揺蕩う感情を詩に記す 6




美しい今を 永遠に生きる

蝶が飛び舞う この世界
そこに立ち尽くして 私は感じる
澄み渡る青空 柔らかな風
すべてが美しく 私を包み込む

不思議と自分が 満たされていることに気が付いた
今この瞬間にも 心に余裕が生まれていく
穏やかな気持ちに包まれ 今ここにいる自分が幸せだと思える
今、この瞬間の自分を 大切にしていたい

過去の痛みや 悲しみを抱え
孤独な夜を過ごしていた 立ち向かってきた
何度も壊れて 何度も傷ついて
傷を癒やしながら 歩いてきた道

幸せを願う必要も 追い求める必要もなく
気づけば 幸せは近くにある
自分自身を愛し 大切にすることで
幸せは 自分で生み出せる

心の奥にある 小さな幸せが
大きな満足感に 変わっていく
自分自身を受け入れ 信じることで
強く、美しく、自由に 生きられる

今抱いている豊かな気持ちを 大切にしよう
未来への道を 進んでいこう
これ以上は何も望まない それはどんな形でもいいのだ
この瞬間が永遠に続くようにと 願いを込める

Translate this poem into English
“Live forever in this beautiful moment”

In this world where butterflies dance, I stand still and feel
The clear blue sky and gentle breeze enveloping me in beauty
I realize strangely that I am filled, even in this moment
And my heart continues to grow spacious

Wrapped in peaceful feelings, I feel happy to be here
Valuing myself in this moment, despite carrying past pain and sorrow
I have faced loneliness and brokenness many times
But I have also healed my wounds and walked my own path

Without needing to chase or pursue happiness
I have come to realize that it is already close by
By loving and valuing myself, I can create my own happiness
And the small happiness in my heart can grow into great satisfaction

By accepting and believing in myself
I can live strongly, beautifully, and freely
Let us cherish the rich feelings we hold now
And continue on the path to the future, not asking for anything more

I wish for this moment to last forever, in any form

The rewritten poem in English by using Chat GPT

In a world where butterflies dance, I stand and feel
The clear blue sky and gentle breeze, a beauty so real
I am filled strangely, even in this moment fleeting
My heart expanding, a spacious feeling

Wrapped in peaceful feelings, I find happiness here
Valuing myself, even with past pain and fear
I faced loneliness, and brokenness too
But healed my wounds, walked my path anew

Happiness is not something I need chase or pursue
I realize now, it’s already close, a feeling so true
By loving and valuing myself, I can create my own bliss
And small joys can grow, into great satisfaction’s kiss

By accepting and believing in myself
I can live strongly, beautifully, and freely, no need for help
Cherishing this moment’s richness, I’ll forge ahead
With no more wants, for this moment is enough said

May this moment last forever, in any form
A wish to the universe, a feeling so warm.


