
英語長文問題で読み解く生物学-30: 生物学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く
英語長文で読み解く生物学-30 の中身を公開!
1.遺伝子 – 生物の形質を決定する情報を持つDNAの区間。生物の特徴や機能に影響を与える。
2.DNA (デオキシリボ核酸)- 遺伝情報を保持する分子。生物の発育や機能の指示書となる
3.細胞 – 生物を構成する基本単位。生命活動の基本的な場を提供する。
4.進化 – 生物種が時間をかけて変化する過程。自然選択などにより起こる。
5.生態系 – 生物と非生物的要素が相互作用するシステム。生物間および生物と環境との関係を研究する。
6.突然変異 – DNA配列の変化。遺伝子の機能に影響し、多様性の源となる。
7.免疫 – 病原体から体を守る生物のシステム。特異的免疫と非特異的免疫がある。
8.生物多様性 – 地球上の生物種の多様性。生態系の健康と人類の福祉に重要。
9.遺伝子発現 – 遺伝子がタンパク質やRNAとして機能する過程。遺伝子の活性化や抑制を研究する。
10.エピジェネティクス – 遺伝子の塩基配列に変化を加えずに遺伝子の活性を制御する現象。環境やライフスタイルが遺伝子発現に与える影響を研究する。
11.遺伝学 – 遺伝情報の研究。遺伝子の働きや遺伝のメカニズムを解明する。
12.分子生物学 – 生物学的過程を分子レベルで研究する分野。DNAやRNAなどの分子の機能を理解する。
13.生態学 – 生物とその環境との関係を研究する科学。生態系の構造と機能を探る。
14.環境生物学 – 生物とその生息環境との相互作用を研究する。環境問題への生物学的アプローチを含む。
15.生化学 – 生物の化学反応を研究する学問。生命現象を化学的に解析する。
16.行動生物学 – 生物の行動パターンを研究する分野。生物の行動の進化や生態的意義を探る。
17.微生物学 – 微生物を研究する科学。細菌、ウイルス、原生生物などが対象。
18.遺伝子工学 – DNAを人為的に操作する技術。遺伝子治療や遺伝子組み換え作物などに応用される。
19.ゲノム学 – 生物のゲノム全体を研究する分野。遺伝情報の全体像を理解する。
20.再生生物学 – 組織や器官の再生能力を研究する分野。再生医療への応用が期待される。
21.分子遺伝学 – 遺伝情報の分子レベルでの研究。遺伝子の機能や調節を解析する。
22.生態遺伝学 – 遺伝子と環境との相互作用を研究する学問。生物の適応や進化に焦点を当てる。
23.古生物学 – 化石を通じて過去の生命を研究する科学。生物の進化や古環境を解明する。
24.生物統計学 – 生物学的データの統計的解析を行う学問。研究デザインやデータ解析に貢献する。
25.生物情報学 – 生物学的データをコンピュータで解析する学問。ゲノム解析などに用いられる。
26.比較生物学 – 異なる生物間の比較を通じて、共通点や差異を研究する学問。進化や機能の理解に寄与する。
27.環境毒性学 – 環境中の毒素が生物に与える影響を研究する学問。生態系や人の健康への影響を解析する。
28.感染症学 – 生物が原因で発生する病気を研究する分野。病原体との戦い方について理解を深める。
29.群集生態学 – 生物群集の構造、動態、分布を研究する分野。個体群の成長、競争、捕食などの相互作用に焦点を当てる。
30.生物工学 – 生命科学の技術を応用して、製品やプロセスを開発する分野。医療、農業、環境保護などに貢献する。
1.遺伝子 – 生物の形質を決定する情報を持つDNAの区間。生物の特徴や機能に影響を与える。
The Wonders of Genes
Have you ever wondered why you have your mother’s eyes or your father’s nose? The answer lies in your genes, the fundamental units of heredity. Genes are segments of DNA that carry instructions for various traits and functions within our bodies.
