揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 19





心の中に沈みゆく 静謐な世界
誰にも邪魔されずに ただ自由に
全身全霊を傾けて 没頭する瞬間
今この瞬間にすべてを注ぎ込み 自分自身を昇華する

時の流れも 忘れ去り
ただ一つのことに集中して この一瞬を生きる
心が安らぐ 究極の至福
その瞬間にこそ 生を感じられる

私たちはいつだって 何かに熱中し
そうすることで 未来を切り拓き
何かを達成するために 努力し続け
それら全てが 未来を変える力となってきた

明日への不安や 過去の悔しさ
全てを忘れ ただその瞬間に集中する
その一点に尽きる 没頭の世界
目の前の瞬間に すべてを捧げる

全力で前に進む その姿は美しく
人生のすべてを賭けて その先にあるものを目指す
専心の果てには 深い充実感が待っている
努力の先にある 輝かしい景色を見たい

私たちは全力で生きる 力強いエネルギーを持って
いまを大切にし 懸命に生きる
ただその瞬間が 自由で美しく輝いている
夢中になれるものがある それは私にとって何よりも大切なことなのだ

Translate this poem into English
“The Moment of Immersion
: The Glowing View Beyond Effort”

A serene world sinking into the depths of the heart
Free to be oneself, without interference from anyone
Devoting all one’s body and soul to the moment of immersion
In this moment, pouring everything in and elevating oneself

Forgetting even the flow of time,
Concentrating on just one thing, living in this moment
The ultimate bliss that brings peace to the heart
It is in that moment that one can feel alive

We are always passionate about something
By doing so, we pave the way for the future
Continuing to strive to achieve something
All of these efforts have the power to change the future

Anxiety about tomorrow or regret about the past
Forgetting everything, focusing only on that moment
The world of immersion that comes down to that one point
Giving everything in the moment before us

The sight of putting all one’s energy into moving forward is beautiful
Risking everything in life, aiming for what lies ahead
At the end of the intense concentration, a deep sense of fulfillment awaits
I want to see the shining view that lies beyond effort

We live life with all our might, with strong energy
Cherishing the present moment and living with diligence
That moment shines beautifully and freely
Having something to be immersed in is the most important thing to me

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

A world of calm sinks deep into my heart,
Free to be myself, with no one to disturb.
With body and soul devoted to immersion,
I pour myself into this moment and transcend.

Forgetful of time’s relentless flow,
My focus on one thing brings this moment alive.
The peace it brings to my heart is ultimate bliss,
And in that moment, I feel truly alive.

We are always engrossed in something,
And by doing so, we shape our future.
Striving constantly to achieve something,
These efforts wield the power to change our future.

Forget tomorrow’s worries, the past’s regrets,
Focus only on this moment and let go.
Immersion is what this moment is all about,
Giving everything in the present before us.

With all our might we move forward, and it’s a sight to see,
Risking everything in life to reach what lies ahead.
At the end of our intense concentration, a deep sense of fulfillment awaits,
And I yearn to see the glowing view that lies beyond effort.

We live life with all our might, with powerful energy,
Cherishing every moment and living with diligence.
That moment shines with beauty and freedom,
For being immersed in something is what matters most to me.


