TOEICの長文対策をしたい!特にPart 7!
TOEIC Part 7風の長文問題を作ってみました。
TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (passage)
Record-breaking heavy rainfall can have devastating consequences, leading to various disasters and significant impacts on affected areas. One of the most concerning consequences is the occurrence of landslides and sediment-related disasters. The excessive rainfall saturates the soil, making it unstable and prone to movement, triggering landslides that can bury homes, roads, and infrastructure. These landslides often result in the loss of lives and extensive damage to the affected communities.
In addition to landslides, heavy rainfall also affects logistics in the affected areas. Flooded roads and bridges make transportation difficult or even impossible, disrupting the flow of goods and services. This disruption can lead to shortages of essential supplies, hinder emergency response efforts, and exacerbate the overall impact of the disaster.
The casualties among residents are another tragic consequence of record-breaking heavy rainfall. The torrential downpour often leads to flooding, causing people to be trapped in their homes or unable to escape swiftly. In some cases, the force of the water and debris carried by the floodwaters can sweep away houses and endanger lives, resulting in casualties and injuries.
In summary, the impacts of record-breaking heavy rainfall include landslides and sediment-related disasters, disruptions in logistics, and casualties among residents. These disasters highlight the importance of preparedness, early warning systems, and effective disaster response strategies to mitigate the devastating consequences of heavy rainfall.
TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (questions)
- What are some of the consequences of record-breaking heavy rainfall?
A) Strong winds and tornadoes
B) Landslides and sediment-related disasters
C) Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
D) Droughts and heatwaves - How does heavy rainfall affect logistics in affected areas?
A) It improves transportation efficiency
B) It disrupts the flow of goods and services
C) It enhances emergency response efforts
D) It minimizes the overall impact of the disaster - What is one of the tragic consequences of heavy rainfall?
A) Increased agricultural productivity
B) Enhanced community resilience
C) Casualties among residents
D) Improved infrastructure development
TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (answers)
- B) 土砂崩れや土砂災害
record-breaking heavy rainfallの結果として、土砂崩れや土砂災害が起こります。豪雨によって土壌が飽和し、不安定になり、土砂崩れが発生します。これにより、住宅や道路、インフラが埋没することがあります。 - B) 貨物やサービスの流れが妨げられます。
豪雨による洪水で道路や橋が浸水するため、交通が困難または不可能になります。この交通の混乱は、必需品の不足、緊急対応の妨げ、災害の全体的な影響の悪化をもたらします。 - C) 住民の死傷者が発生します。
TOEIC Part 7 – 1 (translation)
TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (passage)
Record-breaking heavy rainfall can have devastating impacts, causing widespread damage and posing significant risks to both human lives and the environment. When intense rain exceeds the capacity of the natural drainage system, flash floods can occur, leading to the overflow of rivers, the collapse of infrastructure, and the destruction of homes. These floods can displace communities, disrupt transportation networks, and result in the loss of essential services such as electricity and clean water. Additionally, heavy rainfall can trigger landslides in mountainous regions, further exacerbating the destruction and endangering lives. The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events are often attributed to climate change, emphasizing the need for proactive measures to mitigate the impacts of these disasters.
Record-breaking heavy rainfall events have far-reaching consequences on both the natural environment and human society. One significant impact is the disruption of agricultural activities. Excessive rain can saturate the soil, leading to waterlogged fields and making it difficult for plants to grow. This can result in crop failures, food shortages, and economic losses for farmers. Moreover, heavy rainfall can contaminate water sources and increase the risk of waterborne diseases, posing a threat to public health. The destruction caused by record-breaking heavy rainfall extends beyond immediate physical damage, affecting communities for months or even years as they work to recover and rebuild.
Record-breaking heavy rainfall events not only cause immediate damage but also have long-term implications for the environment. One of the major consequences is the increased risk of water pollution. Heavy rain can wash away pollutants from various sources, such as agricultural fields, industrial sites, and urban areas, and carry them into rivers and lakes. This can lead to contamination of water bodies, impacting aquatic ecosystems and threatening the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms. Furthermore, excessive rainfall can contribute to soil erosion, as the force of the water can displace topsoil and strip away essential nutrients. These long-lasting effects highlight the need for sustainable land and water management practices to mitigate the impacts of record-breaking heavy rainfall events.
TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (questions)
- What can happen when record-breaking heavy rainfall exceeds the capacity of the natural drainage system?
a) Droughts and water scarcity
b) Flash floods and infrastructure collapse
c) Heatwaves and wildfires
d) Snowstorms and blizzards
- How can record-breaking heavy rainfall affect agricultural activities?
a) It leads to soil erosion and desertification.
b) It causes excessive plant growth and crop damage.
c) It saturates the soil and hampers plant growth.
d) It increases the availability of water for irrigation.
- What is one long-term implication of record-breaking heavy rainfall events?
a) Decreased risk of water pollution
b) Improved soil fertility and nutrient retention
c) Contamination of water bodies
d) Decreased erosion and sedimentation
- In addition to water pollution, what other long-term impact can be caused by record-breaking heavy rainfall?
a) Improved air quality and reduced pollution levels
b) Enhanced soil fertility and increased crop yields
c) Preservation of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity
d) Soil erosion and nutrient loss
- What is the underlying message of the passages regarding record-breaking heavy rainfall events?
a) Climate change is the sole cause of heavy rainfall.
b) Flash floods are the only consequence of heavy rainfall.
c) Proactive measures are necessary to mitigate the impacts.
d) The long-term effects of heavy rainfall are negligible.
TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (answers)
- Answer: b) Flash floods and infrastructure collapse
Explanation (Japanese): 過去最大規模の豪雨が自然排水システムの容量を超えると、以下のようなことが起こる可能性があります。それは、突発的な洪水が発生し、川の氾濫、インフラの崩壊、住宅の破壊を引き起こすことです。
- Answer: c) It saturates the soil and hampers plant growth.
Explanation (Japanese): 過去最大規模の豪雨は、農業活動にも大きな影響を及ぼします。過剰な雨は土壌を飽和させ、水浸しの畑にし、植物の成長を妨げます。これにより、作物の不作、食糧不足、農家の経済的損失が引き起こされる可能性があります。
- Answer: c) Contamination of water bodies
Explanation (Japanese): 過去最大規模の豪雨は、即時の被害だけでなく、環境に長期的な影響を及ぼします。その中でも主な影響の1つは、水質汚染のリスクの増加です。豪雨によって農地や工業地帯、都市部などさまざまな源からの汚染物質が流され、川や湖に運ばれる可能性があります。これにより、水域が汚染され、水生生態系に影響を与え、魚や他の水生生物の生存を脅かすことがあります。
- Answer: d) Soil erosion and nutrient loss
Explanation (Japanese): 水質汚染に加えて、過去最大規模の豪雨によって引き起こされる他の長期的な影響としては、土壌の浸食と栄養素の喪失があります。水の力によって表土が移動し、必要な栄養素が剥奪されることで、土壌浸食が進む可能性があります。
- Answer: c) Proactive measures are necessary to mitigate the impacts.
Explanation (Japanese): 過去最大規模の豪雨に関する文章の根底にあるメッセージは、「影響を緩和するためには積極的な対策が必要である」ということです。
TOEIC Part 7 – 2 (translation)

TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (passage)
Record-Breaking Heavy Rainfall and Its Devastating Impacts
Extreme weather events, such as record-breaking heavy rainfall, have become more frequent in recent years, posing significant challenges for communities around the world. Heavy rainfall occurs when large amounts of precipitation fall within a short period, often overwhelming the capacity of drainage systems and leading to severe flooding. This phenomenon can have far-reaching consequences, affecting infrastructure, human lives, and the environment.
When heavy rainfall exceeds the capacity of urban drainage systems, flash floods can occur, inundating streets, homes, and businesses. The sheer force of the rushing water can erode the foundations of buildings, leading to structural damage and even collapse. Additionally, floodwaters can carry hazardous materials and contaminants, posing risks to public health. The economic impact of such floods is substantial, as businesses suffer damages and face prolonged disruptions, and communities incur costs for recovery and rebuilding.
Furthermore, heavy rainfall can have profound effects on the environment. The excess water can overwhelm rivers and waterways, causing them to breach their banks and flood surrounding areas. This inundation can result in the loss of habitats for various species, displacement of wildlife, and contamination of water sources. The altered ecosystem dynamics can have long-term consequences, affecting biodiversity and disrupting the delicate balance of natural systems.
