding for research
    D) Limited availability of research facilities
    Explanation: The key challenges of cloning implementation are technical difficulties and ethical considerations, as mentioned in the passage.
  8. What is a concern related to the welfare of cloned animals?
    A) The potential misuse of cloning technology
    B) The shortage of donor organs for transplantation
    C) High rates of deformities and health issues (Correct)
    D) Ethical concerns about patient-specific stem cells
    Explanation: Cloned animals often have high rates of deformities and health issues, which raises concerns about their welfare, as mentioned in the passage.
  9. What role does the legal landscape play in the practice of cloning?
    A) It ensures that cloning technology is used responsibly. (Correct)
    B) It restricts the use of cloning to agriculture only.
    C) It prohibits cloning for research purposes.
    D) It creates a global ban on all forms of cloning.
    Explanation: The legal landscape ensures that cloning technology is used responsibly, as mentioned in the passage.


Title: クローニングの科学と倫理










