TOEFL ibt 対策!無料のリーディング対策問題77(解説付き)

TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集

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Title: Plato: The Philosopher of Ideas

Plato, a towering figure in the history of Western philosophy, was born in Athens, Greece, around 427 or 428 BCE. He was a student of Socrates, another renowned philosopher, and went on to become one of the most influential thinkers of his time. Plato’s ideas and writings have had a profound impact on the development of philosophy, politics, and education, and his work continues to be studied and debated to this day.

Early Life and Education

Plato was born into a wealthy and politically active family, which afforded him a good education. Initially, he studied under the philosopher Cratylus, but it was his encounter with Socrates that had the most significant influence on his philosophical thinking. Socrates’ method of questioning and dialogue deeply resonated with Plato and became a foundational element of his own philosophical approach.

Philosophy of Ideas

One of Plato’s most famous and enduring contributions to philosophy is his theory of forms or ideas. He believed that the physical world we perceive with our senses is merely a shadow or imperfect copy of a higher realm of reality, where the true, unchanging forms or ideas exist. For example, in the realm of forms, there exists a perfect, unchanging idea of a circle, and all the imperfect circles in the physical world are mere approximations of this perfect form.

Plato’s allegory of the cave is a well-known illustration of his theory. In this allegory, he describes people who are imprisoned in a cave and can only see the shadows of objects on the cave wall. These shadows represent the physical world, while the true forms or ideas exist outside the cave in the world of enlightenment.

Political Philosophy

In addition to his metaphysical and epistemological ideas, Plato made significant contributions to political philosophy. In his work “The Republic,” he outlined his vision of an ideal society governed by philosopher-kings who possess wisdom and a deep understanding of the forms. He believed that only those who had undergone rigorous philosophical training could lead a just and harmonious society.

Legacy and Influence

Plato’s influence on Western thought cannot be overstated. His philosophical ideas continue to be discussed and debated by scholars, and his writings are studied in philosophy courses around the world. The Socratic method, which he inherited from Socrates and refined, remains a fundamental tool for critical thinking and philosophical inquiry.


  1. When and where was Plato born?
    A) 427 BCE in Rome
    B) 428 CE in Athens
    C) 427 BCE in Athens
    D) 428 BCE in Rome
  2. Who was Plato’s most significant philosophical influence?
    A) Aristotle
    B) Socrates
    C) Cratylus
    D) Heraclitus
  3. What is one of Plato’s enduring contributions to philosophy?
    A) The theory of relativity
    B) The theory of forms or ideas
    C) The concept of natural rights
    D) The law of supply and demand
  4. According to Plato, what does the physical world represent in relation to the world of forms?
    A) An imperfect copy
    B) A perfect representation
    C) A separate and equal reality
    D) A realm of pure chaos
  5. Which work by Plato outlines his vision of an ideal society governed by philosopher-kings?
    A) The Symposium
    B) The Apology
    C) The Phaedrus
    D) The Republic
  6. What is the central theme of Plato’s allegory of the cave?
    A) The importance of democracy
    B) The existence of multiple realities
    C) The role of philosopher-kings
    D) The contrast between appearances and reality
  7. What is the Socratic method, and where did Plato acquire it?
    A) It is a method of meditation developed by Plato.
    B) It is a method of scientific inquiry invented by Plato.
    C) It is a method of questioning and dialogue inherited from Socrates.
    D) It is a method of logical deduction created by Aristotle.
  8. How has Plato’s work influenced Western thought?
    A) His ideas have been completely rejected by modern philosophy.
    B) His work is no longer studied or discussed.
    C) His writings continue to be studied and debated by scholars.
    D) His ideas are considered outdated and irrelevant.
  9. In Plato’s view, who should govern an ideal society?
    A) The wealthy elite
    B) The military leaders
    C) The philosopher-kings
    D) The elected representatives
  10. What is the realm where Plato believed true, unchanging forms or ideas exist?
    A) The physical world
    B) The world of shadows
    C) The world of enlightenment
    D) The world of appearances


  1. Platoはいつどこで生まれましたか?
    正解:C) 紀元前427年、アテネで
  2. Platoにとって最も重要な哲学的影響を受けたのは誰でしたか?
    正解:B) ソクラテス
  3. Platoの哲学への持続的な貢献の一つは何ですか?
    正解:B) 形の理論またはイデアの理論
  4. Platoによれば、物理世界は形の世界に対して何を表していますか?
    正解:A) 不完全なコピー
  5. Platoによる理想的な社会を哲学者王によって統治されるものとした著作は何ですか?
    正解:D) 『国家』
  6. Platoの洞窟の寓話の中心的なテーマは何ですか?
    正解:D) 外見と現実の対照
  7. ソクラテスの方法(ソクラテス的方法)は何であり、Platoはどこでそれを習得しましたか?
    正解:C) ソクラテスの質問と対話の方法で、それはソクラテスから受け継がれました。
  8. Platoの作品が西洋思想に与えた影響は何ですか?
    正解:C) 彼の著作は今でも学者によって研究と議論の対象であり続けています。
  9. Platoの見解では、理想的な社会を誰が統治すべきですか?
    正解:C) 哲学者王
  10. Platoは真の、変わらない形やアイデアが存在すると信じた領域は何ですか?
    正解:C) 啓蒙の世界


タイトル: プラトン: アイデアの哲学者













