TOEIC Part 7 対策!(共通テスト対策にも!)無料の長文対策問題18(解説付き)

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TOEIC Part 7風の長文問題を作ってみました。




TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (passage)


Neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes and embraces the natural variations in human neurological conditions. It emphasizes the idea that neurodivergent individuals, who have diverse neurological profiles, should be accepted and respected just like any other members of society. Neurodiversity challenges the traditional notion of “normal” and highlights the value of different cognitive perspectives. Conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others are considered part of the neurodiversity spectrum. Understanding neurodivergent individuals involves recognizing their unique strengths and challenges, as well as providing appropriate support and accommodations. Instead of viewing neurodivergence as a deficit, this perspective seeks to celebrate the rich tapestry of human cognition. By fostering acceptance and creating inclusive environments, society can harness the potential of every individual, contributing to a more diverse and equitable world.

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (questions)

  1. What is the focus of the concept of neurodiversity?
    a) Promoting uniformity in neurological conditions
    b) Recognizing natural variations in neurological conditions
    c) Identifying a single “normal” neurological profile
    d) Excluding neurodivergent individuals from society
  2. What does the term “neurodivergent” refer to?
    a) Individuals with the same neurological profile
    b) Individuals with diverse neurological profiles
    c) Individuals with medical conditions
    d) Individuals with physical disabilities
  3. How does the concept of neurodiversity view different cognitive perspectives?
    a) As irrelevant to societal norms
    b) As detrimental to social cohesion
    c) As contributing to human value
    d) As requiring medical treatment

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (answers)

  1. b) Recognizing natural variations in neurological conditions

Explanation: The passage explains that neurodiversity recognizes and embraces the natural variations in human neurological conditions.

  1. b) Individuals with diverse neurological profiles

Explanation: The passage mentions that neurodivergent individuals have diverse neurological profiles.

  1. c) As contributing to human value

Explanation: The passage states that neurodiversity highlights the value of different cognitive perspectives.

TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (translation)


TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (passage)

Embracing Neurodiversity: Understanding Neurodivergent Individuals

Neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes and celebrates the natural variation in human neurological conditions. It emphasizes the idea that neurological differences, such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia, are part of the normal spectrum of human diversity, rather than mere disorders to be fixed. This perspective challenges traditional notions of “normal” and encourages society to accept and accommodate neurodivergent individuals.

Understanding neurodivergent individuals requires a shift in mindset. Instead of focusing solely on deficits or challenges, the emphasis should be on recognizing their unique strengths and abilities. For instance, many neurodivergent individuals exhibit exceptional skills in fields such as mathematics, art, music, and problem-solving. By creating inclusive environments that value diverse talents, society can unlock the potential of all individuals.

Moreover, education and workplaces play a crucial role in supporting neurodiversity. Tailoring learning strategies and accommodations to suit the needs of neurodivergent learners can foster their academic success. In the workplace, embracing flexible work arrangements and providing necessary support can enable neurodivergent individuals to excel in their careers. Ultimately, embracing neurodiversity enriches our understanding of human potential and promotes a more inclusive and compassionate society.

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (questions)

  1. What is the concept of neurodiversity?
    A) A medical disorder.
    B) A variation in human neurological conditions.
    C) A treatment for autism.
    D) A fixed mindset.
  2. How does neurodiversity view neurological differences?
    A) As normal variations in human diversity.
    B) As severe disorders.
    C) As challenges to be eliminated.
    D) As insignificant traits.
  3. What is the focus when understanding neurodivergent individuals?
    A) Identifying their deficits.
    B) Recognizing their unique abilities.
    C) Eliminating their differences.
    D) Ignoring their challenges.
  4. What is one benefit of creating inclusive environments for neurodivergent individuals?
    A) Limiting their potential.
    B) Encouraging conformity.
    C) Recognizing their weaknesses.
    D) Unlocking their potential.
  5. How can education and workplaces support neurodiversity?
    A) By emphasizing deficits.
    B) By accommodating unique needs.
    C) By excluding neurodivergent individuals.
    D) By promoting rigid work arrangements.