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule that holds the genetic code for all living organisms. It is shaped like a double helix, resembling a twisted ladder. The rungs of this ladder are made up of pairs of nucleotides, represented by the letters A, T, C, and G. The specific sequence of these nucleotides determines the instructions encoded in each gene.
Genes play a crucial role in determining our physical characteristics, such as height, hair color, and facial features. However, their influence extends far beyond just our appearance. They also control numerous biological processes, including metabolism, immune response, and even our behavior and personality traits.
One fascinating aspect of genes is their ability to be expressed or silenced. Gene expression refers to the process by which the instructions encoded in a gene are translated into functional products, such as proteins. This expression can be influenced by various factors, including environmental conditions, age, and lifestyle choices.
For example, certain genes are responsible for regulating our body’s response to stress. When we experience prolonged periods of stress, these genes may become overexpressed, leading to an increased risk of developing conditions like anxiety or depression. Conversely, engaging in stress-reducing activities like exercise or meditation can help modulate the expression of these genes, promoting better mental health.
Another remarkable aspect of genes is their ability to undergo mutations. Mutations are changes in the nucleotide sequence of a gene, which can occur spontaneously or be induced by external factors like radiation or certain chemicals. While some mutations can be harmful, leading to genetic disorders or diseases, others can be beneficial, conferring advantages such as increased resistance to certain pathogens or better adaptation to environmental conditions.
One well-known example of a beneficial mutation is the sickle-cell trait, which provides protection against malaria. In areas where malaria is prevalent, individuals with this trait have a higher chance of survival due to the altered shape of their red blood cells, making it harder for the malaria parasite to infect them.
Advances in the field of genetics have paved the way for numerous applications, ranging from personalized medicine to agricultural improvements. By understanding an individual’s genetic makeup, healthcare professionals can tailor treatments and preventive measures to their specific needs, leading to more effective and targeted therapies.
In agriculture, scientists can use genetic engineering techniques to develop crop varieties that are more resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses, thereby increasing food security and sustainability.
However, the power of genetics also raises ethical concerns. Some individuals worry about the potential for genetic discrimination, where individuals could be denied opportunities or face stigma based on their genetic makeup. There are also debates surrounding the use of genetic technologies for non-medical purposes, such as enhancing certain traits or creating “designer babies.”
Despite these concerns, the study of genetics continues to unlock new frontiers in our understanding of life itself. As our knowledge of genes and their functions expands, we may unravel the mysteries behind complex diseases, develop more effective treatments, and gain deeper insights into the intricate web of life that connects us all.
In conclusion, genes are the fundamental building blocks of life, encoding the instructions that shape our unique identities and govern countless biological processes. By studying and harnessing the power of genetics, we can unlock a world of possibilities, from personalized healthcare to sustainable agriculture, and continue to unravel the wonders of the natural world.
– Heredity (遺伝)
– Deoxyribonucleic acid (デオキシリボ核酸)
– Double helix (二重らせん構造)
– Nucleotides (核酸塩基)
– Gene expression (遺伝子発現)
– Metabolism (代謝)
– Mutations (突然変異)
– Genetic disorders (遺伝性疾患)
– Malaria (マラリア)
– Sickle-cell trait (鎌状赤血球症)
– Personalized medicine (個別化医療)
– Genetic engineering (遺伝子工学)
– Genetic discrimination (遺伝子による差別)
– Designer babies (デザイナーベビー)
1. According to the passage, what are genes?
A) Proteins that determine physical traits
B) Segments of DNA carrying hereditary instructions
C) Environmental factors that influence gene expression
D) Mutations that occur spontaneously in DNA
2. Which of the following statements best describes the role of DNA?
A) DNA is responsible for regulating metabolism and immune responses.
B) DNA holds the genetic code for all living organisms.
C) DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder and made up of nucleotides.
D) DNA undergoes mutations that can lead to genetic disorders.
