
英語長文問題で読み解く昆虫学 TOEFL ibt リーディング問題集




英語長文問題で読み解く昆虫学-30: 昆虫学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く (英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ)



英語長文で読み解く昆虫学-30 の中身を公開!



1.昆虫の分類 – 昆虫を系統的に分類し、同じ特徴を持つグループに分けること。
2.完全変態 – 卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫の4つの段階を経る発育過程。
3.社会性昆虫 – アリやハチなど、複雑な社会構造を持つ昆虫。
4.昆虫の生態 – 昆虫が環境や他の生物とどのように関わるかを研究する分野。
5.擬態 – 捕食者から身を守るために、他の生物に似た外見を持つこと。
6.寄生虫 – 他の生物に依存して生活する昆虫。
7.昆虫の感覚器官 – 昆虫が情報を受け取るための器官、例えば触角や複眼。
8.フェロモン – 昆虫が仲間とコミュニケーションするための化学物質。
9.越冬 – 昆虫が寒冷期を生き抜くために活動を休止すること。
10.昆虫の進化 – 昆虫がどのように進化してきたかを研究する分野。
11.昆虫の繁殖戦略 – 昆虫が子孫を残すための多様な戦略。
12.成虫の寿命 – 成虫となった後の昆虫の寿命。
13.昆虫の病気 – ウイルスやバクテリアなどが引き起こす昆虫の病気。
14.食性 – 昆虫が摂取する食物や栄養源のタイプ。
15.捕食行動 – 他の昆虫を捕らえて食べる行動。
16.幼虫の食害 – 幼虫が植物や作物に与える被害。
17.昆虫の分布 – 昆虫がどの地域や環境に生息するか。
18.共生 – 他の生物と共存する関係。
19.昆虫の防御機構 – 捕食者から逃れるための戦略。
20.社会性行動 – アリやハチに見られる集団生活の行動。
21.昆虫の神経系 – 感覚や行動を司る神経系。
22.気候変動の影響 – 気候変動が昆虫に与える影響。
23.昆虫の社会構造 – 社会性昆虫の階層構造。
24.昆虫の寄生戦略 – 他の生物に寄生する多様な方法。
25.昆虫の生態的役割 – 分解者や授粉者としての昆虫の役割。
26.昆虫のエネルギー代謝 – 昆虫のエネルギーの生成と消費の過程。
27.昆虫の解剖学 – 昆虫の体の構造や器官の配置。
28.天敵 – 昆虫を捕食する捕食者や寄生生物。
29.昆虫の飛行 – 昆虫が飛行する仕組みやメカニズム。
30.昆虫の耐性 – 農薬などに対する昆虫の耐性進化。

1.昆虫の分類 – 昆虫を系統的に分類し、同じ特徴を持つグループに分けること。

The Fascinating World of Insect Classification: Understanding Earth’s Most Diverse Animals

Insects represent the most diverse group of animals on Earth, making up more than half of all known living organisms. Scientists have identified over one million insect species so far, but experts believe there might be as many as 10 million species yet to be discovered. Understanding how these countless creatures are classified helps us make sense of their incredible variety and evolutionary relationships.

The scientific classification of insects follows a systematic hierarchy that places them within the phylum Arthropoda, which they share with creatures like spiders, crabs, and centipedes. What makes insects unique within this group is their distinct body structure: three pairs of legs, three main body segments (head, thorax, and abdomen), and usually one or two pairs of wings. For example, a common house fly demonstrates these characteristics perfectly, with its clearly segmented body, six legs, and single pair of wings.

Insects are divided into several orders, each representing a major group with shared characteristics. One of the largest orders is Coleoptera, which includes beetles. These insects are easily recognized by their hardened front wings, called elytra, which protect their delicate flying wings underneath. The popular ladybug is a perfect example of a beetle, using its elytra as a protective shield while maintaining the ability to fly.

Another significant order is Lepidoptera, comprising butterflies and moths. These insects are characterized by their large, often colorful wings covered in tiny scales. The Monarch butterfly, with its distinctive orange and black pattern, represents this order beautifully. During their life cycle, Lepidoptera undergo complete metamorphosis, transforming from eggs to caterpillars, then to pupae, and finally emerging as adult butterflies or moths.

The order Hymenoptera includes bees, wasps, and ants, which are known for their complex social behaviors. Many species in this order live in highly organized colonies with different individuals performing specific roles. For instance, in a honeybee colony, there are three distinct types of bees: the queen, who lays eggs; the workers, who collect food and maintain the hive; and the drones, whose primary purpose is mating.

Scientists use various features to classify insects into these orders, including wing structure, mouthpart type, and life cycle patterns. Some insects, like grasshoppers in the order Orthoptera, undergo incomplete metamorphosis, meaning they develop gradually without a pupal stage. In contrast, flies (order Diptera) go through complete metamorphosis, similar to butterflies.

Modern classification methods also incorporate genetic analysis, which has revealed surprising relationships between different insect groups. This technology has helped scientists understand how insects evolved and adapted to various environments over millions of years. For example, genetic studies have shown that fleas are actually highly modified flies that lost their wings as they adapted to a parasitic lifestyle.

