
英語長文問題で読み解く人類学 TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集




英語長文問題で読み解く人類学-30: 人類学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



英語長文で読み解く人類学-30 の中身を公開!



1.文化 – 人々が共有する信念、習慣、価値観の総体。
2.民族 – 文化的特徴や起源を共有する人々の集団。
3.言語 – 人間がコミュニケーションするためのシステム。
4.社会構造 – 社会の中での役割や関係の配置。
5.社会規範 – 社会で期待される行動の基準。
6.儀式 – 形式化された、象徴的意味を持つ行動や行事。
7.宗教 – 超自然的存在や力への信仰や崇拝。
8.エスノグラフィー – 文化や社会の詳細な記述と分析。
9.考古学 – 物質的遺物を通じて過去の文化を研究する学問。
10.進化 – 生物が時間と共に変化する過程。
11.フォークロア – 民間伝承や口承文学の集まり。
12.習慣 – 伝統的に行われる行動や行事。
13.社会階層 – 社会における地位や階級の違い。
14.文化変容 – 文化が時間と共に変化する過程。
15.文化相対主義 – 文化をその文脈内で理解する立場。
16.文化資本 – 人々が持つ文化的知識や技能。
17.人類学 – 人間の文化や社会、進化を研究する学問。
18.文化人類学 – 文化を中心に人間社会を研究する分野。
19.先住民 – その土地に古くから住む民族。
20.文化財 – 過去から受け継がれた文化的価値を持つもの。
21.文化摩擦 – 異なる文化が接触する際の摩擦や対立。
22.文化融合 – 異なる文化が融合する過程。
23.エスニック・グループ – 共有する文化的特徴や起源を持つ集団。
24.文化多様性 – 異なる文化が共存する状況。
25.社会的アイデンティティ – 個人が所属する社会集団による自己認識。
26.文化的アイデンティティ – 個人が特定の文化に所属する自己認識。
27.社会変動 – 社会の構造や価値観の変化。
28.文化的適応 – 環境や状況に応じて文化が変化すること。
29.コミュニティ – 地域や関心を共有する人々の集まり。
30.エスノセントリズム – 自国文化を基準に他文化を評価すること。

1.文化 – 人々が共有する信念、習慣、価値観の総体。
The Evolution of Cultural Practices: A Global Perspective

Anthropology, the study of human societies and cultures, offers us a fascinating lens through which to view the world. One of the most intriguing aspects of this field is the examination of how cultural practices evolve over time and across different societies. This evolution is not a simple, linear process but rather a complex interplay of various factors including environmental conditions, technological advancements, social interactions, and historical events.

Cultural practices encompass a wide range of human behaviors, from daily routines to complex rituals. These practices are not static; they change and adapt as societies face new challenges and opportunities. For instance, consider the evolution of food preparation techniques. In many traditional societies, cooking was done over open fires, a practice that persisted for thousands of years. However, with the advent of electricity and gas stoves, cooking methods in many parts of the world have dramatically changed. This shift not only altered the way people prepare food but also influenced social dynamics within households and communities.

Another example of evolving cultural practices can be seen in the realm of communication. The development of writing systems marked a significant milestone in human history, allowing for the preservation and transmission of knowledge across generations. As societies became more complex, new forms of communication emerged. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the spread of information, making books and newspapers more accessible to the general public. Fast forward to the 21st century, and we see how digital technology and the internet have once again transformed communication practices globally.

Cultural evolution is not always a smooth process. Sometimes, rapid changes can lead to what anthropologists call “cultural lag.” This occurs when some aspects of a culture change more quickly than others, creating a disconnect between different elements of society. For example, in many developing countries, technological advancements in agriculture have outpaced changes in traditional land ownership systems, leading to conflicts and social tensions.

It’s important to note that cultural evolution doesn’t necessarily mean progress in the sense of improvement. Rather, it refers to changes that occur as cultures adapt to new circumstances. Some cultural practices may persist for long periods because they continue to serve important functions within a society. For instance, many religious rituals have remained relatively unchanged for centuries, providing continuity and a sense of identity for communities.

The study of cultural evolution also reveals the interconnectedness of human societies. In our increasingly globalized world, cultural practices are often influenced by cross-cultural exchanges. This process, known as cultural diffusion, can lead to the adoption of new ideas, technologies, or customs from one society to another. A prime example is the spread of cuisine across borders. Today, it’s common to find sushi restaurants in Brazil, curry houses in Britain, or pizza parlors in Japan, illustrating how food culture can transcend geographical boundaries.

However, cultural diffusion is not always a balanced exchange. Historical processes like colonialism have had profound impacts on cultural practices worldwide. In many cases, indigenous cultures were suppressed or altered by dominant colonial powers. The lasting effects of these historical events continue to shape cultural dynamics in many parts of the world today.

