揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 35





いつからだろう この空虚な気持ちが
胸を押し潰すように 広がっていったのは
日々の喧騒の中で 自分を見失い
自問自答の日々が 続いていた

性懲りもなく 同じ過ちを犯す
痛みも喜びも 何もかもが薄らぐ
昔の自分が嘲笑うように 今の自分は騙される
未熟な魂は 何度も同じ過ちを犯してしまう

何を求めているのか 分からなくなって
見失った自分を 取り戻すために
何度も何度も 挑戦しては
また新たな空虚さに 襲われてしまう

今日もまた 明日もまた
同じ空気を吸って 同じ時間を刻む
暇な時間が 過ぎてゆく
何もかもが無味無臭で 退屈なだけの毎日

何度も何度も 繰り返す世界の中で
どこに向かっているのか 分からないけれど
この空虚な気持ちを 埋めるために
一歩一歩 進んでいくしかない

ふとした瞬間に 見えるかすかな光
そこには希望と 成長の可能性がある
小さな歩みが 大きな未来を拓いていく
今この瞬間が道しるべに なってくれるのかもしれない

Translate this poem into English
“Breathing the Same Air, Again Tomorrow”

I wonder since when this hollow feeling
Started spreading, crushing my chest
Lost in the daily hustle and bustle
Days of self-doubt and self-reflection continued

Repeating the same mistakes without learning
Pain and joy, everything fades away
As my past self scoffs, my present self is deceived
An immature soul keeps making the same mistakes

Not knowing what I am seeking
To regain the lost me
I keep challenging myself over and over again
Only to be struck with a new hollowness

Today, tomorrow, and again
Breathing the same air, marking the same time
Passing idle time
Every day is tasteless and boring

In this repeating world
I don’t know where I am going
But to fill this hollow feeling
I have no choice but to move forward step by step

A faint light that appears in a moment
May hold hope and potential for growth
Small steps pave the way for a big future
This moment may be a guidepost for me

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

I wonder since when this void inside
Started spreading and crushing my heart
Lost in the day-to-day hustle
Days of self-doubt, of self-examination

I keep on making the same mistakes
Pain and joy, everything fades away
As my past self mocks me, present me’s deceived
An immature soul repeats and repeats

Don’t know what I’m seeking anymore
Trying to find myself again
Over and over I keep on trying
But the void just keeps on creeping in

Today, tomorrow, and over again
Breathing the same air, ticking the same clock
Passing idle time
Every day’s mundane and bland

In this world of endless repetition
I don’t know where I’m heading
To fill this void, there’s only one way
Step by step, I must keep on moving

In a fleeting moment, I catch a glimpse
A glimmer of hope and possibility
Small steps pave the path to a greater future
This moment might be my guide to find my way