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (answers)

  1. Neurodiversityの概念は何ですか?
    B) 人間の神経的な状態の変異です。
  2. Neurodiversityは神経的な違いをどのように捉えていますか?
    A) 人間の多様性の正常な変異としてです。
  3. Neurodivergentな個人を理解する際、焦点はどこにありますか?
    B) 彼らの独自の能力を認識することにあります。
  4. Neurodivergentな個人のために包括的な環境を作成する1つの利点は何ですか?
    D) 彼らのポテンシャルを引き出すことです。
  5. 教育と職場はどのようにNeurodiversityをサポートできますか?
    B) 独自のニーズに合わせて適応することによってです。

TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (translation)





TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (passage)

Understanding Neurodiversity and Embracing Neurodivergent Individuals

Neurodiversity is a concept that emphasizes the natural variation in human brains and the acceptance of neurological differences as part of human diversity. It recognizes that neurodivergent individuals, those with atypical neurological development or conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more, have unique perspectives and abilities that contribute to the richness of society. Rather than viewing these differences as deficits, the neurodiversity perspective sees them as variations that should be understood, respected, and accommodated. This approach challenges the traditional medical model that often pathologizes neurodivergent individuals and aims to normalize them through interventions. Instead, it promotes inclusivity and celebrates the strengths and talents that come with diverse neurocognitive profiles.

To truly embrace neurodiversity, society must move beyond mere acceptance and actively work to create environments that are supportive and accessible for neurodivergent individuals. This can involve making adjustments in education, workplaces, and public spaces to accommodate diverse learning styles, sensory sensitivities, and communication preferences. For instance, providing alternative formats for learning materials, flexible work arrangements, and sensory-friendly spaces can make a significant difference in the lives of neurodivergent individuals. Additionally, fostering awareness and empathy within communities can help reduce stigma and misunderstandings surrounding neurodiversity. Recognizing that everyone has unique strengths and challenges, regardless of their neurocognitive profile, contributes to a more inclusive and compassionate society.

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (questions)

  1. What does the concept of neurodiversity emphasize?
    a) The rejection of neurological differences
    b) The acceptance of atypical neurological development
    c) The normalization of neurodivergent individuals
    d) The exclusion of diverse perspectives
  2. How does the neurodiversity perspective view differences in neurological development?
    a) As deficits to be pathologized
    b) As variations to be understood and respected
    c) As irrelevant to human diversity
    d) As challenges to be overcome
  3. What does the neurodiversity approach promote?
    a) The exclusion of neurodivergent individuals
    b) The normalization of neurological development
    c) The celebration of strengths and talents
    d) The pathologization of differences
  4. How does embracing neurodiversity go beyond acceptance?
    a) By pathologizing neurological differences
    b) By rejecting diverse perspectives
    c) By creating supportive and accessible environments
    d) By ignoring the strengths and talents of neurodivergent individuals
  5. What can fostering awareness and empathy within communities achieve?
    a) Increase stigma and misunderstandings
    b) Exclude neurodivergent individuals from society
    c) Reduce stigma and misunderstandings surrounding neurodiversity
    d) Promote the normalization of neurodivergent individuals

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (answers)

a) 神経の違いを拒否すること
b) 異常な神経の発達を受け入れること
c) 神経多様な個人を正常化すること
d) 多様な視点を排除すること

回答:b) 異常な神経の発達を受け入れること


a) 欠点として病理化すべきものとして
b) 理解され尊重されるべきバリエーションとして
c) 人間の多様性に関係ないものとして
d) 克服すべき課題として

回答:b) 理解され尊重されるべきバリエーションとして


a) 神経多様な個人の排除
b) 神経の発達の正常化
c) 強みと才能の祝福
d) 違いの病理化

回答:c) 強みと才能の祝福


a) 神経の違いを病理化することで
b) 多様な視点を拒否することで
c) サポートとアクセス可能な環境を作り出すことで
d) 神経多様な個人の強みと才能を無視することで

回答:c) サポートとアクセス可能な環境を作り出すことで


a) 偏見と誤解を増加させること
b) 神経多様な個人を社会から排除すること
c) 神経多様性に関する偏見と誤解を減少させること
d) 神経多様な個人の正常化を促進すること

回答:c) 神経多様性に関する偏見と誤解を減少させること


TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (translation)




TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (passage)

Passage: Embracing Neurodiversity: Recognizing the Value of Differences

Paragraph 1: Shifting Perspectives on Neurodiversity

In recent years, there has been a growing shift in the way society perceives and understands neurodiversity. Neurodiversity refers to the natural variation in the human brain and the range of neurological differences that individuals may possess. Rather than viewing these differences as disorders or deficits, the neurodiversity movement advocates for recognizing them as valuable aspects of human diversity. This shift in perspective challenges the traditional notion of “normal” and highlights the importance of creating inclusive environments that accommodate the needs of all individuals, regardless of their neurocognitive profile.

One key aspect of the neurodiversity movement is its emphasis on acceptance and understanding. Neurodivergent individuals, such as those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other conditions, have long faced stigmatization and societal misunderstandings. The movement seeks to promote awareness about these conditions, foster empathy, and encourage supportive measures that allow neurodivergent individuals to thrive. By recognizing the unique strengths and abilities that neurodiverse individuals bring to the table, society can harness their contributions and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.