As we look to the future, it’s clear that cultural practices will continue to evolve. Climate change, for instance, is already forcing some communities to adapt their traditional ways of life. In the Arctic, indigenous peoples are having to alter hunting practices and housing designs in response to melting sea ice and thawing permafrost.

In conclusion, the evolution of cultural practices is a testament to human adaptability and creativity. By studying these changes, anthropologists gain valuable insights into the complex workings of human societies. As we face global challenges in the 21st century, understanding the processes of cultural evolution becomes increasingly important. It reminds us that while change is inevitable, our shared humanity allows us to learn from one another and find innovative solutions to the problems we face.


  1. Anthropology (人類学) – 人間社会や文化を研究する学問
  2. Cultural practices (文化的慣行) – 社会で共有される行動や習慣
  3. Interplay (相互作用) – 複数の要素が互いに影響し合うこと
  4. Rituals (儀式) – 特定の意味や目的を持つ形式化された行動
  5. Static (静的) – 変化しないさま
  6. Advent (出現、到来) – 新しい重要なものや出来事の登場
  7. Milestone (節目) – 重要な出来事や段階
  8. Cultural lag (文化的遅滞) – 社会の異なる側面が不均等に変化する現象
  9. Cultural diffusion (文化伝播) – ある文化の要素が他の文化に広がること
  10. Indigenous (先住民の) – ある地域に古くから住む人々に関すること
  11. Colonialism (植民地主義) – ある国が他の地域を支配し、搾取する制度や政策
  12. Permafrost (永久凍土) – 年間を通じて凍結している地層


  1. What does the passage suggest about the nature of cultural evolution?
    a) It is a simple, linear process
    b) It only occurs in developed countries
    c) It is a complex interplay of various factors
    d) It always leads to improvement in societies
  2. According to the text, what is an example of how technological advancements have influenced cultural practices?
    a) The development of religious rituals
    b) Changes in food preparation techniques
    c) The persistence of traditional land ownership systems
    d) The suppression of indigenous cultures
  3. What does the passage identify as a potential consequence of rapid cultural change?
    a) Cultural diffusion
    b) Cultural lag
    c) Technological advancement
    d) Religious continuity
  4. How does the text describe the relationship between cultural evolution and progress?
    a) They are synonymous
    b) Cultural evolution always leads to progress
    c) Cultural evolution doesn’t necessarily mean progress
    d) Progress always precedes cultural evolution
  5. What example does the passage provide to illustrate cultural diffusion in the modern world?
    a) The development of writing systems
    b) The spread of cuisine across borders
    c) The invention of the printing press
    d) The persistence of religious rituals
  6. According to the passage, what historical process has had a significant impact on cultural practices worldwide?
    a) The industrial revolution
    b) The development of agriculture
    c) Colonialism
    d) The invention of the internet
  7. How does the text suggest climate change is affecting cultural practices?
    a) By promoting cultural diffusion
    b) By causing cultural lag
    c) By forcing some communities to adapt their traditional ways of life
    d) By preserving indigenous cultures
  8. What does the passage imply about the future of cultural practices?
    a) They will remain unchanged
    b) They will continue to evolve
    c) They will disappear entirely
    d) They will only change in developed countries
  9. According to the text, why is understanding cultural evolution important in the 21st century?
    a) To prevent any cultural change from occurring
    b) To promote one culture over others
    c) To help find innovative solutions to global challenges
    d) To stop the process of globalization
  10. How does the passage characterize the impact of digital technology on communication practices?
    a) It has had no significant effect
    b) It has slowed down the spread of information
    c) It has transformed communication practices globally
    d) It has only affected developed countries


  1. 本文は文化の進化の性質についてどのように示唆していますか?
    a) 単純で直線的なプロセスである
    b) 先進国でのみ起こる
    c) 様々な要因が複雑に相互作用するプロセスである
    d) 常に社会の改善につながる


  1. 本文によると、技術の進歩が文化的慣行に影響を与えた例は何ですか?
    a) 宗教的儀式の発展
    b) 食品調理技術の変化
    c) 伝統的な土地所有制度の存続
    d) 先住民文化の抑圧


  1. 本文では、急速な文化変化の潜在的な結果として何を挙げていますか?
    a) 文化伝播
    b) 文化的遅滞
    c) 技術の進歩
    d) 宗教的継続性


  1. 本文は文化の進化と進歩の関係をどのように描写していますか?
    a) 両者は同義である
    b) 文化の進化は常に進歩につながる
    c) 文化の進化は必ずしも進歩を意味しない
    d) 進歩は常に文化の進化に先行する


  1. 本文は現代世界における文化伝播を説明するためにどのような例を提供していますか?
    a) 書記体系の発展
    b) 国境を越えた料理の普及
    c) 印刷機の発明
    d) 宗教的儀式の存続









英語長文問題で読み解く人類学-30: 人類学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く 英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ



#人類学 #Kindle出版 #Kindle書籍 #英語長文問題集