The importance of proper insect classification extends beyond academic interest. It helps in pest control, as different insects require different management strategies. For instance, understanding the life cycle and behavior of mosquitoes (order Diptera) is crucial for controlling diseases they transmit. Similarly, knowing how to identify beneficial insects like pollinators helps in their conservation.

Recent advances in technology have revolutionized how scientists study and classify insects. Digital imaging and artificial intelligence now help researchers identify new species and understand their relationships to known insects. This is particularly important in tropical regions, where thousands of new species await discovery and classification.


  1. phylum (門) – 生物分類における大きな分類単位。門の下に綱、目、科などが続く
  2. Arthropoda (節足動物門) – 外骨格を持ち、体が節に分かれている動物のグループ
  3. metamorphosis (変態) – 昆虫が成長過程で形態を大きく変化させること
  4. complete metamorphosis (完全変態) – 卵→幼虫→蛹→成虫の4段階で成長
  5. incomplete metamorphosis (不完全変態) – 卵→若虫→成虫の段階で成長
  6. elytra (鞘翅) – カブトムシやテントウムシなどの甲虫の固い前翅
  7. Coleoptera (鞘翅目) – カブトムシやテントウムシなどの甲虫類の分類群
  8. Lepidoptera (鱗翅目) – チョウやガなどの鱗粉で覆われた翅を持つ昆虫の分類群
  9. Hymenoptera (膜翅目) – ハチやアリなどの膜状の翅を持つ昆虫の分類群
  10. Diptera (双翅目) – ハエやカなどの前翅1対のみを持つ昆虫の分類群
  11. Orthoptera (直翅目) – バッタやコオロギなどの後脚が発達した昆虫の分類群
  12. taxonomy (分類学) – 生物を分類し、整理する学問


  1. According to the passage, what percentage of known living organisms are insects?
    A) Less than 25%
    B) Exactly 50%
    C) More than 50%
    D) About 75%
  2. How are modern classification methods different from traditional ones?
    A) They only use visual identification
    B) They incorporate genetic analysis
    C) They focus only on wing structure
    D) They ignore metamorphosis patterns
  3. What does the passage suggest about fleas?
    A) They belong to the order Diptera
    B) They evolved from winged ancestors
    C) They are not related to flies
    D) They undergo incomplete metamorphosis
  4. Which of the following best describes elytra?
    A) Protective wing covers in beetles
    B) Social structures in bee colonies
    C) Stages of metamorphosis
    D) Types of insect legs
  5. What is the main difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis?
    A) The presence of wings
    B) The number of body segments
    C) The presence of a pupal stage
    D) The type of mouthparts
  6. According to the passage, why is insect classification important?
    A) Only for academic purposes
    B) Only for pest control
    C) Only for species conservation
    D) For multiple practical applications
  7. What role does artificial intelligence play in modern insect classification?
    A) It replaces traditional classification methods
    B) It helps identify new species
    C) It controls pest populations
    D) It prevents insect extinction
  8. What makes the order Hymenoptera unique according to the passage?
    A) Their wing structure
    B) Their metamorphosis pattern
    C) Their social behavior
    D) Their body size


  1. 文章によると、既知の生物の何パーセントが昆虫ですか?
    A) 25%未満
    B) ちょうど50%
    C) 50%以上
    D) 約75%

【解説】本文の冒頭で “making up more than half of all known living organisms”(既知の生物の半分以上を占める)と明確に述べられています。したがって、昆虫は全生物の50%以上を占めていることがわかります。

  1. 現代の分類方法は従来の方法とどのように異なりますか?
    A) 視覚的な識別のみを使用する
    B) 遺伝子解析を取り入れている
    C) 翅の構造のみに注目する
    D) 変態のパターンを無視する

【解説】本文で “Modern classification methods also incorporate genetic analysis”(現代の分類方法は遺伝子解析も取り入れている)と明確に述べられています。

  1. ノミについて、本文は何を示唆していますか?
    A) 双翅目に属する
    B) 翅のある祖先から進化した
    C) ハエとは関係がない
    D) 不完全変態をする

【解説】本文では、”genetic studies have shown that fleas are actually highly modified flies that lost their wings as they adapted to a parasitic lifestyle”(遺伝子研究により、ノミは実は寄生生活に適応する過程で翅を失った高度に改変されたハエであることが示されている)と述べられています。

  1. エリトラ(鞘翅)の最も適切な説明はどれですか?
    A) カブトムシの保護的な翅覆い
    B) ミツバチのコロニーの社会構造
    C) 変態の段階
    D) 昆虫の脚の種類

【解説】本文で “hardened front wings, called elytra, which protect their delicate flying wings underneath”(エリトラと呼ばれる硬化した前翅で、下にある繊細な飛翔翅を保護している)と説明されています。

  1. 完全変態と不完全変態の主な違いは何ですか?
    A) 翅の有無
    B) 体節の数
    C) 蛹期の有無
    D) 口器の種類

【解説】本文では、完全変態は “complete metamorphosis, transforming from eggs to caterpillars, then to pupae”(卵から幼虫、そして蛹へと変態する)とある一方、不完全変態は “incomplete metamorphosis, meaning they develop gradually without a pupal stage”(蛹の段階なしに徐々に発達する)と説明されています。







英語長文問題で読み解く昆虫学-30: 昆虫学の重要テーマを英語で読み解く (英語長文問題で読み解く学問シリーズ)



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