Paragraph 2: Bridging the Gap and Cultivating Potential

Embracing neurodiversity goes beyond tolerance; it involves active efforts to bridge the gap between neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. This can be achieved through education, workplace accommodations, and creating spaces that value diverse ways of thinking and processing information. Studies have shown that neurodiverse individuals can excel in fields that require specialized skills, creativity, and attention to detail. By harnessing these strengths, companies and organizations can benefit from a more diverse and innovative workforce.

Furthermore, the concept of neurodiversity extends beyond individual differences to broader societal benefits. When diverse minds collaborate, they bring unique perspectives that can lead to breakthroughs in problem-solving and creativity. Embracing neurodiversity aligns with the principles of equity and social inclusion, fostering a culture where individuals are valued for their contributions rather than judged based on their differences.

Excel Chart: Neurodiversity Strengths and Contributions

Attention to detailExcellence in specialized fields
CreativityInnovative problem-solving and ideas
Unique perspectivesEnhanced collaboration and creativity
Specialized skillsValuable contributions to diverse industries

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (questions)

  1. What does the term “neurodiversity” refer to?
    a) A neurological disorder
    b) A range of neurological differences
    c) A form of mental illness
    d) A type of learning disability
  2. What is a key aspect of the neurodiversity movement?
    a) Fostering societal misunderstandings
    b) Promoting awareness of conditions
    c) Stigmatizing neurodivergent individuals
    d) Discouraging supportive measures
  3. What is the goal of the neurodiversity movement?
    a) Emphasizing normalcy and uniformity
    b) Recognizing neurological disorders
    c) Valuing neurodivergent individuals’ strengths
    d) Ignoring the contributions of diverse minds
  4. How can companies benefit from embracing neurodiversity?
    a) By encouraging uniform ways of thinking
    b) By focusing solely on neurotypical individuals
    c) By creating a more diverse and innovative workforce
    d) By avoiding unique perspectives
  5. What societal benefits can come from embracing neurodiversity?
    a) Decreased collaboration and creativity
    b) Enhanced problem-solving and creativity
    c) Reinforcement of societal norms
    d) Elimination of individual differences
  6. Based on the chart, what contribution can neurodiverse individuals make to diverse industries?
    a) Providing specialized skills
    b) Demonstrating attention to detail
    c) Promoting uniform ways of thinking
    d) Encouraging traditional problem-solving

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (answers)


  1. What does the term “neurodiversity” refer to?
    答え: b) A range of neurological differences
    説明: “Neurodiversity”という用語は、神経的違いの範囲を指します。文中でも”Neurodiversity refers to the natural variation in the human brain and the range of neurological differences that individuals may possess.”と述べられています。
  2. What is a key aspect of the neurodiversity movement?
    答え: b) Promoting awareness of conditions
    説明: 神経多様性運動の主な側面は、状態に対する認識の促進です。文中で”the movement seeks to promote awareness about these conditions”と説明されています。
  3. What is the goal of the neurodiversity movement?
    答え: c) Valuing neurodivergent individuals’ strengths
    説明: 神経多様性運動の目標は、神経多様な個人の強みを評価することです。文中で”By recognizing the unique strengths and abilities that neurodiverse individuals bring to the table”と説明されています。
  4. How can companies benefit from embracing neurodiversity?
    答え: c) By creating a more diverse and innovative workforce
    説明: 企業は神経多様性を受け入れることで、より多様で革新的なワークフォースを作成することができます。文中で”By harnessing these strengths, companies and organizations can benefit from a more diverse and innovative workforce.”と述べられています。
  5. What societal benefits can come from embracing neurodiversity?
    答え: b) Enhanced problem-solving and creativity
    説明: 社会的な利益として、神経多様性を受け入れることにより問題解決と創造性が向上する可能性があります。文中で”When diverse minds collaborate, they bring unique perspectives that can lead to breakthroughs in problem-solving and creativity.”と説明されています。
  6. チャートを基に、神経多様な個人が多様な産業に対して行う貢献は何ですか?
    答え: a) Providing specialized skills
    説明: チャートによれば、神経多様な個人は専門的なスキルを提供することにより、多様な産業への価値ある貢献ができると示されています。

TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (translation)

Passage: Embracing Neurodiversity: Recognizing the Value of Differences

Paragraph 1: Shifting Perspectives on Neurodiversity



Paragraph 2: Bridging the Gap and Cultivating Potential