In conclusion, record-breaking heavy rainfall has significant and wide-ranging impacts on communities and the environment. It jeopardizes infrastructure, disrupts lives, and compromises public health. Moreover, it disrupts the delicate equilibrium of ecosystems, threatening biodiversity and ecological stability.
- The Effects of Climate Change on Heavy Rainfall
One perspective worth considering is the link between heavy rainfall events and climate change. As global temperatures continue to rise, the atmosphere holds more moisture, resulting in increased rainfall intensity. This phenomenon is exacerbated by the changing climate patterns, which contribute to extreme weather events. Understanding the relationship between climate change and heavy rainfall is crucial for developing effective strategies to mitigate and adapt to these impacts.
- Resilience and Adaptation Strategies
In response to the growing threat of heavy rainfall and flooding, communities are increasingly focusing on resilience and adaptation measures. This includes improved urban planning and infrastructure design that considers the capacity to manage excess water. Implementing early warning systems and emergency response plans can also help minimize the impacts of heavy rainfall events. Moreover, adopting nature-based solutions, such as green infrastructure and floodplain restoration, can provide additional protection against flooding and enhance ecosystem resilience.
TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (questions)
- What are the consequences of heavy rainfall exceeding the capacity of urban drainage systems?
A) Structural damage to buildings
B) Contamination of water sources
C) Displacement of wildlife
D) Increased biodiversity - How does heavy rainfall affect businesses during floods?
A) Increased profits due to high demand
B) Prolonged disruptions and damages
C) Enhanced productivity and growth
D) Improved brand reputation - What is one of the long-term consequences of heavy rainfall on the environment?
A) Increased biodiversity
B) Disruption of ecosystems
C) Preservation of natural systems
D) Enhancement of habitat quality - What factor contributes to the increased intensity of heavy rainfall events?
A) Rising global temperatures
B) Urbanization and population growth
C) Deforestation and habitat loss
D) Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions - What strategies can help minimize the impacts of heavy rainfall and flooding?
A) Increased water usage during rainfall events
B) Construction of more impermeable surfaces
C) Implementation of early warning systems
D) Expansion of urban areas into floodplains
TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (answers)
- 都市の排水システムの収容能力を超えた豪雨の結果として起こるものは何ですか?
A) 建物への損傷
B) 水源の汚染
C) 野生生物の移動
D) 増加する生物多様性
回答: A) 建物への損傷
説明: 都市の排水システムの収容能力を超えると、洪水が発生し、建物の基礎が浸食されるなどの損傷が生じます。
- 洪水時にビジネスにどのような影響がありますか?
A) 需要の増加による利益の向上
B) 長期間の中断と被害
C) 生産性と成長の向上
D) ブランドの評判の向上
回答: B) 長期間の中断と被害
説明: 洪水により、ビジネスは被害を受け、長期間の中断や損害に直面します。
- 豪雨が環境に与える長期的な影響の一つは何ですか?
A) 生物多様性の増加
B) 生態系の混乱
C) 自然システムの保存
D) 生息地の質の向上
回答: B) 生態系の混乱
説明: 豪雨により生じる浸水は、生息地の喪失や野生生物の移動、水源の汚染など、生態系に深刻な影響を及ぼします。
- 豪雨災害の強度の増加に寄与する要因は何ですか?
A) 上昇する地球温暖化
B) 都市化と人口の増加
C) 森林伐採と生息地の喪失
D) 温室効果ガスの減少
回答: A) 上昇する地球温暖化
説明: 地球温暖化が進むにつれて、大気中の水分量が増加し、降雨の強度が増すため、豪雨イベントがより頻繁に発生するようになります。
- 豪雨と洪水の影響を最小化するためにどのような戦略が役立ちますか?
A) 豪雨イベント時の水の使用量を増やす
B) より透水性の低い表面の建設
C) 早期警戒システムの導入
D) 都市の拡大と洪水原への進出
回答: C) 早期警戒システムの導入
説明: 早期警戒システムの導入は、豪雨イベントの影響を最小限に抑えるための効果的な戦略です。
TOEIC Part 7 – 3 (translation)
TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (passage)
Title: Disasters and Impacts of Record-Breaking Heavy Rainfall
Record-breaking heavy rainfall events have become increasingly common in recent years, leading to devastating disasters and significant impacts on various aspects of life. These extreme weather events, characterized by an intense and prolonged downpour, have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond immediate flooding. The frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall have been linked to climate change, making it crucial to understand the potential impacts and take proactive measures to mitigate their effects.