3. The passage mentions gene expression as a process where:
A) Genes are silenced due to environmental factors
B) Instructions encoded in genes are translated into functional products
C) Mutations occur in the nucleotide sequence of genes
D) Genes are passed from parents to offspring
4. According to the passage, which of the following is an example of a beneficial mutation?
A) The sickle-cell trait, which provides protection against malaria
B) Genetic disorders caused by spontaneous mutations
C) Overexpression of genes related to stress response
D) Mutations induced by radiation or chemicals
5. What is one potential application of personalized medicine mentioned in the passage?
A) Developing crop varieties resistant to pests and diseases
B) Enhancing certain traits or creating “designer babies”
C) Tailoring treatments and preventive measures based on an individual’s genetic makeup
D) Studying the ethical concerns surrounding genetic technologies
6. The passage discusses gene expression being influenced by various factors. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of those factors?
A) Environmental conditions
B) Age
C) Lifestyle choices
D) Radiation exposure
7. According to the passage, what is one ethical concern surrounding the use of genetic technologies?
A) The potential for genetic discrimination
B) The development of personalized medicine
C) The use of genetic engineering in agriculture
D) The study of genetic disorders and their treatments
8. Which of the following statements best summarizes the passage’s perspective on the study of genetics?
A) It raises significant ethical concerns that outweigh the potential benefits.
B) It has limited applications and is primarily focused on understanding physical traits.
C) It continues to unlock new frontiers in our understanding of life itself.
D) It is primarily focused on developing genetic engineering techniques for agriculture.
9. According to the passage, what is the significance of the sickle-cell trait?
A) It is a genetic disorder caused by spontaneous mutations.
B) It is an example of a harmful mutation that increases the risk of certain diseases.
C) It provides protection against malaria in areas where the disease is prevalent.
D) It is a result of genetic engineering techniques used in agriculture.
10. The passage discusses the potential for genetic discrimination. Based on the context, what does this term likely refer to?
A) Individuals being denied opportunities or facing stigma based on their genetic makeup
B) The process of gene expression being influenced by environmental factors
C) The development of crop varieties resistant to pests and diseases
D) The use of genetic technologies for non-medical purposes, such as enhancing certain traits
1. 本文によると、遺伝子とは何ですか?
A) 体の特徴を決める蛋白質
B) 遺伝の指示を運ぶDNAの断片
C) 遺伝子発現に影響を与える環境要因
D) DNAに自然発生的に起こる突然変異
2. 次のうち、DNAの役割を最も適切に述べている文はどれですか?
A) DNAは代謝と免疫応答を調節する役割がある
B) DNAはすべての生物の遺伝情報を保持している
C) DNAは核酸塩基からなる二重らせん構造をしている
D) DNAには遺伝性疾患につながる突然変異が起こる
3. 本文で言及されている遺伝子発現とは次のうちどれですか?
A) 環境要因により遺伝子が抑制される過程
B) 遺伝子にコードされた指示が機能的産物に変換される過程
C) 遺伝子の核酸塩基配列に突然変異が起こる過程
D) 親から子へ遺伝子が受け継がれる過程
4. 本文で言及されている有益な突然変異の例はどれですか?
A) マラリアから守る鎌状赤血球症の特徴
B) 自然発生的な突然変異による遺伝性疾患
C) ストレス応答に関連する遺伝子の過剰発現
D) 放射線や化学物質によって引き起こされる突然変異
5. 本文で述べられている個別化医療の可能な応用はどれですか?
A) 病害虫に強い作物品種の開発
B) 特定の形質の強化や「デザイナーベビー」の創出
C) 個人の遺伝的構成に基づいた治療や予防措置の調整
D) 遺伝子技術に関する倫理的懸念の研究

英語長文問題で読み解く生物学-30: 生物学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く
#生物学 #遺伝子編集 #遺伝子工学 #生物学まとめ #英語長文 #英語長文問題 #基礎知識