揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 16





意味もなく ただ流れる時間の中で
私たちは何を求め 何を失くしてゆくのだろう
明日への希望という 大義名分を掲げて
真実を見失い、理性に縛られた この奇妙な世界

私たちは 美しい旋律を求めて
たゆたう波のように 何かを求めている
私たちは生きることを 望むのだろう
ただ、そこにいるだけで 幸せを感じることができるように

今ここに立つ この一瞬に
私は挑戦する 未来を目指して
不確かな明日を 前にしても
私は立ち上がって 自分自身に挑戦する

命ある限り 挑戦し続けよう
見えない壁に 立ち向かう勇気を
生きることに 迷いや不安があっても
一歩踏み出す勇気こそが 尊い

挫折という言葉があったとしても それはあきらめではない
たとえ暗闇に 包まれたとしても
自分を信じて 前に進むことが大切
私たちは挑戦することで 自分自身を見つけることができるのだから

自分に嘘をついて 時間を無駄にするくらいなら
現実を見据えて 今を生きよう
恐れることはない 自分を信じて挑戦するのだ
人生とは試練の連続で 私たちは前へ進むしかできないのだから

自分の可能性を 信じることから始めよう
大切なのは成功することではなく 挑戦すること
それがきっと 道を開くための力となる
それが人生という 一つの物語になる

Translate this poem into English
“To the Future: Seeking a Beautiful Melody”

Amidst the flow of time without meaning,
What are we seeking and losing?
With the noble cause of hope for tomorrow,
This strange world has lost sight of truth and is bound by reason.

We are searching for a beautiful melody,
As if drifting waves, searching for something.
We desire to live,
To simply be there and feel happiness.

In this moment standing here,
I aim for the future and take on the challenge.
Even with an uncertain tomorrow before me,
I will rise up and challenge myself.

Let us continue to challenge ourselves as long as we live,
With the courage to face invisible walls.
Even with doubt and anxiety about life,
The courage to take a step forward is precious.

Even with the word “failure”, it is not to give up,
Even if wrapped in darkness,
Believe in oneself and move forward.
Through challenge, we can find ourselves.

Rather than wasting time with lies to oneself,
Let us face reality and live in the present.
There is no need to fear, just believe in oneself and take on the challenge.
Life is a series of trials and we can only move forward.

Let us begin by believing in our own potential.
What is important is not success, but the act of challenging oneself.
That will surely become the force that opens the path,
And become a part of our life’s story.

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Amidst the meaningless flow of time,
What do we seek, and what do we lose?
We raise the banner of hope for tomorrow,
Yet in this strange world, truth is lost and reason binds.

In search of a beautiful melody,
We drift like waves, seeking something.
We long to live,
To feel happiness just by being.

Standing here in this moment,
I take up the challenge to aim for the future.
Even faced with an uncertain tomorrow,
I will rise and challenge myself.

Let us continue to challenge ourselves while we live,
And have the courage to face the unseen walls.
Even with doubts and fears about life,
The courage to take a step forward is precious.

Even if we encounter “failure,” it is not to give up,
Even if we are enveloped in darkness.
Believe in oneself and move forward,
For through challenge, we can discover ourselves.

Instead of wasting time with self-deception,
Let us face reality and live in the present.
There is no need to fear; believe in oneself and take on the challenge.
Life is a series of trials, and we can only move forward.

Let us begin by believing in our potential,
For what matters is not success, but the act of challenging oneself.
This will surely become the force that opens the way,
And be part of the story of our lives.


