揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 18





空気が澄み渡り 新しい朝がやって来る
自然が生き生きと躍動している 世界は流れ、人が生きる
身体中に力が満たされ エネルギーが溢れ出る
何気ない日常の中で 時は確実に刻まれていく

自分自身と向き合うと 強さの源を心の中に見つける
新たな気づきが 自分の魂を活性化させる
明日を掴むために いま輝いている
自分を信じて 前に進んでいこう

私たちは常に成長している 変化している
未来を見据え、自分を信じて 前進する
苦難や試練も エネルギーの源となる
過去の時を振り返り 未来の時を夢見る

刻々と刻まれていく時間の中で 自分を見つめる
心に残る瞬間を大切に 時を刻む意味を知る
誰にも負けない強い意志を持って 今日も歩き出そう
エネルギーは限りなく 未来に向かって流れていく

Translate this poem into English
“Amidst the Flowing Moments of Time”

The air is clear as a new morning dawns
Nature dances with vitality, as the world flows and people live
My body is filled with strength, as energy overflows
In the mundane of daily life, time ticks surely onward

Facing myself, I find the source of my strength within my heart
New realizations activate my soul
To seize tomorrow, I shine in the present
Believing in myself, I move forward

We are constantly growing and changing
Looking toward the future, believing in ourselves, we move forward
Adversity and trials become a source of energy
Reflecting on the past, dreaming of the future

Amidst the flowing moments of time, I look within myself
Holding onto precious memories, I understand the meaning of time
With a strong will that cannot be defeated, let us walk forward today
Energy flows limitlessly towards the future

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

As a new morning dawns, the air is crisp and clear
Nature dances with vibrancy, the world moves on, and people persevere
Strength fills my body, overflowing with energy
In the humdrum of daily life, time marches on relentlessly

Looking within, I find my source of power in my heart
New discoveries activate my soul, setting me apart
To seize tomorrow, I shine brightly in the present
Believing in myself, I move forward, always resolute and steadfast

We are constantly growing and evolving, changing like the seasons
With eyes fixed on the future, we move forward with resolute reasons
Adversity and trials become a source of energy and drive
Reflecting on the past, we dream and strive

Amidst the flowing moments of time, we gaze deep within
Treasuring precious memories, understanding what time really means
With an unbreakable will, we stride confidently today
Energy flows endlessly towards the future, come what may.