As heavy rainfalls continue to break records, the immediate impact is often seen in the form of flash floods, landslides, and infrastructure damage. The sudden deluge overwhelms drainage systems, leading to the rapid accumulation of water on roads and in urban areas. This poses a significant risk to human life and causes extensive damage to homes, businesses, and public infrastructure such as bridges and roads. Additionally, heavy rainfall can trigger landslides in hilly or mountainous regions, resulting in the loss of property and sometimes even lives.
Beyond the immediate physical damage, record-breaking heavy rainfall events have a wide range of other impacts. One notable effect is on agriculture and food production. Excessive rainfall can lead to waterlogging of fields, which hinders plant growth and can result in crop failure. The excess moisture can also increase the prevalence of plant diseases, further reducing agricultural yields. These disruptions to food production can have severe consequences for communities that heavily rely on farming for their livelihoods.
Furthermore, heavy rainfall can have long-term implications for the environment. The excess water runoff carries pollutants and sediments into rivers and lakes, leading to water contamination and the degradation of aquatic ecosystems. This can disrupt the balance of delicate ecosystems, affecting biodiversity and potentially harming fish populations. Moreover, the erosion caused by heavy rainfall can contribute to soil degradation, negatively impacting agricultural productivity and exacerbating the challenges faced by farmers.
Chart: (Please note that the data provided is fictional and for illustrative purposes only)
Year | Rainfall (in millimeters) |
2016 | 1500 |
2017 | 1800 |
2018 | 2100 |
2019 | 2400 |
2020 | 2700 |
TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (questions)
- What are the immediate impacts of record-breaking heavy rainfall events?
a) Droughts and water scarcity
b) Heatwaves and forest fires
c) Flash floods and landslides
d) Tornadoes and hurricanes - How can heavy rainfall affect agriculture?
a) It promotes plant growth and increases crop yields.
b) It causes waterlogging and crop failure.
c) It reduces plant diseases and improves agricultural yields.
d) It has no significant impact on farming practices. - What are the potential long-term environmental implications of heavy rainfall?
a) Increased soil fertility and improved agricultural productivity.
b) Enhanced biodiversity and thriving fish populations.
c) Water contamination and degradation of aquatic ecosystems.
d) Reduced erosion and better soil conservation. - Which of the following is a likely cause of record-breaking heavy rainfall events?
a) Deforestation and habitat destruction
b) Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
c) Volcanic eruptions and seismic activity
d) Solar flares and space weather - How does heavy rainfall impact infrastructure?
a) It improves the durability of bridges and roads.
b) It causes minimal damage and maintenance requirements.
c) It overwhelms drainage systems and leads to infrastructure damage.
d) It has no significant effect on urban areas. - Based on the data provided in the chart, which year had the highest amount of rainfall?
a) 2016
b) 2017
c) 2018
d) 2020
TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (answers)
- C) フラッシュフラッドや土砂崩れ
河川や都市部の排水システムを圧倒し、急速に水が溜まります。これは人命に対する重大なリスクとなり、住宅や事業、橋梁、道路などの公共インフラにも広範な被害をもたらします。 - B) 水浸しになり、作物の失敗
過剰な降雨によって畑が水浸しになるため、作物の成長が妨げられ、作物の収穫が失敗する可能性があります。 - C) 水質汚染と水生生態系の悪化
余分な水の流出により、汚染物質や堆積物が川や湖に運ばれ、水質汚染や水生生態系の悪化を引き起こします。これによって生態系のバランスが乱れ、生物多様性が影響を受け、魚の個体数に悪影響を及ぼす可能性があります。 - B) 温室効果ガスの排出と気候変動
記録的な豪雨イベントの原因として、気候変動が関与しているとされています。温室効果ガスの排出によって気候が変化し、豪雨の頻度と強度が増していると考えられています。 - C) 排水システムを圧倒し、インフラに被害をもたらす
豪雨は排水システムを圧倒し、都市部の道路や構造物に被害をもたらします。このような影響は、都市部のインフラに重大な影響を及ぼす要因となります。 - Answer: D) 2020
Explanation: Looking at the data provided in the chart, we can see that the highest amount of rainfall was recorded in 2020 with 2700 millimeters.
TOEIC Part 7 – 4 (translation)
Title: 記録的な豪雨による災害と影響


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