揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 25





生きることが 無駄だと思えるかもしれない
駆け抜けた日々が ただ風に舞い
何もかも 空しく感じる
愛も金も名声も 全て徒労に終わり

荒廃した世界に放り出されて 呆然と立ちすくむ私
走り続けてきた 私の人生
見失ったものが 心を苦しめる
夢に向かって 前だけを向いていたのに

人は生まれてきて 死に向かって進む
それがいつかくるのかは 誰にもわからない
せめて今この瞬間だけでも 懸命に生きたい
夢と現実の境界線で 私は自分自身と出会う

現実が希薄になるほど 私は夢に逃げ込んでしまう
もし無駄だと思っても それでも努力する
すぐ結果が出なくても その努力にこそ意味がある
自分自身に 向き合うことが大切だ

何もかもが虚像だと悟り 過去と未来の狭間で揺れる
徒労に終わるかもしれない けれど
やり遂げることが 自分を育てる
信じた道を 進んでいくしかないのだ

こんなくだらない 世の中に生きている
けど、このくだらない 世の中にも、美しいものがあることを忘れずに
自分ができることを精一杯やり 少しずつでも世界を変えていこう
そんな想いを胸に 今日も一日を過ごす

Translate this poem into English
“Thrown into a Devastated World”

You may feel that living is futile
The days you raced through just dance in the wind
Everything feels empty and meaningless
Love, money, fame, all end in vain

Thrown into a devastated world, I stand frozen in shock
My life, which I had been running through, haunts me with what I’ve lost
Even though I had been focused on my dreams
Now, I’m facing myself on the boundary between dreams and reality

We are born to move towards death
No one knows when it will come
But, at least in this moment, I want to live earnestly
I meet myself on the boundary between dreams and reality

As reality becomes scarce, I escape into my dreams
Even if I think it’s all meaningless, I still put effort into it
The effort itself is meaningful, even if results don’t come quickly
It’s important to face myself

Realizing that everything is a delusion, I waver between past and future
It may end in vain, but
Accomplishing something helps me grow
I have no choice but to follow the path I believe in

Living in such a trivial world
But, without forgetting that there are beautiful things in this trivial world
Let’s do our best to change the world, little by little, with what we can do
With these thoughts in my heart, I spend another day

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

Thrown into this devastated world,
I stand frozen in shock,
My life, once a sprint, now a crawl,
Haunted by what I’ve lost.

Love, money, fame, all end in vain,
Leaving nothing but emptiness and pain.
But, in this moment, I want to live earnestly,
And meet myself on the boundary between dreams and reality.

As reality fades, I escape into my dreams,
Even if it all seems meaningless, I still strive,
For the effort itself is meaningful,
And facing myself is vital to thrive.

Realizing that everything is a delusion,
I waver between past and future confusion,
But, accomplishing something helps me grow,
So I’ll follow the path I believe in and go.

Living in such a trivial world,
But, not forgetting the beauty that unfurls.
Let’s change the world, little by little,
With what we can do, we’ll solve the riddle.

With these thoughts in my heart,
I’ll spend each day, doing my part.


