揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 11





澄み渡る青空に 輝く太陽
降り注ぐ日差しに 体中が満たされる
心が晴れるような 美しい景色
自然の中にいると 人は本来の姿に戻る

私は今日も生きている 私は自分の人生の主人公で
誰にも惑わされず 自分の気持ちに素直になればいい
この瞬間を永遠に 刻みつけ
晴れやかな気持ちで 未来を見つめる

悲しみや苦しみも 全部受け止める
それが人生だと 自分に言い聞かせる
傷ついても立ち上がる そんな強い意志がみなぎってくる
過去を振り返らずに 今日を生き抜く力が湧いてくる

夢や希望を 抱きしめて生きていく
自分らしい人生を 自分で切り開くのだ
苦しみと喜びも すべてを抱きしめていく
私は一度きりの人生の 主人公なのだから

晴れ渡る青空に 思いを馳せる
自分自身を 愛するために
明日へと続く道に 自分を映し出す
この美しい世界を 今こそ愛でよう

Translate this poem into English
“Wrapped in Beauty”

The shining sun in the clear blue sky
Fills my entire being with its warm light
The beautiful scenery that clears my mind
In nature, we return to our true selves

I am alive today, the protagonist of my own life
Just follow my heart, without being swayed by anyone
Etch this moment in my memory forever
And gaze into the future with a clear mind

I tell myself that life includes both joy and sorrow
Even when wounded, my strong willpower brings me back up
Without dwelling on the past, I find the strength to live for today

I hold onto my dreams and hopes
Cutting my own path in life, being true to myself
Embracing both pain and happiness, every experience
For I am the protagonist of my life, living only once

Gazing into the clear blue sky, I ponder my thoughts
To love myself for who I am
Reflecting on myself, the road ahead to tomorrow
Let us cherish this beautiful world, here and now

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Wrapped in beauty, I bask in the sunshine
The clear blue sky fills me with warmth divine
Nature’s embrace returns me to my true form
I am the hero, the master of my life’s storm

I follow my heart, not swayed by anyone’s views
This moment etched forever, a memory to choose
The future is bright, with hope and faith in my hand
I’m the protagonist of my story, living life grand

Life is a mix of sorrow and joy, I accept them all
My spirit unbreakable, I stand up after every fall
Today is all that matters, the past far behind
My strength of will, a beacon that never will decline

Dreams and hopes, I hold close to my heart
My path in life, mine to chart
Pain and joy, I embrace them with glee
For I am the protagonist of my life’s story

I look up at the sky, and reflect on my life
To love myself, and end all strife
The road ahead, a journey to begin
Let us cherish this beautiful world we’re in.


